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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 3, 2005
Item 4

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4. Approve resolution recognizing the month of may 2005 as "mental health month" in Travis County.
>> I read it. Whereas mental health is essential to everyone's overall physical health and mental well-being, whereas mental health will strike one in five children every year in regards to -- regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or economic status, whereas people who have mental illnesses can recover and lead full productive lives, whereas an estimated two-thirds of adults and young people who have mental health disorders are not receiving the help they need; whereas community based culturally competent family driven supports and services that respond to individuals and family needs are cost effective. And beneficial to consumers and the community. Whereas mental health month each may helps to raise awareness and understanding of mental health and mental illness, whereas Travis County health and human services and veterans services continues to support the development and implementation of the Travis County systems of care, to ensure children, adults and families have access to the services and supports they need, now therefore be it resolved that we the members of the Travis County Commissioners court do hereby proclaim the month of may as mental health month in Travis County and call upon citizens, government agencies, public and private institutions businesses and schools in Travis County to recommit our community to increasing awareness and understanding of meat and the need for -- of mental health and appropriate needs and services for people who have mental health problems.
>> sherri flemming health and human services of Travis County. I would like to thank the court this morning for its continued support and commitment to mental health services in this community. I think that this court has consistently prioritized a partnership with the mental health community and families who are faced with these challenges in our community to recognize consistently that working together makes for much better not only family outcomes but imhiewnt outcomes -- but community outcomes. With that said I have joining me today our children's mental health team, the children's partnership, I think they have an invitation for you today.
>> [indiscernible] children's partnership. Just to remind that you tomorrow is summit day. We will have a state proclamation for summit day, summit day our topic is caring, communities caring for children together. So our partners, our stakeholders, family members, friends, providers, will be joining us at the capitol from 10:30 for 11:30 tomorrow in support of children's mental health. We would hope that you can join us, please.
>> very good.
>> who is with us today?
>> any name is deborah elkins, a lead parent with the children's partnership.
>> I will lien garcia matthews development director for the children's partnership.
>> michelle [indiscernible] program evaluator for the children's partnership.
>> I知 christie king, I知 a quality assurance coordinator for the children's partnership and I知 at Travis County health and human services.
>> I am pam thomas and I am a parent liaison with Travis County.
>> hi, I am jenny royal, a care coordinator with aisd and children's partnership. Ment.
>> hi, I知 [indiscernible] wedge, a parent liaison with the children's partnership at Travis County.
>> I知 gloria peterson, I知 with Travis County health and human services and I manage the triad program.
>> [indiscernible] nonresponsive.
>> monica reyes, parent liaison for the children's partnership.
>> good to see all of you, keep up the good work.
>> thank you.
>> I would just like to add, also, that the summit day activity tomorrow will not only be going on here in Austin, but in I think about 60 different -- 63 active system of care sites throughout the nation, including guam and puerto rico. So it's the first year ever. We believe, as you know, in more bang for our buck. So if we do it together across the nation, perhaps we will be able to raise awareness not only in our community but exponentially together that concept.
>> I know that we have the children's partnership here you are one of our premiers partnerships that helps us out here, but we also have a number of social service contracts that we fund every year. The quick ones that come to mind, certainly not all of them, Austin child guidance center, families forward and the capital area maement coalition. I want to point out those very fine organizations and so many others in ways that we are trying to put together systems of care and a continuum of care. That's what separates us from what other communities are doing. So much more we can do. But we have got a good start.
>> thank you Commissioners, I would add to your list the arc of the capital area.
>> thank you.
>> sorry.
>> thank you so much.
>> very good. This group works on -- on children's mental health issues.
>> yes, specifically, yes. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Is this where we take the picture. They would like for us to take council front and take a picture with them. To come down front and take a picture with them.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 4, 2005 10:33 AM