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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 18, 2005
Item 5

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Let's take up item number 5 which is the awards presentation to Travis County departments for out standing contributions to the combined charities campaign. We have a few categories and we have numerous Travis County managers and employees who have come down. The request is that we be down front. To make these. And we'll try to get some indication of who is here and who is not. The request is that the Commissioners court come down and do a little handshaking. As reluctant as we are to share the limelight, we're asking the other members of the court to come down. That's being on your toes this morning. Our first category goes to 100% participants. And number 1, and this was not my decision, is the office of the county judge.
>> cheryl brown normally is here to receive the glory -- I mean receive the award. [laughter] this is our combined charities point person.
100% participation, precinct 3 Commissioner.

>> 100% participation, the probate court.
judge guy herman, jr.
from the probate court. And another 100% participant, precinct 5 justice.

>> thank you very much. You can do even better next year.

>> now, somebody in that department will phone and ask me how they can do better. I do have an answer. Now, the next category, 75% participation or more. Between 75% and 100. Beautiful certificates here. Certificate of recognition is awarded to the department for having more than 75% participation in the 2004 Travis County combined charities campaign, signed by yours truly on behalf of the Travis County Commissioners court. Isn't that beautiful?

>> shouldn't every department try to win one of these next year? The first one is the planning and budget office.
75% or month, human resources management.

>> thank you all. Careful. And criminal justice planning. 75% or more.
let's give it to you and not mike. Now, the next category is made up of those who -- the departments that exceeded last year's contributions. Facilities management.
thank you. Congratulations. County attorney.
thank you very much. District clerk.
thank you very much. District attorney.
thank you very much. Keep up the good work. The probate court, again.
precinct 1 justice of the peace.
we'll put this in a safe and hold it until they get it. Precinct 3 justice of the peace.
thank you very much. Keep up the good work. Precinct 5 justice of the peace.
again. Keep up the good work. Precinct 5 constable.
applause sheriff's office.
and even the new sheriff-elect. Of course, we persuaded him he had a responsibility to. Keep up the good work. Thank you very much. Sheriff's office taking the lead again. Counseling and education services.
good work. Transportation and natural resources.
an enthusiastic joe geiselman coming forward.
thank you, joe. Criminal justice planning, again.
well, let me give mike this one. How's that? Records management and communication.
now, the exceeding best year ever. County judge can do this. Health and human services. Thank you very much.
even I need a little help every now and then. Congratulations. Keep up the good work. Human resource management again.
let's give it to cindy this time. Trying to be fair. We need everybody working out in 2005.
it's time to go to the next one.
now the exceeding best year ever award. Facilities management. Again.
they apparently thought they only had one coming and left. District attorney.
the workers left, but left the manager behind. Again -- I mean this time. District attorney. Again.
congratulations. We thought this was a very slow year and you all exceeded last year. Probate court for a third award.
we need to ask the sheriff's office to leave a deputy behind to help this gentleman get back to the office with all these valuable documents with him. Precinct 3 justice of the peace.
precinct 5 justice of the peace.
again. Thank you. Counseling and education services.
keep up the good work. Health and human services. Again.
thank you all very much. Now, there's a category of dedicated worker awards. Now, these go to individuals. Let me see if I can get these names right.
art prazinus.
in addition to working in the department -- their departments, these individuals went above and beyond the call of duty. Alice leslie.
reynardo claridge. Renatta. The judge was right. Thank you. That was without practice or foreknowledge. Josie ma thigh I can't say. -- mathias.

>> thing haunted house. Thank you. Lynn harper.
carol coburn.
thank you. Appreciate it. Effram davilla.
vera rodriguez. This is not vera, this is josephing on behalf of vera. All right. The fifth annual baseball tournament coming up this year. Let's all participate. Cheryl brown.
shy and modest as usual.
dawn covar.
represented by barry hobby. Christy vargas.
thanks again. And the final one present today is melinda agusto.
thank you very much. Now, there are a couple other awards that we will deliver later. We don't have the nerve to hand these out in public.
but we will announce them in just a moment. By the way, the exceeding last year, the county clerk was not here, but would have received a exceeding last year award as well as the county auditor and dedicated worker award russell hahn was not here and liz mcgee. And the special category we have this year, and this category is spended to inspire some of our departments to do better and that is the nowhere to go but up award. And this is with 10% participation or less. And we lean over backwards not to be discriminatory so everybody deserving department is listed here and will receive an award. And this list is long, but I think we should read it for the record. The precinct 4 Commissioner. County auditor. Tax assessor-collector. Purchasing. County clerk. Precinct 1 justice of the peace. Precinct 2 justice of the peace. Precinct 4 justice of the peace. Precinct 2 constable. Precinct 3 constable, precinct 4 constable. Community sub vision and corrections. The treasurer. Court at law number 2, judge naranjo. Court at law number 3, judge crane. Court at law number 4, judge denton. Court at law number 6, judge brrland. Court at law number 7 judge elizabeth earl. 53rd district court judge jenkins. 98th district court judge near. 126th district court judge burn. 290th, judge Davis. 201st judge corington. 250th judge dietz. 261st judge livingston. 345th judge keel. Who is no longer on the bench. 353rd judge cooper. Civil courts judge hathaway. Civil courts judge hancock. Civil courts judge king. Civil courts judge hurley. Civil courts administration, court administration office. When we refer to 7th district court, judge flowers. Number 67, judge lynch. 299th judge wisser. 390's, judge kocurek. 493rd, judge kennedy. Magistrate judge coronado. Criminal courts administration, those were the ones who were 10% participation or less. And our effort is to get them to do a little better next year. We did commit that the committee would start working much earlier in 2005 than we did in '04. We ended up generating about $135,000, which exceeded last year's total by about 5,000, which shocked most of us. We did get most of that money during the last two to three weeks. For the most part, it's an all-out county effort and I do think it was appropriate I didn't tell that we recognize the departments as well as the individuals who helped out.
>> [inaudible] voluntarily.
>> absolutely. I'm not quite as heavy because I normally stick the change in my pocket. But I sleep soundly.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 10:13 AM