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Travis County Commissioners Court

December 21, 2004
Item 30

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30 is to consider and take appropriate action on preliminary plan in precinct 1, village at northtown, preliminary plan, 35 lots 322.72-acres, howard lane, sewage to be provided by northtown mud, city of Austin etj.
>> this is otherwise a -- should be a routine item, the application -- applicant has met the standards for the county on subdivision claims so we are -- that's why we're recommending its approval.
>> i've got two questions. Are you handling them?
>> thanks. Preliminary plan is we're moving forward, coming forward and moving and doing your stuff. Do you have any kind of a timetable as to when you're going to be coming back to us related to actually platting this land?
>> has a lot to do -- I’m representing the applicant. Has a lot to do with the multifamily accident. This property is the part of the northtown mud which is predominantly multifamily. The solar family part is largely developed. Kind of went away a little bit a few years ago and I think it's coming back, so I would say you finally see some final plats coming through in, just guess, two or three years.
>> two or three years?
>> probably.
>> is it not correct that until we start getting this thing platting in sections or whatever, the questions related to the boundary streets which in this case include two Travis County bond projects, are we stuck or are we on hold? Are there any commitments that can be made before then related to heather wild and wild branch because I’m just sitting here extraordinarily frustrated would be the very kind christmas-like way I would describe related to this particular property.
>> as you know, we've had a lot of discussion about that before and I’m not sure I know exact I exactly what to say today. I was president expecting to address that, but certainly if everybody wants to get back together and see if we can move forward and more expeditious, just waiting for final plats, glad to do it, if that helps at all.
>> is -- is -- are -- joe has gotten his memo that there's two other property owners that are also related to the two road projects that they have responded favorably and are prepared to move ahead on. But we have not gotten any kind of response for village at northtown. They have not responded to our letter either positively or negatively. And it's, you know, even if you don't plat for another couple of two or three year, if we have the agreement block down of what will be the right of way commitment at whatever point that comes, what will be the trigger point for any kind of posting of fiscal, whenever that comes, because otherwise we can't do anything on these projects. The folks sitting out there going, hmmm, want to respond to your letters, that is frustrating.
>> I understand that, been out of that loop for a little while as you well know, i'll be glad to try to get to a response and see if we can get discussions moving forward again. I understand there have been some continued discussions with the two other property owners you were talking about which I think are a bit of different market and are anxious to move forward. I mentioned our multifamily market isn't as good as some others right now, but certainly I would be glad to try to get that dialogue going again.
>> joe, can you confirm for me whether we can move ahead with those other two property...
>> I actually expected to have that contract on today's agenda so we're very close.
>> okay. So even if they decide they don't want to respond, or get back to you whenever we get back to you, this is not supposed to hold up, the heather wild and branch projects this is not going to hold up.
>> that's correct, we're proceeding with whatever is ready to go.
>> okay. Jim, that may be a very important message to send back, we're moving on without you, the best time to get on the train is when the train is leaving as opposed to when the train has already left.
>> I hear you.
>> can I quote you on that.
>> Commissioner Davis, are you going to make a motion.
>> move approval.
>> items number 30. Jim, thank for coming down.
>> I’m happy to second.
>> what did we ask northtown to do in the letter?
>> the letter is attached to the backup, cost participate in the construction of the road ways. The wells branch parkway and heather wild, they're both in northtown, the cost participations are different on each one. Basically has the subdivision is coming through, they're dedicated and financially
>> terms and conditions for entering into that agreement.
>> if they say no we build around them basically.
>> we build whatever we can build.
>> anymore discussion?
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 2:28 PM