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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 22, 2005
Item 16

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16 is to approve contract award for taser systems and accessories, ifb number bo 50033 ld to the low bidder, gt distributors.
>> judge, I had something that I wanted to ask. Recently there's been in the news media about the taser usage. And I believe, if my recollection serves me accurately today, is that there have been some deaths that's been attributed to that. And if that is the case, then can you tell me the type of tasers that we're looking at purchasing for the sheriff's department? Is that something that would cause death? Is that the same type of tasers or am I incorrect that there have been deaths associated with this? This weapon.
>> mr. Davis, I brought the sheriff's guys with me to talk about their policy and to answer those questions.
>> okay, thank you.
>> Commissioner, I'm with the Travis County sheriff's office. I think to answer your question, and I brought with me some of the studies that have been done. So far there have not been any deaths directly linked to the taser devices themselves. There have been deaths associated with an arrest and studies have shown different causes for that, whether it be drug induced, whether it be just activity -- strenuous activity on the part of the individual in scuffling with the law enforcement during that arrest. So far we do not have documentation for it, neither from the federal level, state, nor any other level, that would draw any direct ties to that. We've been monitoring the media reports of that, but have yet to find any hard eftd to support those -- evidence to support those reports.
>> there have been deaths, but it hasn't been attributed to the use of the taser, it was due to other factors involved?
>> that is correct. Commissioner, I also brought a sergeant with us, one of our taser instructors. Let me speak to your question as far as the device in particular.
>> thank you, mike. Most of the information or all the information mike has given you is accurate. There has not been one death directly associated to the deployment of the taser in the united states or abroad. Currently it's used in over 6,000 law enforcement agencies in the united states, and as associated with most arrests or with some arrests, sometimes deaths occur, dependogwhat it may be. And whatever other type of use of force issue that's involved. The interesting thing about the taser is that it's not built on pain compliance. It disrupts the muscular functions and renders the person incapacitated during the length of the taser being deployed and allows law enforcement officers to go over and apprehend the individual and put handcuffs on them and take them into custody a lot safer. It's reduced injuries throughout the nation not only to the suspects, but also to the officers because they do not have to fight with them any more. They're not using pain compliance techniques like baton strikes or other things like that. So is it a safe weapon to use? If you're asking that in the totality of the circumstances, it's my opinion yes and the opinion of most police officers and those who are in the profession that it is. Do circumstances arise that have caused some deaths? Yes. It's like mike said, drug overdoses, excitement, things of that nature.
>> okay. Do we have documentation of what you've just stated there?
>> yes, sir, I do.
>> in writing?
>> yes, sir, I do. And it's also accessible through several websites. I can provide all that information to the court if they so desire.
>> i'd like to have it as far as I'm concerned. I don't know if the court would like it, but i'd like to have it as far as the documentation with this particular item. And I guess this particular taser purchase is just about uniform or similar to any taser purchases throughout the nation? It's the same type of weapon, is that correct?
>> yes, sir, it is. There is -- there is one taser on the market that pretty much dominates the market, and that is -- that is marketed by taser international. And they market about four different types of tasers. The one that we're talking about is the x 26 taser, which is the most advanced, and it is the one being utilized by the police agencies across the nation.
>> okay. Again, i'd like that documentation for my records on this item today. I'd move approval.
>> second.
>> any more discussion?
>> did we discuss this during the budget?
>> the constables thought about doing it within the courts.
>> okay.
>> we did also discuss it with the sheriff's office and the suggestion of the court was that we use grant funds to that that, and that's what we're trying to do. We have tasers in the jail system and also on a test basis on patrol. For the last 16 to 18 months now. We've been very pleased with the product. We haven't had any incidents in any way. We are training all of our individuals to do that. We still anticipate even at our end of this, that the contract will allow us to get the best price for the taxpayers of Travis County.
>> mike, if you can provide that to my office, those records.
>> i'd be happy to.
>> i'd appreciate it.
>> i'd like to have that information too. The only thing is if you can tell me also the instances where you would use this and where you would use the -- a firearm anyway. Just -- so I can tell the difference.
>> we can do that.
>> thanks.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> thank y'all very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 7:23 AM