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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 18, 2005
Citizens Communication

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And we do have citizens to sign in under citizens communication, but did we have a citizen to sign in on anything other than the leash law item, which is number 28? Now, before you sign in, are you here on item 28, the leash law? So if you did, we have to take you when we call up 28, which is now. But if you -- okay.
>> it was general.
>> that's fine. That's what we'll do right now. I'll call upset 17s communication -- citizens communication, gives the citizens an opportunity to address the Commissioners court on any matter not on the agenda. And you're mr. Cantu, right?
>> no, sir, I’m (indiscernible).
>> okay. He had to leave?
>> (indiscernible). (mic interference). Commissioner Davis and the others on the Commissioners court. This was put together by an attorney, kind of a synopsis of what we did -- (indiscernible). Some of the people that worked and -- dis. And then the water coming out. At the back end of this there were people that actually worked, people that received services, and this was handicapped and people that volunteered and gave the time to work on this. So everybody has water now, thank god. We have a couple of meters still to put in there. And mr. Cantu was the one who came to tell you about this. The joy of the people, actually literally screaming for receiving the water and having actually running water, actually feel their health is better. And we want to thank the Commissioners court for everything they've done. We still have the -- (indiscernible). And the drainage. And also one more project that the community decides to do is where the water tank was, we want to build an education center. (indiscernible). This community center we're planning will be possibly a two-story building at the site. There would be classrooms, there would be day care there. This is done by the community, by the way, not done by any individual. And there's a young man by the name of matt who works for the architect office who volunteered to do the architectural work and anything we needed and possibly get a grant to finish this out. The people there are going to do the labor like they did before. So I want to thank you once again for the services. (indiscernible). For the very first time we have this. There are other issues out there and we talk about animals being loose out there and we feed to take care of that, other things we need to take care of with the sheriff, but overall it brought together the community and they worked very hard on a daily basis and served not only Travis County, the city of Austin and the state of Texas. We are 100% willing to do whatever it takes to move forward. Thank y'all very much and I’m sorry to take up your time.
>> thank you very much.
>> thank you very much. Again, reassure the community that we're going to continue to work hard together.
>> when we have a Commissioners court that is willing to work for the people. There's no problem. Thank you very much.
>> thank y'all.
>> and let mr. Cantu apologize for not getting to him. Now, two more did sign in, but you are here on the leash law item, mr. Victor and ms. Holmes.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 8:11 AM