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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 2, 2005
Item 25

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25. Consider and take appropriate action on a plat for recording in precinct three: shady hollow gardens (short form plat - 2 lots - 35.552 acres - frate barker rd - no fiscal required - sewage service to be provided by the city of Austin - city of Austin e.t.j.
>> judge, the reason that I this one pulled off the consent, actually last week, it got rolled over to this week, is that once again we have a -- we have a plat coming that is going to have freight barker, a section of the roadway, that's pretty critical in terms of transportation issues off of brodie to say out loud that once again here is yet one more plat coming forward where it is going to take access off of a two-lane county road. I think there's a lot of accepts activity to this. I’m -- sensitivity to this. I am saying it out loud, we are continuing to have things be brought forward, they meet all requirements, so we can't stop them. You are saying out loud, we get it, maybe there's an issue here. Joe did have some language that he wants to add to the plat that kind of talks about some of this issue related to fiscal and he's given this to us on our desks and it says any necessary boundary street, freight barker fiscal, will be posted prior to the issuance of a development permit. That t.n.r. And the developer will sus and determine what -- will discuss and determine what fiscal is necessary for the impact on the arterial road system. They are going to have to triewght to the -- contribute to the ultimate solution. It is not a bye but one of yet 175? More units? Being added. 175 more units being added to the mix out there.
>> [indiscernible] resemblance of the freight barker --
>> this is the good freight banker, not the bad.
>> this is --
>> it's interesting.
>> but came before the Commissioners court, dealing with another type of situation, but we are still looking at the capacity. What I’m understanding this, this is the frontage area of frate barker, joe can you expound on that. We looked at something years ago when that came up before the Commissioner Daugherty. Sioners court.
>> what you are remembering is the section between brodie lane and state highway 45. This is the other end, brodie lane and manchaca road. That is still in the campo plan as an art teerl. The project for a bond program, what this fiscal note says on the plat is basically if there's additional fiscal that needs to be posted, by the development, they will -- they have agreed to do so prior to -- to the county issuing a development permit. So we will take another look at it, we will assess the impact of those 175 lots. If -- if what they have done already to the dedication of right-of-way and other contributions satisfies that, that impact, then there's no more needed. But if we find out that they are still having an impact behind that, we will ask for additional fiscal.
>> joe, do you want to make a motion or --
>> yeah. I will move that we -- that -- I mean, I am -- I hear what everybody -- I hear what Commissioner Sonleitner is saying and I mean the point being is that you know we have got, you know, overly stressed, there are a number of overly stressed roads in this community. And there continue to be overly stressed roads in this community, which is why it is more important and incumbent on us as a community, not just Travis County, but the other entities that really are in the business of making sure that we provide a necessary infrastructure for people to -- to get around I think that we all know that -- not to fight the old frate barker fight that seems to be over with at this stage. But we know that there are property owners, we know that there are people that are going to do with their property what is the highest and best use and so we are constantly going to be faced with these kind of issues and if we don't continue and I think be even more vigilant and aggressive with -- with doing what we know we need to be doing with building a comprehensive road system, you know, in this community, we are going to find these kind of projects, you know, really stressing areas that are already stressed. So I just I think that we need to bear that in mind, but I don't disagree that everybody needs to understand exactly what this is going to cause out there to two roads. You have either got to get out on manchaca or brodie and both of those are pretty tough right now. You know, given that -- that we are being held back by s.o.s. And the environmental, the hard line environmental community to not be able to get -- hide behind building 45 southwest is absolutely ridiculous. But as long as these kind of things are going to happen to us in this community, in this community, I think we are going to be, you know, looking at this sort of a tough situation down the road. So anyway I move approval.
>> judge, I will second it and if we can just have for the purpose of melissa that there has been a note had added to the plat that that language goes there. I have to get a copy to her.
>> [indiscernible]
>> just make sure that people know that we took note of that and got an added note to plat.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you very much.
>> thanks, judge.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, August 2, 2005 10:01 AM