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Travis County Commissioners Court

July 19, 2005

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Let's call to order the capital and capital health facilities development corporation, one item coming to all three corporations. The half time employee to assist the corporation manager in addressing an increased workload including home programs compliance audits, grant preparations, research 7 projects, administration of housing programs and other urgent corporations needs and to gain necessary training and expertise to replace home buyer assistance consultant. Good afternoon, I知 harvey Davis, manager for the corporations, here with leroy nellis, the budget manager. As you recall, six years ago, our departments reorganized and -- in which mary mays became the investment manager and the assistant manager for the corporation. I became the manager for the corporation. And the assistant investment manager. In agenda item is to request funding for a permanent part-time employee to assess us in the corporation's work. I have listed in the agenda backup the duties of the corporation. I will add that a couple of -- of -- of one -- wanted to point out that -- that Travis County may become a participating jurisdiction in the near future. A -- which is called a pej, a pej would receive h.u.d. Housing funds directly. And this would -- this would -- this would involve managing several housing programs and -- and require a lot more expertise in the corporation. On the home buyer assistance program, I do want to lead in the direction of managing that program in house rather than having a consultant, I think we could do a -- a better job of managing it, have better quality control over that program. And the -- the -- the amount that we're asking for is -- is this -- this would be $30,558, which is a -- which is a financial analyst division pay grade 18.
>> [indiscernible] plus benefits?
>> that's right. Yes. And the corporation would pick up the tab? Pretty much as they pay yours?
>> yes. We -- the corporations have a contract with -- with Travis County, and this -- we would -- if the board approves this, we would -- we would have an addendum to this contract.
>> you brought a little backup today in the person of your immediate supervisor, mr. Nells.
>> I wanted to say it's been obvious over the last several years. That the -- that the cash investment management functions have increased and basically what has happened is when shifted a lot of the duties that mary mays was doing with the corporation such as proofing all of the minutes. Briefing all of the -- proofing all of the financial statements. We actually moved that from mary so that she could do the cash investment management to myself. So I do all of the review and everything for all of the corporations, all of the financial statements. As the hospital district come on board, mary mays and her part-time person are doing the cash investment management. And they have less time to do the critical audits. I know that -- that harvey reports to you weekly on the audits, what that does is it ensures that the low income tenants are guaranteed what was presented as a requirement from the bonds. And I know -- I guess five years ago when the audits first started. Harvey started doing them, we found a lot of non-compliance. I think we have to continue that audit and I -- I have noticed as I have reviewed the minutes of the corporations and I know that you see them each week, they have been getting a little bit behind.
>> [one moment please for change in captioners]
>> ...if we don't do it right, I think we could well lose taxpayers some benefits that we ought to get and have gotten through the corporation.
>> questions, though?
>> when do you think that we will become -- [indiscernible]
>> I -- well, I -- I think in -- I would, you know, I --
>> within a year?
>> I知 a little hard pressed to put a date, but I would think it would be a good possibility within a year.
>> okay.
>> I do know that there has been a receipt of a letter that we might -- that the county might start receiving community development block grant funds, sorted of a first step toward that process.
>> [inaudible - no mic]
>> to my knowledge, the -- the h.u.d. Will -- will notify you. So they -- they take the initiative.
>> they come to -- the -- that's the one that contacted me, right?
>> yes, sir.
>> they telephoned me, I -- I expressed the county's eagerness and they said they would get back with me basically, I asked when, I think he said August to September. Apparently the paperwork comes from what, washington d.c. Through san antonio to us.
>> right.
>> and --
>> but to begin that process, there's -- you know, we have to do housing needs assessment, so there's -- there's a fair amount of work, which we are -- which we are happy to do if -- if you want us to.
>> reports that have to be turned in as a result?
>> judge, I second the motion.
>> that's my motion.
>> to approve the request.
>> [indiscernible] description or --
>> I think at some point we need to in the coming session, also, mr. Davis, did not want to be presumptuous.
>> absolutely not, we would come back with barbara's help with the contract amendment, this would process start in the new budget year. Okay. Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> and thank you very much.
>> thank you all.
>> thank you.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote, too. Now let's call to order the Travis County health facilities development corporation. 1 is the same as the one for the other corporation, this is for this corporation's piece.
>> yes.
>> of this person, so I move approval.
>> second.
>> compensation on a pro rata basis.
>> right.
>> same half --
>> same half person.
>> yes. Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Most of that person's salary will probably come from the housing finance corporation because that's where the work is, right?
>> that's right.
>> number two to consider and take appropriate action on request to join the national council of health facilities finance authorities.
>> and this organization represents health authorities, I talked to the executive director and he -- he explained to me that most of the issuesers of health bonds are done through state authorities in Texas. That Texas permits local health facilities development corporations, so there's -- in Texas a lot of health corporations. And they did not have any -- in their membership they don't have representation from Texas. In his letter they said that they are -- they are currently in such good financial position that they are waiving all dues and for that reason I知 recommending that we join the organization since there's no cost. I did include a little bit of information in their newsletter, which was a very good article talking about bank qualified tax exempt obligations, which we've had some involvement with. And you know I found that article to be useful and so perhaps this -- this membership would be of use. I知 not sure in future years we would recommend if we have to become dues paying members.
>> would it be in your name or the corporation's name.
>> corporation's name, I assume.
>> you will be the point person?
>> yes.
>> [indiscernible]
>> this is not the -- not the harvey Davis resume padding. Item. Some may wonder about.
>> right. [laughter]
>> this is the good government rule.
>> it's good government. Absolutely. I知 -- I知 here to say -- stay, I知 not trying to pad my resume.
>> if we sign up on this, even though it's a free membership, I understand that there is a new orleans mechanic that probably will not be free, so even though we'll have a free membership, somebody is probably going to want to go to new orleans, right?
>> I have no plans to ask to go to new orleans. Any more relevant questions? Move approval. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> move adjourn.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes unanimously, too. We do not need the northwest Travis County road district no.3 as there are no claims, no investments.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 11:18 AM