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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 15, 2005
Item 3

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Number 3 is a public hearing to receive comments regarding proposed street name assignments for three private easements off round mountain road to "ranch road," "calhoun pass" and "calhoun lane" in precinct 3.
>> move to open the public hearing.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> carol joseph, t.n.r. Again the coordinating committee received requests from the residents to name these private easements. It no no way obligates t.n.r. Or the county to maintain those roads. And we've had no issues, no complaints.
>> would anyone like to give testimony during this public hearing?
>> here.
>> all right. If you would come forward, please, give us your full name, we would be happy to get your comments.
>> basically the problem that we are having in that area --
>> your name,.
>> brock miller, my wife sandra. At the end of ranch road, what the county maintains now, goes into the calhoon ranch. The calhoun ranch has been divided up into 34-acre tracts, there's multd people people living back up in those hills and stuff, as well as they move understand trailer houses and stuff that they rent. And then our ranch, we own the easement that goes to the calhoun ranch, into the miller ranch, we are the last area on that road. But all of us have exactly the same address. 25709 ranch road, then we each have different unit numbers. In the past when we've had e.m.s. Or anybody come out there that we needed, fire, anybody else, they can't find anybody. What we were wanting was -- was our own separate address and e.m.s. Told us this was the way to do it, to have the county name that easement through there as ranch road and then I guess the calhouns wanted their road that leads off that road to a separate name. So each of us could have our own addresses and so forth and they could find us. That was the whole purpose of this hearing.
>> well, not really. These are private easements, so the purpose of this hearing is really to give a -- an official name to each of these three roads. Now, your concern is that -- to have a street address. And what -- when will that be addressed?
>> I'm assuming the -- the addressing committee will address it after they've named the private easements and then they will apply numbers.
>> so that's another exercise. We will -- normally if we get the -- the formal name assigned to the road, it's easy later on to come later and put numbers on the various lots.
>> okay.
>> of the adds. So I know we are working with capco on trying to do that in every -- they call it rural addressing.
>> yes.
>> but in every county in central Texas and especially Travis County. So that will come a little later. And what we can do is I guess trying to expedite that as much as we can.
>> it's a real mess out there. It really is.
>> because of lack of numbers when the emergency vehicles come --
>> well, for example, I had my 90-year-old mother was staying with us for a while, she fainted we called the ambulance, they were out there, drove all over those hills and couldn't find us. We tried to give them -- there's only two of us that live on the ranch road, jackal hussein and myself, all of the rest of them live back up on the hills there, the calhoon ranch about a 300-acre ranch in all, they are all little 44-acre lots they've got. And we had a heck of a time getting them -- finally flagged them down, driving them, getting them up there. So it's --
>> why don't I get mr. Miller's number. Once they find out from our staff how soon it takes to get you a number, what this does now is give you the name of a street. Then it will give a number after that. I will let them call you back and tell you exactly when it is.
>> okay.
>> you are not in opposition to naming the road.
>> no. We are for it.
>> but right now all of the roads have the same name. Or these three do.
>> yeah. Actually the road ends at the entrance to the calhoon ranch. All of our mailboxes and stuff with those addresses and unit numbers are right there. Of course we're a good half a mile from there. When e.m.s. Or anybody comes out there to looking for us, you take them to those mailboxes. And we're another ranch over. So it's a mess.
>> this is like step 1. In addition to getting them, we can give them your name and phone number, too, ms. Joseph -- they may have questions in a few weeks or so. We will try to expedite this as much as we can, though.
>> thank you.
>> let me write my name and number on there for you.
>> okay.
>> would anyone else like to give comments during this hearing? Move to close the public hearing.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. This will be action item no. 19 on today's agenda.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 8:38 AM