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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 17, 2005
Item 17

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Let's take up 17, which is consider and take appropriate action on staff update on membership of the citizens advisory committee on elected officials' salaries and the filling of vacancies.
>> good afternoon.
>> good afternoon.
>> I just passed out and you all are passing down a list -- an updated list of the members of the citizens advisory committee on elected officials' salaries that have contacted, they have gone ahead and said yes, they would be happy to participate over the summer and work on reviewing elected officials' salaries for constables and district clerk's office. That included dr. Springsteen of concordia, greg powell, maxine barkin, former president of league of women voters. Mr. Bill king and henry johnson, former grand jury for men. Mr. James logan, a representative of public and party chair. Mr. Walter timberlake, a representative of the democratic party chair and ms. Lydia grass who is a represent I have of the chamber of commerce. The other two pending folks' academia and former grand jury foremen I have not heard back from. They were both folks appointed two years ago and the committee was never reconvened so they've never met with the ket. We might not be able to get them. Then the three vacant positions which were the two former county elected officials and the current elected officials.
>> these categories required by law?
>> no, it's your policy. As this this group is a really good group. Most of them have worked together before. They know the process. They know what the Commissioners court is trying to do. I would recommend that we move forward with this group now and then try to fill the rest of the vacancies for the fall.
>> well, if we had two former grand jury foremen, do we need a third?
>> it's just part of the -- of your original policy on this. I don't think we need it. We've worked with only two in the past.
>> that leaves one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Eight members of the committee?
>> eight is good.
>> if we try to get one more and make that an odd number. Why don't you try to get one more from either former elected official category or current elected official or academia.
>> okay.
>> first one filled? [inaudible].
>> former elected official, but I won't say the name because this person may kill me. They are back in town. And might consider that.
>> why don't you all check.
>> okay.
>> I would say the first one we get, we proceed, we'll have nine.
>> so I can go ahead --
>> proceed without that nine, that's appropriate.
>> so I can go ahead and start beating the bushes looking for people, talk to Commissioner Sonleitner about her one person. Okay. Sounds great.
>> if she's recommended by Commissioner Sonleitner, I’m sure it's a fine candidate.
>> I don't want to speak for this person, but they would be excellent if they said yes.
>> we'll put it back on when it's needed. You will let us know.
>> yes, it will be a few weeks.


The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 7:54 AM