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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 1, 2005
Item 5

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Number 5, introduction of new staff to Commissioners court. Leslie dippel, county attorney's office. And leslie is the one in the blue?
>> I am.
>> here she is. Good morning. It is my pleasure and honor to introduce leslie dippel to you, who has recently been employed by our office. For some of you this will be a reintroduction. But at least for Commissioner Daugherty this is the first introduction. After distinguishing herself academically at both southwest Texas university and the university of houston's law center, she went to work for the attorney general's office representing law enforcement, defending them in civil litigation. It was from there that we originally enticed her to come to work in our office. She worked in our office for some time on our federal litigation team defending county law enforcement from those frivolous nonsense lawsuit that's we sometimes get against them. She did such a good job in that capacity, in federal court, that u.s. Magistrate stephen kappel employed her to be his briefing attorney. That was quite an opportunity for her. We encouraged her to take that opportunity. It's not the sort of thing that lawyers get to do very often. And she was then continued as a briefing attorney for u.s. Magistrate, Austin. From there she went to work for the hilgers and watkins and subsequently brown mccarol law firm. After having gotten substantial experience in employment and labor law in the mundane and thankless world of private law practice, she has returned to put that experience to good use in our employment law team. Working with tony nelson and she will be representing you in that capacity here. I am proud to introduce and reintroduce leslie dippel we are in addition to have her back.
>> welcome back.
>> thank you, thank you very much, glad to be here.
>> is that all? [laughter]
>> unless leslie has something else she wants to say.
>> > we are looking forward to working with you.
>> thank you, I'm happy to be back. Appreciate it.
>> jim, welcome back as well [laughter]
>> soon, very soon. Thank you.
>> thank you.
>> thanks.
>> randy lott, planning and budget office.
>> as you may know, valerie spinnelli left us to go to work with the city of Austin. After looking at 165 resumes, conducting 15 interviews, identifying four top candidates, randy came to us head and shoulders above the other candidates. He comes to us from a recently minted master's degree recipient from the l.b.j. School. Started off in the u.s. Navy. In a variety of leadership positions. As an analyst with the pentagon, as an air mission commander in maine, as a planner with the joint information operations center in san antonio, the navy identified randy as a person of some considerable leadership and intellectual skill and moved him around. He decided to leave and move on to -- to be a crossroads system as a program manager here in -- in Austin in the high-tech field. And he got his -- his economics degree at u.t.-austin in '87. As I mentioned his master's of public affair at the l.b.j. School. Randy will be assuming the responsibility for -- for the -- for the its department. Your departmental budget's purchasing auditor and we are very proud, happy that -- that randy is here and look forward to having him be a part of the team.
>> welcome.
>> thank you.
>> thank you. I'm glad to be here, look forward to working with Travis County and the court. I'll keep it short because I know you guys are busy.
>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 2, 2005 10:31 AM