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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 10, 2005
Item 6

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6. Consider and take appropriate action on the following requests: a. A dedication plaque for the Travis County precinct three office buildings at oak hill; and b. A date for the dedication ceremony for the Travis County precinct three office buildings at oak hill. And the recommended date is June 3rd at 4:00 p.m. What day of the week is that?
>> it's a Friday, judge.
>> Friday, June 3rd at 4:00 p.m. It's what is recommended. We do have a copy of the plaque in the background. Any corrections, suggestions, regarding the recommended plaque?
>> one -- one that caught me, judge, minor, but we have got ms. Wells spears under precinct 3. Ms. Spears works for all of Travis County. She is not a precinct 3 official. So I remember that we did this before up at Pflugerville, figuring out a way that had to separate her out in a different way. This is under a big gigantic header that somehow she is the precinct 3 tax assessor collector --
>> move Travis County above --
>> there you go, have her be the first person under Travis County.
>> administrative operations, et cetera.
>> is that what sherri would like her name to be, full three names, that's what she wants?
>> that's my understanding.
>> okay, I知 just --
>> i'll double check with her. That the people that are on here that -- they reviewed the information.
>> did you all catch the first recommendation.
>> yes, on mrs. Spears.
>> yes. Under Travis County. Just move Travis County up.
>> move Travis County up, then ms. Spears would be the first listing under Travis County.
>> I see. Okay. Sure.
>> great.
>> that works.
>> check with ms. Flemming about her name.
>> we will double check that.
>> just double check, that.
>> if we have not done so already.
>> yes, sir.
>> any other suggestions? Judge, just so everybody knows I mean we are planning a -- a -- a pretty nice little event for that day I mean where oak hill is going to be really involved and everything is going along, I will make sure that everybody gets their invitations so we can make sure we get that posted.
>> sure.
>> to show up because it's really quite a facility out there. I mean, roger has done a great job with pulling that thing together so I mean we are looking forward to -- to making that a special day for -- for all of that.
>> I was a little surprised because I had gotten appropriately fussed at in terms of how we pick dates, et cetera. And I was just flat out told that this was the date. It hadn't gone through court and in fact had to send a note to the constable and j.p. To say I知 sorry that day just doesn't work for me, I知 going to be out of up to. But it was told to me that was the date as opposed to the submitted to court for approval, you know, having been on the other end there of appropriately being fussed at, no, you take it to court and get permission to do all of these things, I was a little taken aback by that.
>> well, sorry if I dropped that -- I didn't know what the procedure was. I mean to do that. But, I mean, I guess if we need to run those kind of things by everybody to make sure that dates, you know, are fine, I mean, i'll --
>> I知 not sure that the constable knew that was the date until he was told the date.
>> well, I guess they can call and fuss at me or give me guidance as to how they want to do that. But i'll contact constable's office and see if they would like to fuss at me a little.
>> and the date is Friday, June 3rd, 2005. At 4:00 p.m. And it's what -- what we have is -- if you wanted to send an invite to those people in those surrounding neighborhoods.
>> let me ask this: should we -- should we hold off because I think that there probably is still time to -- I mean if we need to alter the 3rd and not do date specific? To that?
>> I think really the biggest customers that need to be checked off on quite frankly are the constable, the j.p. And ms. Spears since they are the -- the attendant people here. And our Travis County folks.
>> and Travis County Commissioners court. The process usually that the way it's done is we work with the Commissioner, set a date, we call the individuals that need to be there, and make sure that they are -- that they are going to have availability on that date. If that is not the case, then, yes, we would look at resetting it. All of the court members and the people who are going to office at the building.
>> well, then why don't we take b off and let me run this by, you know, all of the necessary folks and we need to get back next week for a time specific and get it signed off on, I知 happy to do that.
>> yeah.
>> if it's -- let's just hold off on that. We will have b on next week. May 17th.
>> I move that we -- we accept a.
>> with the changes --
>> with the changes made. B next week.
>> second.
>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> thank you.
>> so we will touch base with the appropriate folks between now and then.
>> richard is really the one that you need to check in with.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 8:12 AM