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Travis County Commissioners Court

December 21, 2004
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next. Two citizens have signed in, cheryl brown and cyd grimes for the same item, I believe. And there is a proclamation as part of this citizens communication. Should I read it or did you bring your own reader?
>> you read it, please.
>> it reads, whereas melissa hanson is leaving Travis County after 10 years of exemplary service with the Travis County purchasing department. Whereas melissa has been a friend to her colleagues and the many friends she may have made while working with Travis County. Whereas we have all greatly benefitted from melissa's wisdom, hard work and creativity and wish to express our deep appreciation and gratitude whereas by word, deed and steadfast determination, melissa has set an example that expires us to -- inexpires us to use our skills and intellect to make Travis County a better place for us. And whereas it is appropriate that we recognize melissa for her dedication and commitment and our fond memories of her cooperative spirit. Now therefore be it resolved that we the Travis County Commissioners court extend special thanks to melissa hanson for her dedicated years of service to Travis County and extend best wishes to her in all future endeavors. And I move approval.
>> second.
>> thank you, judge Commissioners. Cyd grimes, purchasing agent. Me sis that was hired about 10 years ago as a temporary employee, and she has been one of my most loyal and most hard working employees. And I really hate to see her go. She had the opportunity to move on, her and her family are moving to gonzales, Texas to take care of some business opportunities there. And we're really going to miss melissa. Someone in the office said I don't think melissa has ever had a cross word with anyone. She's always -- she'll tell you what she thinks, but she says it in a nice way, with a smile and a laugh. So we're truly going to miss her, but we wish her well. And ms. Brown is here also.
>> I’m cheryl brown with judge Sam Biscoe's office. And actually, I’m representing many, many offices in traik, because there are very few offices who have not had the opportunity or the necessity to contact melissa reporting hte matters. To me hta, that's our financial accounting system, it's a dirty word. And how appropriate that we followed an emergencies proclamation person for saving a life because me melissa has saved our lives many, many time. Over the phone she tells me to breathe. She says calm down. [ laughter ] I’m not sure if I should let Travis County know that one of my responsibilities in judge Biscoe's office is handling the administrative budget and entities, I make sure they are paid, like downtown alliance, the appraisal district, Texas legislative and those things. And I promise you that I handled that much better than I do my own personal checkbook. But I have melissa's telephone number on speed dial. She's excited -- she's energy jet tick, she's an exciting person and she has a great spirit. She actually loves what she's doing. We just wish her god speed, and I wanted to also thank you on behalf of our office.
>> thank you.
>> I want to take this opportunity to thank Travis County for all that i've learned. I started here as a temporary in 1995, and I can't believe it's already been going on 10 years. In those 10 years, it's been very educational for me and I just want to thank Travis County for the opportunity to grow here as well. And just take me in as a temp, to fill in as a temporary secretary position and then it became full time. So I was glad to work here in Travis County. And I did serve in the military.
>> thank you for your service.
>> and are you moving to gonzales or going through gonzales.
>> we're moving there. I've got like 32 rental properties, and I’m going to provide hopefully eight more properties. We've got a business valley properties.
>> I know there was a god given purpose under all this.
>> it was my husband's grandfather that passed away and he was able to buy out his rental properties for the business.
>> and you won't have to deal with traffic any more.
>> and gas is going to be a lot cheaper for me. [ laughter ] not as much coming and going. But I sure appreciate it. Thank you.
>> (indiscernible).
>> i've got a place. [ laughter ]
>> thank y'all very much.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Did you bring your camera with you today?
>> anybody else for citizens communication? That is to address the court on any matter not on the agenda. As a final announcement regarding the charities, I am happy to say that our final total was about $130,000. So we did exceed last year's total of 126, 127,000, and the committee basically committed to start the effort a lot earlier in 2005. This year we kind of ran up against several deadlines, but I think the outcome was very, very positive, and we really raised a whole lot more money than I thought we would two weeks before the deadline. We probably raised 75, 80 percent of that during the last two or three weeks. So that's good news.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 2:22 PM