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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 12, 2004
Item 5

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5. Approve contract to provide security upgrades at the Travis County domestic relations office and the county clerk/tax office building, ifb no. B040132si, to the low bidder, ebm security, inc.
>> judge, a couple of questions that I had. Do we think that -- that the -- that the bid complies with the sheriff's findings and recommendation with regards to what we are going to do with dro, I mean, are those consistent, cyd? Did you read -- in the backup you read the sheriff's backup that says here are the things that we really think need to be done, you know, recommendation-wise, I just wanted to make sure that, you know, the company that got this is actually -- that the sheriff's office actually after it's done will say, you know, you all at least followed our recommendations with regards to the safety -- can you answer that?
>> commission, I don't have a copy of the letter you are referring to. And I was not involved in the executive session discussions on the security issues.
>> okay.
>> I do know that judge Biscoe asked some questions if this was approved by the Commissioners court and I believe alicia answered that it was. So I would assume that we are in this bid meeting some of the requirements that the sheriff put in place, but I really cannot answer your question. I suppose alicia or roger should be on his way over here perhaps they could answer it. Or perhaps the judge knows.
>> the court approved the security measurements via a budget amendment approved on July 27th, 2004. That memo dated July 19th, 2004, sent to the Commissioners court from jessica rio, p.b.o. Analyst, the memo listed the items to be purchased and the request from facilities management for a $61,135 transfer to cover the security recommendations from the sheriff's office.
>> right.
>> so this basically not only says that this was part of the recommendations from the sheriff, but we basically approved those back in July.
>> okay.
>> I guess we are just getting it done.
>> we are just getting the bids. Now, there was a fence that's not included in this bid that we have already awarded and it's in -- I don't know if it's installed yet or not. But there was also a perimeter fence it was involved, but it was not included in this bid, it was an earlier bid.
>> roger?
>> good morning, I’m roger el khoury facilities management department. The airport items for security [indiscernible] it's -- have been discussed, you know, in executive session and it's been approved the funding and the -- the plan and those -- those plan has been assessed by the sheriff's office. And some of the -- some of the -- the security items we are doing with this -- with this package right now, [indiscernible] camera station, new card reader, key pad, additional camera and recorders for the tax office and the county clerk buildings, airport boulevard buildings at this time. And we went through the process and got the --
>> the question was is this in accordance with what the sheriff recommended?
>> oh, yes. [multiple voices]
>> dro, it's not the tax office --
>> it's both. It's dro and the tax office.
>> I understand that, but my particular question is about -- about dro and the lavaca location.
>> yes, sir. The dro and lavaca, the sheriff did make the assessment of the buildings and recommended also a key pad for the building and also a card reader and camera on the inside and outside. Those are digital cameras out there, connected directly to the sheriff. So the card reader will not be controlled any more by facility management department. Will be controlled directly by the sheriff because of the domestic relation issues regarding security. It's been assessed by the sheriff and has been six clailted back -- circulated back then in July. It was approved based on, as I remember, it was a -- it was a $50,000 in -- in earmarked on security county-wide and that's what the money probably counts from [indiscernible], p.b.o. Will change it to a [indiscernible] reserve at that time, but it's been approved by the court.
>> I understand. I just wanted to make sure that what we are spending 100 grand on, that we were getting all of the things that the sheriff says because I don't want us to come back later, somebody said you know that wasn't part of that. But if you are saying -- you are in compliance with that it's being handled totally and properly and that dro is -- is happy with what --
>> absolutely.
>> then I move approval.
>> second.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you very much.
>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:38 PM