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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 5, 2004
Item 5

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5. Approve proclamation recognizing November 2004 as "official home care and hospice month" in Travis County. And we have two proclamations today. Should we read one of them?
>> great, thank you.
>> they are about the same. One of my choice?
>> home care?
>> okay. It reads: whereas home care is the preferred method of health care delivery among the growing number of people who are disabled, elderly and chronically ill, blending the professional care of the hospital setting with the warmth of the home environment, health care offers many people the opportunity to live with their families and friends, while receiving the care they need. Whereas the Texas association of home care, with more than 600 members who provide home care in other community support services throughout the lone star state is working to keep texans proud and independent, the support network formed by this dedicated group of home care professionals will continue to play a vital role in health care delivery for many texans, Texas associations for home care, and designated November as home care on to raise public awareness of the availability and advantages of home care. The adopted theme is caring and courage, heroes with heart. Therefore be it resolved that the Travis County Commissioners court proper claims November 2004 home care month and encourages all citizens to learn more about the home care options and to recognize the hard work and dedication of home care providers and their contributors, contributions, to the well-being of people of all ages. Their work helps ensure a better quality of life for individuals and their loved ones. And this is for November, not October. We are just being real early. [laughter] move approval.
>> second.
>> good morning.
>> good morning.
>> I appreciate being here this morning. Judge Biscoe, Commissioners Gomez and Davis. My name is jason earl, I work at girling hospice. And on behalf of the -- all of the hospice and people who -- who provide end of life care, I appreciate the recognition today. I think that it's real important on the choices that we have throughout our lives, why should end of life care being any different. Seeing that this could become a tremendous social political issue as the baby boomers age and make decisions about our loved ones, I appreciate bringing this -- this information, this appreciation to bear. Thank you.
>> I appreciate very much, having used the service, it was a very good feeling, you know, to go through the process, thank you all very much.
>> thank you.
>> and the others are?
>> I’m eve corsan, with visiting angels, personal assistance services as well as a representative and officer of the Austin area home health council. And again I would just like to reiterate jason and say how much we appreciate this. We work very hard and -- in the industry, and it's a -- for an aging population that really deserves to have that extra kindness and kindred spirit and gift for them. And --
>> I’m ann hatfield with the Texas association for home care, I would also like to say thank you to -- to judge Biscoe and to the -- to the Commissioners here today. It is a real important issue of -- of the home care and the hospice issues as important as far as quality of life and -- not only for the patients, but it also is for the families. And having -- having just gone through this myself and we really appreciate you saying that. It is very important for the families and there are over 200,000 employees of the home care agencies here in Texas, so it does affects a lot of people -- does affect a lot of people.
>> good morning. I’m sherri cummings with outreach health services and on behalf of all of our patients and employees we also would like to thank you for the recognition, for the proclamation for home care and hospice month in November. It takes a lot of partnerships to provide that -- that caring and service and the quality of care to all of these patients across the county. And so on behalf of those partners as well, we thank you once again.
>> thank you.
>> thank you.
>> so during the month of November, we can hope to publicize educate, residents of the availability and importance of home care services.
>> yes.
>> okay. Very good.
>> sounds like important work to me.
>> it is.
>> yeah.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> thank you.
>> that motion does cover two proclamations that are similar. And -- and two are better than one. [laughter] and there are facts in each one of them. Good luck to you all, let us know if we can help you other than staying out of your way.
>> thank you.
>> thank you. Thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:41 PM