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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 28, 2005
Item 41

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Number 41 is to receive briefing and take appropriate action regarding the prohibition of outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Travis County.
>> good morning. Pete baldwin, the emergency management coordinator for Travis County. This request for the agenda item request was placed upon after numerous conversations with our fire departments and also after looking at some of our long-range forecasts that we've got out there right now. And also current fuel conditions. As of today, i've received replies back from 11 of the 13 e.s.d., the fire chiefs out there, all in support of the outdoor burning ban. Our current fuel conditions are well above the 500 bench mark that we have set for our kbdi. In fact as of yesterday we were running at 532 and climbing steadily. If you remember in the we'll be right backup memo I sent Thursday we were at 504. These conditions are exacerbated by the dry, hot, windy weather. Our long-range forecasts don't give us any hope for significant rain in the next eight to ten days. It is with that background that we recommend that we institute an outdoor burning ban for the unincorporated area beginning today and running for 30 days, actually jim, is it 31 days? I put it -- I tried to do it like you like to do it, one day behind. And then ask that this would be a weekly item so in the event that we do get something that changes our mind.
>> if we approve the order, it would expire on July 27th.
>> yes, sir.
>> 2005. Can you just describe briefly exactly what outdoor burning in unincorporated areas is prohibited?
>> yes, sir. The actual language in the order itself states that a person violates this order if they burn any combustible material outside of enclosure which serves to contain all flames and/or sparks. Primarily what we're looking at this will impact ground fires, this will impact camp fires, those types of things, brush clearing activities. It does not impact barbecue grills or pits. Those are enclosed and designed to contain the sparks and flames.
>> well, combustible material really is --
>> anything that will burn. We don't want trash burning out piled up and brush burning, those types of activity are the ones that usually cause us the most problems.
>> what happens with the fireworks?
>> this order does not impact fireworks. The order banning aerial devices had to be in place by June 15th, and it only addresses two aerial devices and those are stick rockets and missiles with fins. Even if we had it in place, it would only impact those two items, and we do not have that. So it does not impact the fireworks sales.
>> but in view of our very, very dry conditions and windy conditions, our advice to those who use fireworks is to be --
>> we will be putting out some media releases and working with the rest of the e.s.d.s and the Texas forest service to get that word out that we are very dry and fireworks can cause and have caused fires out in the county and asking people to be safe with their fireworks, use common sense. And if all possible refrain from it and go to some of the professional shows that are put on just to try to keep our countryside in safe hands.
>> so how do you -- I’m sorry. Go ahead, Commissioner.
>> I’m out in a rural area, unincorporated area of Travis County. Let's say that I’m going to burn some trash. How would that person know about what we're going to do here today as far as taking action? Is there a number or something they call? Because every year we get calls, I know, and we kind of have to refer them. What is the latest on the burn ban. What do we do to address those kind of persons that are maybe looking at having brush piles burn and other types of combustible activity on their property, how do they get the word that what we're doing here today is to prohibit that type of burning activity?
>> all right, sir, we will address that through media awareness immediately if this is passed. Also they can contact their local fire departments. They will have copies of the order. They can explain that to them. Or if they like, they can call our fire marshal's office and get information on it also. And that number is 854-4621.
>> 854 --
>> 4621. That's the fire marshal's office that is answered there. We can provide information to them from there, or like I said, they can contact their local fire department because they will have this information also.
>> those that are in violation of the ban, unknowingly or knowingly --
>> it is a class c misdemeanor punishable by fine. However, in years past we have done these, the fines and tickets don't start immediately. Those are usually reserved for those repeat offenders, the ones who want to ignore it. If they get a call and go out and explain they are under an outdoor burning ban, put the fire out and that's usually it. It's not a run out and find the first smoke and start writing tickets. We try to do that part as an education.
>> okay. Thank you.
>> yes, sir.
>> so pete, when you read the order prohibiting outdoor burning --
>> yes, sir.
>> -- and now therefore it is ordered, you know, about the third paragraph, number 1, actions prohibited, and you go to b, a person violates this order if he or she engage necessary an activity outdoors which could allow flames or sparks that could result in a fire unless done in an enclosed designed to protect the spread of fire or order such activities by others. I mean fireworks -- I realize that we have a problem on our hands, we've got all these fireworks stands up and selling all of these things and we probably don't have the ability to go out and enforce something even if we were to do this. But I mean a piece of firework, whether it's got wings or whatever on it, I mean a firecracker, I mean, is a -- you know, is combustion. You've got to light it somehow. Literally if I were to read this, I would think we're going to have to do something with fireworks.
>> I’m going to ask jim to explain that. He was the one that helped --
>> Commissioner, the legislator chose to deal with the issue of outdoor burning in one section of local government code, and the issue of fireworks and what fireworks may be restricted and under what circumstances in another section entirely.
>> okay.
>> and so even though you make a very good point that it's obvious to all of us that the use of fireworks is something that causes sparks and which can and does cause fires, arguably by putting that into a separate section, the legislator intended to deal with it elsewhere in the law and not in this section dealing with outdoor burning.
>> okay.
>> but still we need to start a public relations information effort to get out the word that fireworks are especially dangerous this time of year because of dry conditions, windy conditions.
>> yes, sir. Very much so.
>> and users really ought to be extremely careful.
>> they should use extreme caution when conducting any type of activity, especially things that leave their premises.
>> okay. We'll post this weekly so if conditions change we'll be able to terminate the order, but it's in place through July 27th otherwise.
>> right.
>> move approval of the recommended order prohibiting outdoor burning in unincorporated areas.
>> second.
>> any discussion of the motion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> thank you.
>> thank you very much, pete.
>> thank you, pete.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 5:23 PM