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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 2, 2004
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communications is next and one citizen has signed in and that is mr. Jimmy castro.
>> good morning, judge Biscoe and Commissioners. My name is jimmy castro. I’m here to speak on my own behalf. I’m also with the capital metro advisory committee. Have I some slides to show you this morning. This first slide shows I’m here to remind everyone to take the time to vote in today's November 2nd election. Organizations endorsing the commuter rail proposal include the Austin downtown alliance, the greater Austin chamber of commerce, and the league of women voters. The all systems go is a 2-year, long-range transit plan by capital metro. The proposed rail service will not require any new taxes or any future bonding authority and will utilize capital metro's existing freight rail lines. Circulation will include highland mall, especially for shopping. And the j.j. Pickle research campus. Capital metro is working with local area biking organizations for hike and bike trails. Rapid bus service will include [inaudible] shuttle buses at train stations. Increased express and local bus service to area restaurants. Increased downtown local bus service especially to the area hotels. Capital metro also offers special transit services for the disabled. The dillo routes include the warehouse district. Capital metro also divides 22 u.t. Shuttle routes -- provides. Future proposed rail service could include the university of Texas medical school at Austin. The dell children's medical center of central Texas. Finally, let's do the right thing by passing the commuter rail starter line proposition for Austin's future. So Austin can maintain its status as the most livable city in america. Thank you judge and Commissioners.
>> thank you.
>> thank you, mr. Castro.
>> mr. Castro, could I ask you a question?
>> yes, sir.
>> maybe a couple of questions. What is the proposed ridership in the first -- in the first year of this rail line? Do you know what that is?
>> no, sir, I don't exactly.
>> I mean if I told you that it was 2,000 boardings, and that's 1,000 people, and there are 433,000 people that commute in this community and that's less than one-half of one percent, are you saying that's what you think this community ought to spend $60 million on?
>> well, when you take a look at the $60 million and you take a look at one lane of one mile of highway, this is going to be a pretty good investment. But when you take a look at it, it's not only just $60 million for chuter rail line. At the very beginning if you noticed it's a 25-year long-range transit plan not only including commuter rail but the transit system. Rapid bus system and also circulating buses at the train stations. You may be ride about the ridership at the very beginning, but when I compared to the dart system in dallas area, they started off very small on their starter line. As soon as they got that starter line in dallas running, then they've expanded and the rider ridership has increased.
>> mr. Castro, I think you ought to look at your numbers in dallas and I think you would find that's not the case. What they've increased ridership is they have increased building lines farther and farther. The initial 39,000 boardings that they have, they have not increased their ridership. I mean if you look at this project and you look at 21 years out, you know what that figure that capital metro says? Well, mr. Castro, you ought to know some of these numbers before you come and tell us and tell this community that we ought to be supporting this. Because that's 17,000 boardings in 21 years from now. 17,000 boardings is 8500 people. It will be less than one-half of one percent. A so I mean I take exception to your recommendation. I realize that you have the prerogative to come down and do that and I appreciate the time you always take, but unfortunately there are a few more statistics that need to go out on the airways other than what you just said. Thank you.
>> isn't america wonderful? Everybody is entitled to their own opinion.
>> speaking of a wonderful america, last Friday we did have our combined charities festival. That was an outstanding turnout. We had in addition to real good food and drinks, we had a haunted house and the old historic courthouse put on by the sheriff's office, and that was very outstanding. We had the honor guard from the sheriff's office to do the presentation of the flag during the opening ceremony. We had a kimberly ortz, who works in the sheriff's office and an outstanding singer also. All of the departments that participated in did an outstanding job. I spent all the cash that I had on me and borrowed, I think, three dollars that i'll pay back next payday. But the money is still rolling in and I just want to thank county employees for such an outstanding effort. And this is a reminder that the deadline for pledges and contributions I November 15th. And let me apologize up front because chances are you will receive a whole lot of communications from yours truly and the co-chair people, chair persons of the charities effort this year between now and November 15th. We have a goal of just $150,000. We're well on the way there. Next week we'll try to give a monetary update. But encouragement to keep on keeping on and a remained minder that November 15th deadline is just a little less than two weeks from today. And so this effort helps nonprofits help needy residents in our community and so is an outstanding purpose. Anybody else for citizens communication? That's to draws the court on any -- address the court on any matter not on the agenda. Okay.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:21 PM