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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 26, 2004
Item 17

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17 is to consider and take appropriate action on issues regarding the implementation of the Travis County hospital district. A, memorandum of agreement for the Travis County auditor to provide services to the Travis County hospital district. Good morning.
>> good morning. We have executed a memorandum of understanding which is really an agreement between the hospital district, the county auditor's office and the Commissioners court because you are the ones that fund my office, so it obviously concerns you. And I want to talk about what the services are and what they are not so that we all have a clear understanding. We spent a lot of time to make sure that the financial policies that you'll wanted the hospital district to follow, we followed in doing the accountening and financial for the hospital. One of the things that we thought is that at no cost, the auditor's office could do the accounting, financial reporting, the payroll, and the payroll tax reports and the bank reconciliations by spreading that work out through the office so it just takes a small bit of several people's time. And we felt we could absorb that work. And so we'll be able to tell that as the year goes on when we see what that actually entails. We thought that that was the right thing to do because it saved the taxpayers money and it also allows the hospital district district board to start focusing on direct services and delivery of services while we help with, you know, for some would seem like mundane things, but important financial activities regarding taxpayers' money. So that's why we agreed to do that. That's the first reason. The second is that the financial statements of the hospital district will be part of the county's financial statements, and so we are very concerned that they are correct and that the financial position is good so that it doesn't impact negatively the county's financial position and our ability to get favorable bond ratings and therefore interest rates when we have to issue debt. So that's another reason. One of the things I want to point out is the role of what the county auditor is and is not in that agreement so that you know that. I told you what we did do, what we are going to do. What we will not do is I will not be their auditor. And what difference does that make. I am your auditor, so when you sign contracts and you define the services you want to deliver, we do not pay those bills until there has been documentation that those services have been delivered. And then I sign it, I sign the check, it moves forward to you and you know we've looked at that. We will not be doing that for the hospital district. So, for instance, the $41 million contract with the city of Austin, we will not be determining whether those services were rendered. The hospital district will make that decision themselves. They will sign off on it and then they will pass it on to us merely to have it paid. So we will not be into the auditing function, and that's very different than the services that we render for you. I will not be their chief financial officer. That means I will not sign their checks. I will not sign their annual report. We will prepare the accounting report, but that is their responsibility to sign it and to do the management representation letter, and basically they will direct the outside audit. They will hire an outside auditor. It may or may not be the same auditor that Travis County has hired for their books. But we have concern who they will hire because our auditors must look at that work and they must sign off on it. So we do have a concern about that. The quality of that audit. So if it is not good, if the audit on the financial statements does not meet the standards of our auditor, then that will have to be redone until it does because our auditor signs off on our statements including those. So that will be an issue. One of the things that my staff did was we prepared a time frame for their audit because it is important that that is done in a timely manner so that Travis County can put together its financial statements in a timely manner. And so we have got that down. The other thing is that there will be many complex issues in setting up the hospital district and what assets are valued at, you know, how things are accounted for, and we are not paying our outside auditors to answer those questions, and so the district has to hire a firm that will deal with those questions. We, of course, will be working with that firm because we'll be doing the accounting for the district. But I just wanted you to have a pretty good idea of what we're agreeing to and what we're not agreeing to. The memorandum of understanding allows either party to discontinue the arrangement if it does not work. And one of the things that we have said is one of the ten anyways in there is we will train whoever replaces us. And I made it real clear to members in the finance committee of the hospital district that if they want us to do that, that transition needs to be at a time when we have the staff to train them, like not right now where we're closing our books and putting our own [inaudible] together. This time of the year would not be the time to do that. That's in a nutshell so you all know what Travis County, the auditor's office and y'all are committing to do and what not to do. I think this is going to be a really good arrangement. I think it is. I think it's going to work out. I would suspect that there will be some minor changes as we go on and see how they are operating and things they would like to do. You know, these quasi governmental agencies, one of the real stkaeugsz, and I watched the board on t.v. Thursday night, is tom young said, I just wasn't aware of all the controls governments have and that's right, it not our money, it's not their money, it's taxpayers' money so there are a lot more controls. There are controls the state requires of counties and you have required that of them and we have absolutely agreed with that. So I think we're off on a really good start. I think this is a good arrangement to have with the district. Y'all set the tax rate, you set the budget, you are used to our preparing financial statements for you, and I think this is going to work well. I think it's a good cooperative arrangement between y'all, our office and the hospital district. So that's just kind of an overview, a tremendous amount of work went into this and I want to thank the staff in my office that did this. Diana w, kimberly walton, mike wicker, jose and charles worked a lot during the worst time of the year for us and I wasn't here. So I really appreciate the effort. And the hospital district, tom young, clyde worked very hard on it as well.
>> susan, do we believe that the board of managers appreciates the various points that you made?
>> we have tried to make them appreciate that, judge. There has been many discussions, but I am willing to meet with them or talk to them and probably will as we're going on so that they do -- do understand that. I mean, none of these things seem important until you've got a problem, and then you've got -- and then they are really important. And it's not the kind of things -- even I sensed watching them Thursday, and I absolutely understand this, they are chomping at the bit to get into the medical care, that's what they are interested in, but these things have to be taken care of. I think they do. We're going to know as it starts progressing and we actually start doing work for them. If I think there's not a clear understanding, I will meet with them. If we think there is a real problem with our report, then I?m going to come back to the Commissioners court because it impacts you as well. But I think that -- do you think they do, diana? You've been meeting with them.
>> I do. And I think if we can look at the r.f.q. To make sure it's got the deadlines in there and evaluations.
>> yeah, and we're concerned with that they get someone who has worked with hospital district accounting. It's not like other things. We need someone who has done that and has the ability to do that because what we do not want is a mess at the end of the year where we find out that dwight is not happy with the work and then -- I mean that's a problem. Timing-wise it's a problem. So I?m hoping we're not going to get to. That but I do think diana is absolutely right and she's communicated in writing, we need to make sure their r.f.q. Gets the kind of credentials we believe that's going to be necessary to report this part of the statement. We have an interest in that.
>> in terms of the auditor that they have.
>> right. And that is absolutely their decision.
>> right.
>> but we need qualifications.
>> do we think that the 12-page memorandum of understanding does a pretty good job of laying out what we believe the auditing requirements are?
>> this is more on the accounting services we're performing. In the financial policies, we set deadlines. You know, the audit has to be completed by December 31st. So from that what we did for the time line was to back it up. If you have to have your -- the audit -- the opinion issued by the 31st when you start the audit and when do you have interim completion dates. That's what we laid out and gave to mr. Young, jim collins and ms. Mendoza to give to the board.
>> that's the one-page summary?
>> that's the one page plus the specific requirements we gave --
>> r.f.q.?
>> right, that section. We gave them that. We had given back in September the evaluation factors that we've used in our r.f.q.s with the county.
>> okay. I may well just inform -- let them see -- we believe that we're in agreement and, I mean, if we're not, it's time to address the issue.
>> it's now. I agree. And cyd is writing the r.f.q. For them because they are required to use the -- comply with the county purchasing act and use the county purchasing officer. That's really the only concern that we have, and you are right, judge, deal with that now rather than when there's a problem.
>> is this a proposed memorandum, judge, that we're sending off to the hospital district saying we would like for you to sign this or have they already signed off on the memorandum and are waiting on us?
>> they signed and I signed for you to approve.
>> anybody else here on this item? Who would like to give comments today? Okay.
>> thank you very much.
>> move approval of the memorandum of agreement with the Travis County hospital district regarding the described services.
>> seconded.
>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you very much, susan. Are you doing all right? Looking well. Good to see you. Any other matters regarding the hospital district, john that is correct we need to take care of today?
>> not at this time. Just to let you know that the services agreement, you know, the big interlocal agreement will be presented at jim collins for -- he's starting to review later on in the week and i'll give you a copy at the same time.
>> we're looking toward having that on maybe November 9th?
>> that would be a good day to shoot for.
>> we didn't think about this last week, we didn't talk about it a whole lot, but next Tuesday is election day. So far the agenda looks pretty light so it probably is a good idea to keep it that way. The other thing in terms of a schedule is that on the afternoon of November 9th, or the 10th or 11th, we need to do the executive managers and about 30 minutes of strategic planning. [indiscernible] we had kind of talked about earlier.
>> yeah, I?m just looking at the timing. I?m out all of next week as well, and just a reminder November 11th is veterans day, so the 11th won't work because that's a county holiday.
>> what about the 10th? I know it's pre-veterans day.
>> have to check calendars.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:27 PM