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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 21, 2005
Item 3

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3. Approve proclamation honoring the Pflugerville volunteer fire department (now esd no. 2) for 50 years of service to the Pflugerville community. And Travis County residents.
>> thank you, judge. Some familiar faces will be coming up, [indiscernible], who used to be one of my esd Commissioners, but now has a job with the district. You will make the introduction, please, of your third person. You all sit down, get comfy. I would like to read the proclamation. Whereas before there was a formal fire department in Pflugerville, the local merchants took care of business by keeping fire buckets under the porch of ssteggar's store, the volunteer fierm department was formally chartered in 1955, that group of concerned citizens collected the sum of $4,000 in donations to purchase the first fire truck. Whereas in 1985, volunteer firefighters led the effort to form a rural fire prevention district and it was voted to convert over to an emergency services district. Travis County esd number 2 continues today as a leader in the county and provides public safety and protection to approximately 100 square miles northeast Travis County, included in the area are the city of Pflugerville, wells branch municipal utility district, the north town m.u.d. And many suburban neighborhoods as well as a large farming community. Additionally the district has mutual aid agreements with most area fire departments, including the city of Austin serving an estimated population of 65,000. Whereas today the Pflugerville fire department is a charter organization for an explorer post that provides a focus of wholesome activity and training for youth in the area. And whereas the district employs a staff of 45 uniformed firefighters, two inspectors, three senior officers and two administrative support personnel. The district has a great responsibility providing fire suppression, fire prevention and first response emergency medical care in this large area. There are four modern fire stations that are staffed 24 hours a day and house the district's fleet of firefighting apparatus and training equipment. The district uses the latest fire suppression technology of compressed air foam systems, cafs. Now therefore be it resolved that we the Travis County Commissioners court do hereby congratulate the Pflugerville volunteer fire department and emergency services district number 2 on its 50 years of service to Pflugerville and northeast Travis County. I would move approval.
>> second.
>> good morning.
>> good morning, judge.
>> you have been -- been here all the time, even after 50 years of service.
>> 50 is a big year for me this year. Hey, chief.
>> judge and Commissioners, thank you for recognizing the efforts a lot of people in our community to protect our citizens. We think that it's a very special time for our organization because we continue to see growth and know that we are going to be there for at least another 50 years. Sometimes I think that I saw the first part of the 50 years, but not quite. But there's been a lot of hard work and a lot of work that will continue to be done. We certainly appreciate the support that we have received in this Commissioners court and all of the citizens that have backed us. To my right is john grasshoff chief of staff services for the district today. To my left, david rodriguez one of our very valued firefighters from on the line and hiding in the back of the room, chief of operations, jimmy mullis.
>> jimmy!
>> at any rate, once again, to the to take up your valuable time, thank you for the recognition. This Saturday we are going to have a birthday party. We are not much for pomp and circumstance, so it's kind of an informal thing. There will be some music, some hot dogs and a lot of good fun to be had. So from 10:00 to 2:00 we will be reopening pfluger hall, the community center that was built by the fire department in conjunction with some of the founding members of the community, so it looks to be a good time and the public is welcome to join us, thank you.
>> as we say thank you to the department, chief mullenberg has been associated with this department, i'll just say for more than half of that time. I won't make you say the exact number. But he is as much of an institution out in Pflugerville and we owe him a huge debt of gratitude, one of our finest chiefs in the area. Congratulations.
>> thank you. [ applause ] all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 21, 2005 7:51 PM