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Travis County Commissioners Court

July 19, 2005
Executive Session Items

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That brings us to executive session, you'll. There is an added item. Is that executive session too? Yes, it is. Now, we need to take 9-b up in executive session under the personnel matters exception. That is non-routine salary adjustment for criminal justice planning and emergency services coordinators. There is one quick question I need to ask the rest of the court. It's a strategy that makes sense to me and the court needs to know about it. And tom, on the subdivision item, do you have a chance to give us your initial feedback to the lack of authority challenge made this morning?
>> sure. If that's your pleasure.
>> what item is that, y'all?
>> 21.
>> item 21, receive briefing on interim rules on water quality, the environment, and procedures for review of applications submitted under chapter 82, Travis County code standards for construction of streets and drainage in subdivisions. That will be under the consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act. To those posted for executive session, 31, receive briefing and take appropriate action in Travis County versus dower, cause number 2544, consultation with attorney. 32, receive briefing from the county attorney in Travis County, et al. Versus defendants unknown. Milton ray kulwell resale deed, and take appropriate action. Consultation with attorney. 33, receive briefing from the county attorney in Travis County versus william b. Cotton, tracy nelson resale deed, and take appropriate action. Consultation with attorney exception. 34, receive briefing from the county attorney in Travis County, et al., versus cost pearson, john michael pope, andrew j. Marye, and william cory resale deed and take appropriate action. That's the consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act. 35, receive briefing from the county attorney in Travis County, et al., versus ricky and nell math thinks, tkpwhror gentleman guzman, carlos molina resale deed, and take appropriate action. Consultation with attorney exception. 36, receive briefing in Travis County versus trevino and take appropriate action. Consultation with attorney. 37, receive briefing from the county attorney in Travis County versus crazy horse land corporation. Louie hausman resale deed, and take appropriate action. Consultation with attorney. 37, receive briefing and take appropriate action regarding Travis County precinct 2 constable office employee slot 7. We can pass on -- that's 38. Consultation with attorney and personnel exceptions to the open meetings act. 39 we do not need. We'll pass on that one. Have it back on next week.
>> sure.
>> that will be July 26th. That's number 39. That's the matter involving the magna-flow matter. 40, receive legal advice and take appropriate action on issues relating to the Travis County economic development program policy and/or tax abatement policy. Consultation with attorney exception. We do not need -- we should take 41 after 40 and I don't see us doing all the work on 40 today. That's the consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act. There is a-1 in executive session, receive legal briefing on recent court decision, court ruling regarding regional mobility authorities and related issues and take appropriate action. Consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act. We will discuss these matters in executive session, but will return to open court before taking any action.

we have returned from executive session where after a very long discussion we are ready to move on the following items. Number 31 involving claims from tenants at our farmers market. Commissioner Sonleitner?
>> judge, I would move that we would be amenable a 200-dollar claim that was presented to us by dog almighty, which is tied to an outside gas regulator, and that in relation to the brentwood tap vuj ksz thawb gowltion -- ta vern, they will need to get us a breakout number related to the outdoor gas line. But with the exception of those two claims, all the rest would be rejected because unfortunately the lease makes it clear that things were done in an as-is condition and we're taking responsibility for things that are related to outside of premises related to utilities.
>> so the applicant claims to present those to mr. Ryland, the manager?
>> we heartily recommend that would be the next place to go to.
>> second in.
>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> john, was that clear enough? Because it was like a combined item related to the gas lines?
>> if they do come back with a number, you still want releases signed and authorizing the judge to sign those?
>> that would be a friendly. That's friendly.
>> that's after the vote. Do we need that included in the motion?
>> that would be helpful to me. Can you just amend your motion -- you've already voted, haven't you?
>> move that we reconsider the motion?
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> and I would add to the motion that we just made prior to that that we are seeking releases related to the two claims we are willing to pay and that the judge be authorized to sign this release.
>> you have all the previous motion?
>> second.
>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 32 involving the claim from nero alvarado for a refund of his deposit at the exposition center. Move that we notify the man that his claim has been rejected.
>> second.
>> and I will -- we ask staff I guess to give the reasons that -- lisa, would this be covered by your office? I will do it then. And indicate the reasons that we covered in executive session. Seconded by Commissioner Davis. Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 33 involving issues with the city of Austin regarding our central booking interlocal.
>> I would move that we tell the city that we are willing to extend the contract with the notion that we are going to find and determine what the fees will be to continue the interlocal agreement. And that we will pass that along to them. We also would be willing to work that in a -- with a true of consideration, if that be the case. And if we are due money, they pay us. And if they are due money, we pay them.
>> we would continue to work on the cost model that our staff and city staff have been negotiating for the last six to 10 weeks?
>> absolutely.
>> any discussion? Is that friendly to Commissioner Gomez? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> 34 we'll have it back on the agenda next week, but any directions today?
>> no. If you could give my office, along with tnr, one more week, we will run a couple more traps on that and bring it back to you and let you know what we find out.
>> we'll have it back on next week. 35 involves an opportunity to lease and/or purchase real estate in south central Texas -- south central Austin. We are broad minded. Move that we authorize the county judge to sign the lease purchase agreement that has been prepared for us by staff, and our understanding is that that lease does contain an option to purchase at the appropriate time in the future. The motion also contains authorization to expend funds for the first month's rent, and the $100 for the purchase option, for a total of $16,020.28, which is due in about 14 days. From the day we sign the agreement. Okay. And that's the motion.
>> second.
>> any discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. And we do thank our county staff for -- and consultant for working with us on this matter so diligently over the past few weeks. To get to where we are today.
>> move adjourn.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes unanimously.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 11:18 AM