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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 19, 2004
Item 26

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26. Consider and take appropriate action on issues related to the conduct of the November 2004 joint general and special election, including the designation of election day polling places.
>> thank you, judge, I appreciate that. The only thing that we have today, I need to advise the court that we got [indiscernible] testing. I think it's going to be tomorrow we are going to do it. This is an incredibly important test that removes a lot of the lingering doubts that people have about the software that tell lees our ballots, tallies our ballots. It proves that we have the correct version, there's nothing added to or omitted from that version. I've been working with the national institute of science and technology, they are the one who's have written the protocol for how to do that. The test works, they -- at the federal level they compare the software that's in their bank in escrow and then they compare it with the state level, compare it with the county level down to precinct level. So it -- it's a -- the engineers out there will be thrilled to hear that Travis County is going to be doing hash code testing. We may be the only county that's doing it. It's a very new tech. I think that it will be a standard for the future for other counties. We are trying our best to get that done. I’m really tickled to say that. The other thing that I would let you know is that yesterday's turnout turned out to be, my staff and I ended up working a 20 hour day. More like election day. We got hit with a tidal wave, a wonderful tidal wave of voters. Triple the number of people we had on the previous first day of the presidential election turnout. And quadruple the number of people on the first day for gubernatorial. And it shows only signs of letting up just a little bit today. So we think this is going to be absolutely a huge turnout. Thank you for your time.
>> did you not have a thing related to the parking over at u.t.?
>> well, I don't think that the auditor and the county attorney -- I’m ready for that, but I think they were taking more time to do that. If it's all right with the court, we will roll that to next week. I believe -- I’m waiting on them for that. Let me also give the judge an update on hava. We are ready to go. P.b.o. Is ready to go. You are ready to go. We are waiting on the secretary of state's office to correct a problem with one of their field that has too few characters in it before we can hit the button and do the final submission. I hope to hear from them this week that they have corrected that problem, then we are ready to go on hava funds.
>> good news.
>> do you have in your packet the resolution? We could go ahead and do that today? You don't have it?
>> this is the only thing parking thing.
>> then if you would, we will plan to do the resolution that goes with the grant submission next Tuesday.
>> we have already done the grant submission things was on today's under grants and contracts.
>> with the resolution?
>> we did it on consent.
>> sorry, i've been swamped.
>> > yes, we did it and resolution.
>> perfect. Then what that means for the court just to let you know, what that means for the court is that at this point then I’m freed up to go ahead and submit at the moment the secretary of state's office is ready to accept. You have no further action that you need to take. We will take care of it from there on.
>> check with allen miller.
>> thank you very much, I appreciate that. All right. Y'all have a good day.
>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:32 PM