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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 29, 2005
Item 16

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16. Discuss and take appropriate action on an interlocal agreement with Williamson county for improvements to gattis school road. Number 16.
>> this is the realignment of gattis school road within the huntington neighborhood. There's another piece that is partly in Williamson county, partly in Travis County, which is a rural section of roadway. This interlocal agreement would have Travis County be the lead on the entire project. Williamson county would pay half of the engineering cost and the construction. We would pay the other staff of the engineering fee and construction cost. Each entity would be responsible for their own right-of-way acquisition. Our costs, our right-of-way costs would be substantially higher because there's three houses that have to be purchased within the subdivision. But basically what this does is at the start of the project, neither Williamson county nor Travis County have the money to construct the project. We both understand that if we're going to actually construct the project we're going to have to have a successful bond election or some other form of payment. But we thought we could at least get the project designed. On Travis County's part, we could proceed to acquire the three properties at risk, and then see if it gets to the bond election in November. If so, we go to construction. We would be the lead agency on the contract. We would hire the engineer and be reimbursed by Williamson county for their share of the cost.
>> joe, we've been negotiating this I guess a long time. This is an understanding we've reached with Williamson county. The residents also?
>> yes.
>> and we went to campo and explained the strategy at least on one occasion and had I guess informal signoff at the campo.
>> that's right. It's all consistent with that.
>> and the good thing we got in terms of a consensus out of Williamson county, which is an important one, is that you remember the segment within the neighborhood is like 95% Travis County and five percent Williamson county. They are splitting the cost in that segment with us 50/50 with the exception of the wall. We're picking up the wall, but the reality is we would have been responsible for that wall anyway. That's the important thing is getting this interlocal in place. And believe me, joe and our office, we're fielding calls on a weekly basis saying when, when, when, when. We had said until we get this interlocal in place, we cannot go after and acquire those structures. And because of funds that we've been able to pool together from the build greater Austin project, we have been funneling it into this account so we do have the ability to serve the right-of-way acquisition and at least get those three people off to do good lives, even though the reconstruction of this road is going to be dependent on other kind of funds, but we can get those folks out of there.
>> I move approval.
>> second.
>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Good work. That was a big headache from the beginning, but I think we're doing the right thing on it.
>> when do you go to Williamson county or did they take it up today?
>> I don't know if it was on today or not.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 12:50 PM