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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 12, 2004
Housing Finance Corporation

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Now let's call to order Travis County housing finance corporation. 1. Approve minutes of board of directors meeting of July 27, 2004.
>> so moved.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 2. Consider and take appropriate action regarding request to approve resolution prescribing the form and substance of an agreement to issue bonds, authorizing the execution of such agreement and containing other provisions relating to: lawyers have been at work, haven't they, mr. Davis? A. $15,000,000 multifamily housing revenue bonds (tuscany apartments million. 15 million. You said thousand.
>> mr. Davis, has been at work, also. 15 million. Not thousand. What's a about?
>> I’m sorry?
>> what's 2 a about? Don't let me surprise you. I thought we would take them a, b, c, one at a time.
>> I’m sorry. I don't have --
>> tuscany.
>> tuscany is the project that is close to samsung at the northeast portion of the property at braker lane, samsung boulevard. Proposed unit size is -- proposed number of units is 232 units. Just real briefly in all three of these, a, b, c, this is preliminary resolution to approve bonding with the revenue board. If they get the state volume cap, the borrowers and developers would then put together a project and a financial package and come back for approval. This is still one of those -- this is the time of year when we get those -- the applications to be put into the lottery.
>> it is for those reasons that I move approval of 2 a.
>> second.
>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 2 b, $15 million multi-family housing revenue bonds (stone creek canyon apartments); move approval for the same reasons.
>> yes, sir. This one is located on slaughter lane. And it would be the size of approximately 252 units.
>> undeterred, I stick with my motion to approve.
>> second.
>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. C. $15,000,000 multifamily housing revenue bonds (stone creek reserve apartments).
>> i'll be quiet if you want me to. [laughter]
>> I move approval anyways. Staying quiet won't cost you a vote.
>> second.
>> these are multi-family units that --
>> yes, sir. This is across the street on slaughter lane, also approximately 252 units and -- any more --
>> any more discussion?
>> let me add on all three of these that the entity is a chodo entity. And meaning that they are non-profit housing organization. So they would be applying for -- for some property tax abatement.
>> chodos are not 100% [multiple voices]
>> weren't they eliminated during the first year, in January.
>> the 100% exemption has been eliminated, it's now a maximum of 50%. And I think one of the thoughts these would all three be new construction so the tax base would actually be increased even though there would be a 50% tax abatement. But that's obviously the decision that -- that would be made later.
>> yeah. So I guess my question, though, is -- is when -- if this application goes through and they are maybe the one chosen in the lottery, it does come back before the Commissioner, before us board, at that time do we look at this as a chodo, or would it be at the discretion of the court, the members here of the board to approve that format, formation as far as the chodo versus the non-, to make sewer that the tax exempt status is not implemented, applicable. Is that still -- that's still an option because I have really serious problem with tax breaks, tax exemptions on those properties that -- that will not be allowed to participate in that tax base.
>> it will have to come back before the this board, on several more occasions, before we finally approve the bonds. This would be a structure similar to the one that closed in early August at rose mont at old manor, that transaction as opposed to one of the transactions that we had which were -- which have not done very well in terms of purchasing existing properties like chodos.
>> it would -- would it be good to know, I guess in the future -- I would like to really press this issue -- anyone that comes in apply for these type of bonds, bonding, an application process, what we are doing here today, if they are definitely seeking chodo status that will allow those tax exemptions to be implemented, on that property, of course, I would really want you to let us know that.
>> sure.
>> I mean by all means, please do.
>> we'll --
>> for sure. If these properties do get allocation from bond review board, that will be in the first memo that comes back describing what the transaction is.
>> thank you very much.
>> sure.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. We announce that director Gomez is an September for the entire meeting of the housing finance corporation. Okay.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimo vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:35 PM