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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 10, 2005
Item 1

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1. Approve proclamation recognizing the may 18, 2005 gardner-betts art auction and ongoing lead sponsorship by the real estate council of Austin.
>> [indiscernible] Margaret why don't you also join at the table, judge muir. Kind of hang around. We have a very special event fixing to come up, we thought this would be a very good way to not only recognize it, but to recognize some of the artists who are involved. It has to do with the gardner-betts art auction. We have staff with some wonderful art work that we are going to be able to see in just a few minutes that will be for sale. I will read the proclamation.
>> of. Whereas the aroundul gardner-betts art auction raises money for juveniles in residence, the art music classes are enrichment components of the Travis County probation department's leadership academy, which is a nationally recognized amount active sentencing, the project began in 1996 with a small grant from the Texas fine arts commission. When the grant money ran out, community outreach partners with the city of Austin will helped to raise money for the program. Whereas the enrichment program is now entirely funded through sponsorships and sales of art work, thanks to the leadership role in the annual gardner-betts art auction, all dollars raised are redirected back into thement break. Whereas more than 70 framed paintings will be on exhibit, on may 18th, 2005, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. At the san jacinto office tower lobby at 98 san jacinto in downtown Austin, now therefore be it resolved that the Travis County Commissioners court does hereby encourage the community to support the work of the students at gardner-betts by attending the silent auction and purchasing the art work, and the court thanks the real estate council of Austin for its continuing involvement and sponsorship of Travis County's leadership academy and its art and music programs.
>> good morning.
>> good morning.
>> janice, to start.
>> thank you so much for allowing us to be here today. It's really our pleasure as the real estate council of Austin to be a part of this activity. Ince i've been with the real estate council for five years, it's been one of the highlights of our year every year. To see the kind of art that comes from this program is so surprising to me, personally, because I can't imagine being given a piece of canvas and art supplies and say draw something and have anything that anyone would want to buy and as you can see from the two pieces of art that we brought today, they are really great. The art is already up in the san jacinto center, we are already getting bids on the art. And so far our armadillo has been bid at $200. So the more money we raise, the more money we can funnel back into the program. I can't tell you what a -- how wonderful it is to work with the staff at the juvenile justice system, I知 sorry, judge medina, Margaret owens, of course judge muir. It's just -- it's so important to what we are able to accomplish and I知 very proud of it. And I am honored that you chose to recognize our contribution. Thank you so much.
>> thank you.
>> thank you.
>> Margaret, or the judge, I think we have an artist, a couple of artists here if you can make some introductions. 7.
>> good morning, judge.
>> good morning.
>> and Commissioners. We thank you for this opportunity to come before you today because this is a very exciting time for us, this is our 11th year with the silent auction and this year we will be adding a new component of the photography, so we are very proud that the program is expanding from year to year. The real estate council has been a strong supporters and we are so appreciative of their contribution not only to the kids but to the entire community. We do have two young people who have been participants in the program this year and we would like to acknowledge them. We are going to have them introduce themselves by first name only and then talk a little bit about their experience as part of the art enrichment program.
>> hi, I知 [indiscernible] and i've been in the program for like almost a year now and our teacher, ms. Jackson, like this painting to the left, we basically do like underpaintings, we do projects that really helps us like express ourselves and we love painting. Ms. Jackson, she really takes her time with us, she shows us like step by step and -- like how to do the paintings and the techniques for the underpaintings and this is an example of an underpainting, the armadillo, which is basically you paint the canvas red first and then you go over it with different colors, different colors each time that you paint and you make your own -- you are painting like water and then you paint over the colors so you can see through the other colors. And most of my peers and I we love doing this technique on our paint,. We really enjoy art a lot because it's the way we express ourselves.
>> that's great, thank you.
>> it's beautiful.
>> I知 julius, I was in the program for about a year and a half right now. We usually do the parents every Saturday, it was something that helped us like she said it helped us express our feelings because, you know, you don't get to see your parents all the time, you are not with them all the time. We have that frustration. We have this art, I don't know, just a good way to express yourself. Sometimes I just close my eyes, I just see what I can make up and comes out pretty good. It helps me to get my feelings out there. Sometimes hems boy to express theirselveses, helped me. This program taught me a lot of techniques, but this is another technique helped me every Saturday. The art teacher showed us a lot of techniques. My family was very proud of me, they didn't know that I was having this kind of talent when I was at home. I find a pile of things that I can do here, this is one of the things that I recommend we keep this program because I liked it, I知 sure my other peers they would do it every Saturday. People coming behind us, I think they will join us, too.
>> share information.
>> very good.
>> one of the other cool things is that we can make sure that these paintings that the young people do are framed like it is a professional piece of art. Which it is. And it really is an all inclusive thing. I知 really happy. I have five of them now. Dusty knight I知 glad to see that you are here, I have three of them on exhibit up at the tax office up in Pflugerville. They had blank walls, three of the artists are on display permanently up in Pflugerville. So that people can see their work. Every day. Coming into the county office up in my office as well.
>> very good.
>> the money goes right back into the program to sustain it?
>> yes.
>> uh-huh.
>> well, good luck to both of y'all.
>> thank you, sir.
>> glad to get the good news.
>> did you want to add anything?
>> only that I want to thank the Commissioners court, judge Biscoe, all of the members and not only for your support, but for acknowledging the real estate council of Austin. Very much been an incredible partner with us, not only in this particular program, but they have supported us in many, many ways. It allows us not only to have this program, but it allows us to outreach to the community to help them understand that these are our children and that this is the way that we can assist our children in becoming better citizens and asking these young people, not only to use their talents and discover themselves, but discover that they can be very beneficial and productive young citizens and take those talents and promote it to their other young peers. I want to thank you for all of your support throughout the years and the real estate council of Austin because without you we can't have done this. We have taken a baby step, we are going to keep taking them because every one of them makes a big difference. Thank you all very much.
>> quick reminder, next Wednesday, a week from tomorrow on the 18th from 5:30 to 7:30, san jacinto tower, the big office tower right next door to the four seasons.
>> look forward to seeing you there.
>> last opportunity, ma'am.
>> something to say?
>> everything has been said, thank you.
>> you will have to wait to get the proclamation.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote with Commissioner Davis absent for the entire meeting.


The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 1:43 PM