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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 22, 2005
Citizens Communication

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Anyone on citizens communication come forward now. This gives residents up to three minutes to address the court. Mr. Fisher, give us your full name and we'll be happy to get your comments.
>> henry fisher. I was not -- my understanding that I was going to take this opportunity to address the court with the ability to come back and speak to you you will on this mattered so I wasn't prepared to give you all the information you need.
>> is this an item we acted on?
>> Commissioner Gomez, I would ask for you to kind of lead me through this, if you would, please, and I want to thank her publicly for her helping me through this. Basically, judge, some damage was done to my car on elroy road. There is a big misunderstanding as to how that damage occurred. Somewhere in the process, someone got the idea that the vehicle was damaged because oil was sprayed on it from a piece of equipment that was spraying oil on the road. That is not the case. What is the case is that the county was in violation of the Texas ntcb code with the signage on elroy road when they reconstructed that road. I work in this area. I'm not an expert in that area. I am a safety officer for a local construction company. And I am telling you that the signs for fresh oil were put out there on the day that this job started. There was never any oil put on that job for almost eight or ten weeks. Chapter 2-c, section .02 in its guidance from the -- let me put my glasses on.
>> let me get one point clear here. Are you hoping that we take action in response to your comments today?
>> yes, sir.
>> we are not allowed legally to do that. However, we may legally post this item for next week so we can hear you out and then respond to it. Citizens communication, all we can do is hear you.
>> yes, sir.
>> but you want us to hear you plus take some action on what you tell us.
>> yes, sir, please.
>> why don't we post this item, we will post to reconsider the action we took on this item last week. Give an opportunity to have a full say. If you have it in writing, it may be a good idea to get that to us between now and, say, tomorrow at 5:00.
>> yes, sir.
>> so we'll have a chance to read that between now and next Tuesday. But we will be able to fairly respond to your comments if we post this item for action.
>> could I deliver those materials to Commissioner Gomez's office for her to distribute for me?
>> yes.
>> yes. I appreciate your patience and apologize for doing this, but I had no idea while you are here. But this gives us a opportunity to hear you further and also to respond to you. But citizens communication, all we can do is receive the information legally.
>> all right, sir. Yes, sir. What date then would I --
>> we'll have that on next Tuesday. And I guarantee you we'll reach this item before 9:30. So you won't have to wait all morning.
>> it's just an additional $15, judge. Don't worry about it.
>> thank you for your patience.
>> anybody else for citizens communication?
>> judge, I'm sorry, I have an announcement. Just wanted to make sure people noted the passing of one of our fellow county Commissioners up in Williamson county. Jerry mahaffey has passed away. I certainly had that opportunity because we shared quarters. I enjoyed my time with him and he will be missed. Our sympathy to his widow.
>> the visitation I think is set tonight and funeral tomorrow.
>> yes, sir.
>> thank you very much. I'm glad you brought that to our attention.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 7:23 AM