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Travis County Commssioners Court

December 7, 2004
Item 2

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Number 2 is to consider and take appropriate action on the appointment of a city of Pflugerville and Travis County subcommittee of elected officials to coordinate intergovernmental issues.
>> we have seen over the last year a number of issue that's have come up in the area around Pflugerville, basically in the [indiscernible] jurisdiction that -- that basically had mutual interest -- [indiscernible] -- what the positions are at the other entity, as we consider for instance the racetrack, the Austin jockey club, future of pecan street, wells branch parkway, perhaps issue ots 1445 -- issues on the 1445 consolidation subdivision review, and we found that the subcommittee that we have currently with the city of Austin worked fairly well at getting face-to-face meetings between the elected officials supported by their staffs, talk through the issues around come to some kind of joint resolution of those issues. So with that model in mind, I知 recommending to the court that we do likewise with the city of Pflugerville. That we have two members appointed from the Commissioners court, two members of the city council and begin to have periodic meetings whereas issues come up, we can sit down, talk them through, see if we can't come to a resolution that satisfies everyone's objectives. That's a straightforward agenda item. Just to get some dialogue going with the city of Pflugerville.
>> when joe presented this to me, I thought it was a really great idea. One of those things of gee it's amazing we haven't done it before now. The incredible rapid growth out in Pflugerville area. This is no longer a small town, actually the second largest town now in Travis County. And there's not only the issue that's joe has mentioned there, but there are things that are happening at Pflugerville that quite frankly we need to make sure that we have got better communication on related to their annexation issues. Related to their ccn with their water and wastewater utility issues. There's a lot going on here, I think it's appropriate that they have reached the critical mass to say you know what we need to have just a standing committee so that we can have communication, open communication and sharing of information in the same way that we have got the standing city of Austin-Travis County committee in addition to our separate little subcommittee that we dealt with on 1445. But Pflugerville will be in that mix of the next round on the 1445 issues related to the small cities. So I知 very happy to -- to -- to volunteer to serve on this. With anyone else who would like to do so since the core of Pflugerville is in precinct 2. But I think this is something whose time has come and would be a proactive, positive way of sharing information as opposed to folks finding out about things when they read their newspapers the next day.
>> joe, do the Pflugerville officials know about this?
>> they have already appointed their members.
>> they are anxious. We have also had some unbelievable, while we have been a very stable body here, there's been a lot of turnover up there related to their city manager, they have got a new mayor, new councilmembers. And we just need to kind of reestablish lines of communication of folks talking to one another.
>> I guess, judge, are you complete? Okay. In July of this past year, 2004, 7 it was on the agenda here for a meeting to be held at the [indiscernible] office to discuss economic development, committed to discuss economic development. The meeting was actually held on the 21st of July. At that time, there were elected officials from Pflugerville, in fact the mayor from Pflugerville, that attended that meeting along with the mayor of manor, along with the mayor of webberville, representatives from the city of Austin, looking at the economic possibilities for this general area. And of course I guess my concern is that this type of committee that was established, I think Commissioner Daugherty you may have attended that meeting that night. You sure did. Commissioner Daugherty attended that meeting. It was a very, very productive meeting. What I do not want to see is the focus of what has been determined and discussed at that economic development meeting go astray. And directions coming from what -- from what those elected officials want to see happen in precinct one as far as future economic development. So I知 kind of concerned about that. To make sure that it's all encompassing if we end up going the direction with those issue that's you brought up, but there is another issue. Job creation, job retention, things of that nature. In the same token, in the same voice, we've had other elected officials that still would like to participate in this and we have not yet brought them on board, but they wanted to be there. An example, judge -- judge mcdonald, county judge mcdonald from bastrop county. Of course I had spoken with councilmember danny thomas at that time about it and also raul alvarez. Of course the city of Austin was represented at that particular night with the mayor's representative at his office to ensure that this is a possibility for us to go forward in as far as economic development strategy of that particular section of the county. There will be another meeting as the dictated -- as the elected officials dictated to me at that time, yes, we need to follow-up on this, yes, we need to have another meeting, basically that meeting should be conducted in -- in March of -- of next year. First quarter. And, of course, I do not -- again, I don't know if you -- if these other persons that are on this question out of -- what this subcommittee, I do not want to [indiscernible] the flavor of the economic development in this area which is very well needed to accommodate the things that I discussed earlier, job creation, job retention, job opportunity, job training. Those things are very key for that area and of course all over Travis County, but it's very key there because of the underemployment, unemployment situation over there. I want to make sure whatever we are doing here, we don't lose focus on some things where the seed has already been planted. That's basically where I知 coming from.
>> this is coming from transportation and natural resources, what issues did you have in mind?
>> the one that's I just mentioned.
>> economic development.
>> no. I mean we have very, very specific issues --
>> very specific.
>> that are --
>> because I think with imhik development, I agree with you, we probably ought to be a lot more machine. I知 not sure this -- a lot more regional. Not to keep this subcommittee from taking on whatever issues that Pflugerville and the subcommittee members want to discuss, but I would think that if our -- if our goal is to get more regional -- [speaker interrupted -- multiple voices]
>> that's why bastrop county is involved. In fact judge -- going to mention that down in caldwell county, so we are looking at the whole spectrum. Williamson county did something similar here not too long ago as far as the regional approach to economic development strategies up in Williamson county. I知 just trying to bring back some reasonable perspective, but have the regional officials there along with the summit atmosphere to ensure that we get as much on the table to bring economic opportunities to this area.
>> you had subdivision regulations the -- the racetrack, which is minor issues like that.
>> well, I mean, they're not minor to the two entities. They are not [laughter] as broad reaching --
>> an understatement. That's -- that -- this really is more of a conflict resolution between the two entities as it is the promotion of a larger agenda on regional economic development. I don't think we were look at that necessarily as a part of the scope of this committee.
>> how much of the city of Pflugerville is in precinct 1?
>> its e.t.j.
>> I don't know the area.
>> its e.t.j. The full city of Pflugerville is completely within precinct 2, but there are areas to the south of there and -- extremely to the east of there.
>> e.t.j., Yeah.
>> cameron road is the dividing line. So it is truly and wholly within precinct 2.
>> if we have two members of the court it makes sense to me for either Commissioner Sonleitner and me or Commissioner Sonleitner and Commissioner Davis.
>> I知 happy to --
>> economic development I think that if we -- I would approach it in a slightly different way. So if your interest is that, you may want me to be on this. Depending on what issues pop up, this could be very time consuming or it could require just a little time.
>> right.
>> it all depends on what pops up in the future.
>> I think this is more in and out on particular issues. I mean it's there as issues come up, but I think there are certain -- certain issues that we need to talk about right now. And they are very specific. I think they are -- they have got solutions, we just need to find them. And -- and but -- I don't look at this as being, you know, an ongoing forever type of subcommittee that has, you know, develop as big agenda. Develops a big agenda.
>> I am thinking if you kind of represent this area, you will be called on whether our the subcommittee or not, you might as well go ahead and get familiar with the different issues that are there.
>> did you want to serve on that subcommittee, judge, with the Pflugerville -- because I知 going to still push forward with the economic development.
>> seems like economic development would be more likely Commissioner Davis and --
>> because you have been doing it anyway.
>> I think it would send a very strong, positive message for our county judge to be part of this committee. I don't think it's going to be time consuming as the 1445 negotiations were.
>> judge, I would move approval of the appointment of myself and you to the Travis County Pflugerville subcommittee of elected officials. And, joe, it was -- it was councilmember mccord, who was the other person from Pflugerville?
>> it should have printed it down. I知 sorry, I don't have that with me.
>> I do know councilmember mccord, one of the senior members of the Pflugerville city council --
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. I did indicate up front that Commissioner Gomez was an September today.
>> yes.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 1:13 PM