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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 19, 2004
Item 18

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Number 18 is to review and approve the following property claim recommendations. A, constable 5, settle.
>> judge, I have a, b -- a, b, e and f.
>> what do you have issues on?
>> I have issues on c, d, e and g.
>> let's call up c, c is Travis County sheriff's office unit 1952. Recommended to settle.
>> this was a vehicle that was damaged after colliding several times with a guardrail. We're recommending replacement of this vehicle.
>> was it being used?
>> yes.
>> and the employee who wrecked this one will get a new one?
>> that I don't know. What does it mean if it's applicable four points?
>> the sheriff's office did not adopt the vehicle safety policy. If they had, then this would have included the four points.
>> so it doesn't have any points at all?
>> no. He received a reprimand in his employee development file.
>> this is a subject that has come up numerous times and the traditional thing is once we et the budget we cannot mess with an independent elected official's budget, but what they have since said is it is an amount that does not substantially change the core and scope of their duties. And I cannot be convinced that 25,000 on an 85-million-dollar budget is going to be a budget buster for the sheriff's office, and I would like to get some information about whether we can charge back and would have are resulted in assigned points, i'd like to see these charged back with the sheriff's office. Fine, we'll fix them, but we're taking it out of your budget. I’m convinced that until we harnl these back to the departments, they are never going to get the message that you cannot do this, and we're not here to clean up your messes.
>> cid are the ones you have have -- c, d and g?
>> yes.
>> why don't we pull c, d and g and get the research on those. Can you meet with the sheriff's department?
>> we can certainly do that.
>> I meant members of the court. [ laughter ]
>> Margaret, I’m with you on this one.
>> let's find out exactly what the law is, maybe chat with the sheriff --
>> and see if we can get mutual agreement that they're going to absorb this within the budget year.
>> these are three real issues hanging in the balance. So c, d and g, right?
>> uh-huh.
>> any issues on the others. Pulling h?
>> h was just a question.
>> I’m not pulling it, but holding it off.
>> so the big ones are a, b, e and f.
>> recommend approval.
>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. We will have c, d and g back on next week or two weeks?
>> two weeks.
>> it will be two weeks because that's election day.
>> I’m not going to be here.
>> I understand that they all need to be ordered at the same time and these will all be new vehicles purchased on a state contract.
>> November ninth okay? And h, facilities management, settle. And that's about a transfer.
>> yes. And this is at 1101 nueces for restoration and remediation. The risk management fun has $65,304 for mold remediation and restoration. We have expanded $32,184. We're asking the court to allow us to transfer the balance to facilities that that they can expedite work at nueces by negotiating a contract and entering into rekz and po's. We're confident that that amount is going to be spent, it's just to expedite the handling of the remodeling and renovation work.
>> why wasn't this done as a budget transfer within a line item? That was the thing that just confused me is why is this being done in this form or fashion as opposed to we get things transferred between departments all the time under budget amendments and transfers.
>> the reason is normally when we have these it's under $10,000, which is in authority. This one is over 10,000, so we wanted to bring it to court.
>> I move approval of a. H.
>> discussion? You will make the transfer?
>> yes, sir.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:33 PM