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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 31, 2005
Item 8

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>> ...i know that stacy wilson is here, the attorney for the hospital district, and she has been researching processes for appointment or reappointment and so she may be able to speak to whatever the court might have questions about regarding this process. Certainly we can use the process that was put in place by the transition committee last year which was an application process whereby interested citizens completed an application that was then reviewed by a committee of both the court and staff. There was an interview process that we conducted with the court, and at that time -- at the completion of the interview process, the court made its selection. So that was the process that we engaged in last year at this time.
>> well, any decision that the court lands on today with this particular appointment process, how -- let me ask this question. Has the city of Austin, since they also made appointments, would they be impacted or would there be a separate process as far as how we do it and then how they do it?
>> it's a separate process.
>> it's a separate process. Do you know whether or not the city of Austin has come up with any parameters or criteria as far as their particular appointment process?
>> not that I’m aware of. I know the c.e.o. For the hospital district has been speaking with them, but they have not developed a process at this point.
>> any member of the court interested in being on a subcommittee, on a county committee that would include the county attorney's office, ms. Fleming and a member of the court unless two members volunteer? My recommendation would be that we basically discuss applicable legal issues, public policy considerations, and what the city of Austin has in mind and then come back to the court either with a recommendation or options in writing so we have a chance to review those before we e to court.
>> legally there is nothing out there that prohibit the current appointee from serving another term. The only thing you are required, if you appoint one member, any member of the court may make a nomination pursuant to the rules you've adopted in the Travis County code. It is pretty much at your discretion how you want to fashion this particular appointment.
>> [inaudible] has been on the job almost -- coming up on one year. Is he the one and only one slot that we've got up at this time because they are going to staggered appointments. Judge, I’m happy to serve on that committee. We've got until July 31st; is that correct?
>> that's correct.
>> and it seems like we ought to have a process for reappointment, and if not you have the backup of plan of okay, so how do you handle somebody new.
>> if we don't plan to invite other applications, if we don't plan to seriously consider them, I wouldn't advise it. So we have one and the city has one.
>> that's correct.
>> if possible, it would be helpful for us to do the same thing.
>> we can check.
>> unless we think there is something basically wrong with the approach that I recommend. Any other members of the court wish to go serve or is one member fine?
>> I think it should work.
>> I take that in the form of the motion. And the assistant county attorney working on it. What's your last name?
>> wilson.
>> ms. Fleming and ms. Sonleitner, Commissioner Sonleitner, as a committee for the Commissioners court to look into this matter and come back to us with either a recommendation or options. And if we're going out, we need this to be fairly soon. Meaning if we plan to solicit.
>> there are issues beyond that. I’m ready to do with mr. Hydrick, but it seems we ought to have a process on how we handle reappointment.
>> any more discussion of the motion? Fall in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you all.


The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 1, 2005 9:29 AM