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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 8, 2005
Item 5

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5. Consider and take appropriate action on budget amendments, transfers and discussion items.
>> judge, that was my question. I would like to have an amount of dollars on the cjc building since we were cut loose from it and any items that we are spending money on that's beyond any sort of a warranty. And I guess I would be concerned about, mostly concerned about all of the dollars, but especially two careers that I have been here, just like to see that. Number 5, are the other things on number 5 is that I would just like to be able to vote on it to be consistent because I'm not voting for the envision central Texas deal.
>> on that, also, the last time an individual in central Texas was here, what I asked him to do, come by my office and drop off the material and stuff because of what's going on economically, the development aspect of the whole bunch of things, I still haven't heard anything from those persons, not even a phone call or anything. They said that they would get in touch with me. But as of -- I asked staff again as late as yesterday evening, have we heard anything from individual citizens, I haven't heard a word. I am concerned about some things of this, too, I really want to see documentation, I really want to see some things on this, so --
>> I thought he brought it to court the next day.
>> no, they didn't bring us anything. This is to move the money to a line item. This is not to hand the money to envision central Texas.
>> this is just the budget transfer that --
>> before we get --
>> that affects the transfer that was approved, it was approved January the 11th. Just a note, if in fact the court, we went back and pulled the minutes because we thought we could do this transfer automatic, based upon the -- upon the action on January the 11th when we looked at the minutes, they were not specific enough for us to go ahead and move the money. So in the future, the court would like us to go ahead and move the money when you approved the item in the minutes you ought to note that this authorizes p.b.o., the authority to do it as an automatic. We'll do it that way. Anyway.
>> I should note that t.n.r. Does have, is working I believe with -- I believe expected to do the payment pretty shortly. I think. From the information that I have gotten from them.
>> part of my support for a lot of this was we had information a lot of information at this point. So I'm concerned about that. That's not your concern. I'm just saying that that was part of my -- part of my discussion that we had. I talked with the persons after they completed their discussion, but of course I didn't support that at the time, but it's been since then, I haven't had anything that I can go on to suggest that I need to support this today. I'm going to abstain on this one today until I can get some information in my hand that I need.
>> I'm sure they're watching, but i'll let the department know as well.
>> [indiscernible] visiting also some material.
>> any more discussion? My motion is to approve both items on the list.
>> second.
>> to approve the list. Rather than both because there's three of them basically.
>> uh-huh.
>> judge, do you need a separation of the vote just not care? About -- about the other items.
>> I'm for everything else, if we just want to bring envision central Texas out, the other has been voted --
>> move to approve all except a 1.
>> I abstain.
>> that's separate. This is a 2 through a 9.
>> got it. Second. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Now I move approval of a 1, which really is the transfer of the money to a t.n.r. Line item, but pretty soon after today envision central Texas will probably try to access this.
>> you could assume that, definitely.
>> okay.
>> second.
>> so should we ask the director to contact you, Commissioner.
>> judge, I would appreciate that. All in favor? Show commissions Gomez, Sonleitner and yours truly voting in favor. Commissioner Davis abstaining and Commissioner Daugherty voting against.
>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 9, 2005 11:02 AM