Travis County Commissioners Court
February 1, 2005
Item 30
30. Consider and take appropriate action on appointment of the Travis County citizens bond just judge. Just advisory committee. Just before lunch I had -- let me chat with mr. Bunch, I have one left, I was trying to get an engineer type there. There's an obvious conflict there if you want to do business on one of those projects, when you start thinking about it. If you ever -- if you have that in mind on any of these projects you could well exclude yourself. So -- so that interest has really kind of waned over the last few days. Let me do that. The other person that I did think about, though, that means that I have two specific ones. I said that I was thinking about the last minute recommendation that I got and so I will appoint her. And so I will have lynn neighbors and a person from bee cave. Eleanor m.l. Henridge.
>> good. She called me, I told her mine was full. I think she's great.
>> great.
>> a few people -- [indiscernible]
>> yeah, I didn't have a -- she didn't live in precinct 2 so I couldn't.
>> thank god she live understand Travis County.
>> there are two other slots.
>> I have got to hand out, I will put a place holder resume on rod renya, we were able to get a much more extensive, specific resume, this just take the top one off of mine and substitute this so it just has a lot more of what his community involvement is.
>> my goal is still to put together a packet of information, a cumulative packet and get that to --
>> judge, I do need to read into the record who my third person was that last week I couldn't say the name out loud. It is heidi ross.
>> heidi?
>> correct. She did have a background in engineering, but would not be -- I had the impression, judge, let me know if this is something different from what everybody -- this wouldn't impact somebody that might be a subor a subor a subto a subto a sub . They would not be a sub bid knowledge on project, most of their work is happening in Austin, bidding on the mueller redevelopment project. But they do traffic modeling. It's modeling, they would not be the person putting in a bid.
>> okay.
>> and judge I have -- I think that I gave you all of the bio on john hockenyos from travis heights, economic and public policy is his background.
>> how do you spell that?
>> hockenyos. Did you get the -- the bio that I --
>> I did. I'll put that with this. I think that I have accumulated all of these resumes and names and stuff, I was going to sort of put a clean packet together to give to joe. I assume that the various members of the advisory committee would like to know who the others are.
>> one person that I -- will you -- were you finished ?
>> there's one person that I mentioned last week but they have confirmed so we can -- that's jim Davis. Of course former coach of l.b.j. High school and uil directing all of those kind of good things, a long-time resident here in Travis County. So -- so precinct 1 so he is the last one that needed to be added to the other two that have already confirmed. Now it's only -- I have only received one resume and that was basically from jim Davis and dr. Charles akins and also diane akers needs to get theirs in, but we have already announced their appointment last week. So these three positions have been filled.
>> if you can get them to me by Friday or Monday, it will be in good shape for the whole court to see the whole deal, get it to joe and have that part of it done.
>> we just have one slot left? Okay. Just one?
>> okay. That's good.
>> I will chat with joe and see what we can do.
>> got it.
>> is that okay?
>> yes.
>> I move approval of all of the ones that we have so far.
>> second.
>> final consideration by the court on Tuesday. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.
Last Modified:
Wednesday, February 2, 2005 9:40 AM