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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 12, 2005
Item 24

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24. Approve contract no. Ps050209re with attorney colette holt for legal review services related to historically underutilized usiness program.
>> yes, what I just passed out to you is sort of a recap of -- of what actions you all have taken to get us to this point. This is the first in the series that the court awarded a few weeks ago to get colette to start looking at the bid and contract documents. We do have a -- a draft interlocal from the city of Austin and john hilly has already reviewed it, we are hoping to either have that on next week or the following week, that will be for 15,000. Those are for the focus groups which have already started. I believe they've had at least two of those meetings so far. Then the last bullet on -- on 30 is our software, this will leave $60,000 to pursue some software that will help us track our statistics better. And our hopes since this money was not budgeted, won't be budgeted until '05, I mean '06, '05, next year,.
>> '06.
>> '06. Our intention is to go ahead and go through the process and have a contract ready to bring back to court right after the first of the year when we had the money in our budget.
>> we sincerely believe that this sort wear investment of $60,000 will be beneficial? We don't yet know what the cost will be? That's just how much money we'll have left over from the 100,000 that you all originally offer authorized with the city. We do think that it's going to be beneficial and help us, we are able to track what we do with primes through the hte system, so that data is there. The hard data is with the subcontractors, which is where we spend the bulk of our money with the minority firms. We think that's very important that we be able to capture that information and let you see those numbers. And what other benefit? [indiscernible]
>> I think just from the demonstrations that we've received, sylvia lopez, program coordinator, there are software package his out there that will help us not only track payments but also -- also formulate and generate different kinds of reports related to payments made to non-h.u.b. Subcontractors, which according to colette is information we should start gathering. It's just a very tedious process at this point. We'll be able to do reports in a timely manner. That we just can't do right now. I mean, we've tracked over 100 subcontracting opportunities and it's just become a lot for us to handle.
>> related to colette's work, are there time lines, deadlines, I know there's a not to exceed, certainly we will give her a program of work. When might we get to sit down with her and discuss like we did the last time we hired her?
>> well, the contract period is for 150 days, so I anticipate by the end of this fiscal year, she'll be able to come before you and provide another presentation like she did in November of 2003.
>> I see attachment a here, which says statement of work, this is history, this is not the statement of work for the current contract.
>> yes, the. Are you looking at the attachment to the last -- attachment a?
>> attachment a, the fifth sheet from the back.
>> right, she will review our contract contract language, draft new language, strengthen enforcement of h.u.b. Program requirement, develop race neutral initiatives, that is the actual contract and actual stated work for this contract.
>> that first paragraph is just an historical context?
>> yes, sir.
>> we expect to get all of this done in 150 days?
>> do we have a chance to get feedback from our -- from our advisory committee?
>> yes, sir, we did back in February, we talked with the committee, we had postponed voting on it, I believe back in January and then February 3rd we -- we met with a committee and he talked about her contract, we met in March, the 10th, I believe.
>> all I’m looking for is they're still on board.
>> they're still on board.
>> if you will recall ms. Hadnot was here when we discussed this. She was very -- very complimentary and -- yes. From.
>> en route to you since the last committee [laughter]
>> sylvia doesn't come down here nearly enough.
>> I don't, do you the i? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> thank you.
>> thank you all very much.
>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 10:09 AM