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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 1, 2005
Housing Finance Corporation

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Now let's call to order the Travis County housing finance corporation. 1. Consider and take appropriate action on request to approve a budget transfer and two invoices for the Travis County wellness program.
>> good afternoon, him harvey Davis, manager for the corporation. The wellness committee has asked the corporation to pay two invoices, one is for a t-shirt in the amount of 1,068.75. The second invoice is for 340 pedometers and the amount of that is $1,187.50. If you will recall, when the -- when the -- when the corporation approved this budget, which was last February, there was a -- a -- a budget that the wellness committee presented and so in the -- in your backup is -- is that budget and because more has been spent on pedometers, we would need a budget transfer of $1,255 from supplies and maintenance to the pedometer line item. So I'm asking the board to approve that budget transfer.
>> well, as we know, the pedometers are not an item of clothing, but something that helps the fitness program.
>> that's what people tell me, yes.
>> that's why I move approval.
>> second.
>> let us know if you find out otherwise. [laughter]
>> I do have a serious question about the ped meters.
>> that was serious [laughter]
>> I know you were serious. I mean, I just started hearing the laughing going on. How do we know who has them and how do we know that they are being used? I know some people are using the pedometers.
>> may I have dan mansewer to answer that question since --
>> are they just -- are they just in the possession of -- how many have we given out?
>> we have given out approximately 400.
>> okay. And how -- do we know that they are being used on a continuous basis?
>> that I can't say that we do. That every one of them is used on a continuing basis. We have given them, we know who we have given them to, but we don't really have a mechanism at this time to track that closely. We will have probably in the next four to six weeks on a program that i.t.s. Is putting together.
>> well, I really want them used. I mean, I -- I was leary about it from the get go and I know when we first got them that they were used. But I don't see the folks that I used to see, you know, out there, now, of course, the last few months the weather has been pretty yucky. But I do think, dan, that we need to find that they are not just in somebody's drawer and that -- that we really are -- that those things are being used and I'm -- I think that we need to have somebody that says here's how many miles we have used and that we can show that the pedometers have been used. I mean, if we don't force somebody to do this, I think it will be one of those deals that you'll start it, but union it's just like exercise program -- but, you know, it's just like exercise programs. You have the greatest intentions, but let's just make sure that we -- because somebody may want one that -- that would use it. So --
>> I know in our office, p.b.o., They seem to be used a lot. And people really are into walking.
>> we did get a step update. I want to says from from leroy in terms of what was going on in terms of the million miles or million steps or whatever that is.
>> I saw that.
>> close to 3 million miles. I will say this, that when you have a pedometer on, the tendency is to look at it and say, uh-oh, I had better step up my walking I have got to get more steps on here, it's brings the consciousness, the fact that you had better be out walking some more. I think there is good that comes from a pedometer and having it. I couldn't sit here and tell you that it's used every day by everyone one of the people. I think the majority are using them and probably walking or exercising a little more than they would if they didn't have it. That's what I'm hearing back from people.
>> so we don't -- there's nobody that is specifically in charge of the pedometers?
>> well, we do. We have a spread sheet and we keep a list of who we have given them to. Now we just don't have the capacity to go back and follow up, say how many steps have you walked on average, how far have you walked? Its, russell hongroove put together along with p.b.o. Staff a really nice spread sheet that people can go into and very quickly enter their activity whether it's walking, swimming, running, bicycling that will track this. This should roll-out within the next four to six weeks. At that point I think we will be able to capture the information that you are asking for.
>> I would like to see -- I would like to see -- in particular, the pedometer of -- readings of the 400 people, maybe that's just done with an e-mail where you say --
>> we can do that. We can send a survey out to those who have peed meters and -- pedometers scanned them to give us feedback.
>> I would like to see that.
>> all 400 people should e-mail Commissioner Daugherty. [laughter]
>> maybe we can -- let me find my e-mail address. [laughter]
>> any more discussion?
>> I do want to correct one thing. It's 250 additional pedometers, it's model 340. It's 250 additional pedometers.
>> 250?
>> yes.
>> okay.
>> but does the price change, invoice change.
>> no, sir, the invoice is right.
>> okay. There are two invoices here?
>> yes, sir.
>> move approval of both.
>> second.
>> well, there's a motion already, right? Any more discussion? Motion, second by Commissioner Davis. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. --
>> thank you.
>> thanks, dan. Who? Two?
>> yeah, we're ready. 2. Consider and take appropriate action on (1) results of compliance audit of woodwind chase I and ii apartments, and (2) approve invoice for compliance audit fee.
>> I have been before the board several times on woodwind chase 1 and 2 as this audit began in September, 2003. The -- the one remaining outstanding issue was in -- woodwind chase ii which used to be prime crest which was located directly behind what was the dell outlet factory store. They will not in compliance with the eligible tenant leasing requirements, that was 90% of the units had to be leased to a family -- families whose income was less than 120% of the Austin area median income. And I will -- let me introduce mark critton who was the manager of the apartment and our attorney, cliff blunt. I went out on -- on January 26th, to -- to do an audit to see if they were in compliance with -- with the eligible tenant leasing requirement and I today do represent to the board that they have regained compliance with that issue, -- and I have a letter that cliff just distributed that would inform the owner that -- that they are in compliance with the regulatory agreement.
>> okay.
>> is that the owner's representative to your right? Sir, to my right?
>> he -- yes, he is the owner's representative, the manager of the apartment complex.
>> any comments, mr. Manager?
>> I am -- I guess, judge, if -- if you would like to know kind of the events that transpired after the audit, we were -- we were at that time under the assumption that we were up by one. We were 134 in compliance and we only required 133 to be 90% eligible tenant. Mr. Davis, found, in one case, one of the units was -- was not in compliance because a tenant income certification form was not signed and notarized. There were two other units that were not in compliance because they were actually over the income requirement to be eligible tenants. The -- the problem was that when we were trained in the matter, we were given an incorrect ceiling for the eligible tenant status. So we were using that incorrect ceiling as a result with the -- with the true ceiling we were actually two more out of compliance. The -- the end result was that we were 131 units in compliance, needing 133. So we were two out. The -- the easy one was -- was getting the tenant income certification form that needed to be signed. We -- myself and our onsite notary simply went to the resident's apartment, they were at home, we took care of that promptly. The other incident, the other two, after reviewing the files we found that -- that one of them was actually in compliance, since they had recertified approximately two months ago upon their renewal. The -- the new income had -- had not been documented on the unit status report, which is what mr. Davis was going by. That's why -- that's why they were technically not in compliance. After that, we looked at the recertification, the income was in the requirement, to be eligible tenants, so -- so they were then certified. As -- as eligible tenants. In addition to that, to -- to get some kind of cushion, we actually -- we actually began making efforts to -- to get one of our units ready that was currently a vacant non-compliance unit. It was -- it was a little bit costly because the apartment required a new air handler, a new compressor, a new water heater and a new stove. Those appliances were not working in the apartment. We made a request for the owner to get ready for that, we have already received the money and we are currently purchasing those units, installing them in the apartment. In fact the resident that is to move into that apartment once it is completed has actually completed all paperwork, including their -- their recertification and so that -- that documentation has been completed. They will move in this Friday. So as of this Friday, we will actually be back to our original 134 so we will be over 133 and definitely in compliance.
>> mr. Davis [laughter] is recommending that we fine in compliance. Have -- that we find you in compliance, do you have a problem with that.
>> not at all. I was wondering what should I say [laughter]
>> sounds good to me.
>> I guess that I should have said thank you. That's what I should have ended it at.
>> all right. You all are in agreement, I believe, right?
>> yes, sir, I am.
>> do we need to authorize a letter, though, to formalize that we are indeed -- cliff gave us a --
>> right. Our attorney has reviewed the letter and --
>> what about this invoice that's -- that's the second part of item no. 2. Approve invoice for complaints, I along with the -- send that to the owner along with the letter, I take it.
>> yes.
>> is that part of your motion.
>> move approval of sending the letter and the appropriate invoice to the folks. Is that thank you for your hard work and cooperation and the good explanation. All in favor, that passes by unanimous vote. 3. Consider and take appropriate action on request to approve the transfer of the ownership interest of prime crest and royal crest apartments (now known as woodwind chase I and ii apartments) from southwest mills partners, l.p. To cash investments of el paso, llc.
>> this is -- these particular apartments are scheduled to be sold, I think the closing is in approximately two weeks. The regulatory requires or consent. They have made a request, a little bit of chicken and egg. They requested the $35 transfer fee be waived. Main reason is expires of its own terms on March 27th, less than two months. So they have kind of asked that to be waived. Transfer fee is really just a deposit against any expenses the corporation might incur. They have already agreed to pay the invoice for mr. Davis' time. They have also verbally agreed with me over the telephone to pay any fees or expenses involved with our firm that this, so I believe all of those are going to be paid outside of that fee, anyway. I don't believe mr. Davis has any problems with waiving that fee. I think, everything, they have agreed to cover all of our expenses and costs involved in the transfer and to meet the other requirements of the regulatory agreement.
>> mr. Davis?
>> I did look at the policy regarding this fee and it does state that it is a refundable fee. It's a $5,500 refundable fee.
>> mr. -- what objections do you have?
>> absolutely none, judge.
>> and you all just handed us something. What is the significance of the inspection summaries.
>> I guess -- this is a -- the new owner's do plan to invest significant money into upgrading these apartments, these apartments are -- are frankly are not in -- in just very good shape. And so -- so I think that it is a benefit to the community that the ownership change is happening.
>> this investment will help out, won't it? A lot of work, a lot of places I guess. Any questions, comments from the court? Move approval of the requested waiver.
>> second.
>> and -- and move approval of the transfer.
>> second.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 4. Consider and take appropriate action on request to approve (1) release of liens on a home down payment assistance loan, and (2) reimbursement payment to Texas department of housing and community affairs due to repayment in full of the home down payment assistance loan. This is consistent with the county policy. We have done these routinely, we ought to do this one.
>> yes, sir. The amount is $2,000 that we would be reimbursing tdhca, I'm sorry, that agenda item should have said lien and not liens. And we have received these funds and deposited into our account the $2,000.
>> nothing unusual about this?
>> no. Nothing unusual -- well, a little bit in that the money went to the city of Austin first in July, so it's finally making its way here. So there's --
>> that's why I move approval.
>> second.
>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you. 5. Consider and take appropriate action on request to approve an invoice from consumer credit counseling service.
>> the amount of the invoice is $450. This is for their giving an eight-hour course, home buyer education course, to five of our first-time home buyers in our home program. These funds have -- the home buyer has paid the corporation the -- the $450 in five $75 checks. We are turning around and paying consumer credit counseling. So it's not an expense, so to speak of the corporation.
>> they provided the services, they are entitled to this amount of money.
>> that's correct.
>> I move approval.
>> discussion? All in favor? That passes unanimously. And item no. 6. 6. Consider and take appropriate action on request to approve minutes of board of directors meetings of November 30 and December 7, 2004.
>> so moved.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> move adjourn.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote, also.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, February 2, 2005 9:40 AM