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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 19, 2005
Item 2

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Now, number 2. The highlight of today's meeting. 2. Approve declaration of Tuesday, April 19, 2005 as "Travis County employee recognition day" and present employees certificates and service pins for 20, 25 and 30 years of service. You want us down front? Okay. Please follow the judge.
>> all right, we are going to start with the 30 years, we have one honoree for 30 years, that is Margaret Gomez. [ applause ]
>> thank you so much. Thank you. I am not retiring yet. [laughter] [ applause ]
>> now for 25 years, we start with renee decker from the tax office. [ applause ]
>> come up this way.
>> all right.
>> don't forget to stop for your picture. [laughter]
>> okay, norman mccree, human resources management. [ applause ]
>> [indiscernible]
>> okay. Jill wayans, constable 1.
>> merta mare, sheriff's department. [ applause ]
>> ruth madonna, supervision community and corrections. [ applause ]
>> rhonda macey, human resources management. [ applause ] deliah real, county clerk. [ applause ]
>> [indiscernible] [laughter]
>> sarah longoria tacks. Kimberly renteria, county clerk. Kay bennett, district clerk. [ applause ]
>> I’m Sam today. [laughter] diana camp ton, district clerk -- diana compton, district clerk. [ applause ] steven gertz, district clerk. Nellie seladon, civil courts.
>> deborah harrison, district attorney. [ applause ]
>> diana padilla, district attorney. [ applause ] patricia robertson, district attorney. [ applause ]
>> ruby jones, criminal courts. [ applause ]
>> [indiscernible]
>> sandra blanton, sheriff's. [ applause ]
>> thank you. [ applause ]
>> michael griffin, sheriff. [ applause ]
>> ruben hernandez, sheriff. [ applause ] [ applause ]
>> craig hutchinson, sheriff. [ applause ] nonresponsive
>> craig, one more time. [laughter]
>> all right. Linda hutchinson, sheriff. Lloyd macintosh, sheriff. Randall graff, community supervision and corrections. [ applause ]
>> david reyes, community supervision and corrections. [ applause ] [ applause ]
>> etta jarmon juvenile probation. [ applause ]
>> rotherio diaz, transportation and natural resources. [ applause ]
>> richard hernandez, transportation and natural resources. [ applause ]
>> [indiscernible] [laughter]
>> [indiscernible] 30 years [laughter]
>> thank you. > I’m going to make this last longer. Thanks. [ applause ]
>> deborah drummond, health and human services. [ applause ] diane iosu, health and human services. [ applause ]
>> congratulations. And michael parson's, health and human services.
>> get in closer. Like you all are friendly. [laughter] one more. [ applause ]
>> okay. We do need to announce a few employees who are worthy of recognition, but were unable to attend today. In the 30 years of service category, --
>> we have a happy workforce.
>> in the 30 years of service category, we have albert walker from facilities, linda maxwell from the district attorney's office, and john wisser, john kerry wisser criminal courts, 30 years of service. [ applause ]
>> 25 years of service, unable to attend today: warner meurr.
>> that would be judge muir.
>> is that judge muir.
>> w jeanne meurer.
>> okay.
>> nancy talley civil courts. Frank maxwell, district attorney. Paula underwood, criminal courts, Margaret hills, sheriff's office, jean oaks, cscd, community supervision and corrections, carol read cscd, steve vin muris juvenile probation. 20 years of service, rosemary lindbergh, district attorney. Sandra douglas, constable precinct 5. Ruth allen, sheriff's office. Rossey ella sheriff's office, arthur cardenas sheriff's office, daryl galloway, sheriff, carlos garcia sheriff, danny hinkel sheriff, samuel lot, sheriff, rosita luna sheriff, lloyd macintosh sheriff, edward munoz, [indiscernible] noren, emily trevino, laura vallejo, vanessa walker, randall wood, all of those are with the sheriff's office. Alice garcia,off nail probation -- juvenile probation, linda hudson, juvenile probation. Norma ybarra juvenile probation, and robert boot from records management, those last two I read were 20 years of service. Let's give a big round of applause to all of these employees. [ applause ] so deserving of recognition.
>> very good.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 10:34 AM