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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 16, 2005
Item A1

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Now, number a-1, consider and take appropriate action on request to approve and expedited delivery of two replacement vehicles for the office of the medical examiner. We discussed this at length during our budget hearing, and it basically was for the Commissioners court to formally request the people who prepare these vehicles to expedite the delivery of the van that we have already paid for and that I think that we have delivered and some were here in Travis County so the medical examiner can use it and on this one right here approve the immediate order of a second van. I think that's what we discussed, isn't it?
>> I believe it is, sir.
>> when that one arrives, they need to give it priority. This is one of those areas based on what we heard, it's a frightening situation. So quick action is necessary and -- from the court the motion really is to make it as much an exceptions it needs to be for expedited delivery of both much them.
>> judge, I think we needed a budget transfer into that account so they can send me a requisition to order it. I think that the money they had was budgeted for this fiscal year and we have received that van and t.n.r. Is getting it ready to put into operation, but they wanted another van and they didn't have the money. So if you want me to buy it this year, I need a budget transfer.
>> that's what the car reserve is for. We have at least 25,000 in there?
>> I believe so, judge. We'll verify that. If not, we'll bring it back to you from another reserve.
>> just a quick question. One of the things that came up during the discussion is there was using one source of vehicles and it's taken way longer and I won't get into that today, but in relation to this, are there other sources to get a van that meets the requirements, and did we have any sense of how long it will take to get delivery of said van?
>> let me tell you what I’ve been able to find out. Mike joyce with fleet management said that this vehicle that we ordered this past year and have that's here almost ready to be put into operation was the last one that he could get. And we did buy it off the houston-galveston council co-op. We are doing the research right now to see -- it looks like we can't get that exact same vans. These vans are really just cargo vans and they are modified for transport of cadavers so we're looking into it. And hopefully if we can find one out there we can get it within a couple of months. We're doing the research and trying to fiend out, you know, when we can get it, from who, how much and how quick.
>> as soon as we can. My guess is as long as we're proceeding as quickly as we can, they would appreciate that. And the one in-house, I hope we're talking of a matter of a day or two.
>> I think with the focus that it probably is getting done quickly.
>> and is it friendly to the motion to check on that and light a fire under that? Official fire lighter. Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. On that source of funding, if there is any issue, let us know and we'll stick it back on.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 10:52 AM