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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 28, 2004
Item A-1

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The only other little item we probably ought to try to take this morning is a-1. Consider and take appropriate action on the following requests regarding the Travis County combined charities campaign. A, a letter from the Commissioners court in support of the campaign. Historically the county judge has been signing that letter. A precedent started years and years ago. And in a nightmare or dream that I had, the entire Commissioners court encouraged the employees to participate. And so what we have done is to use basically the same letter that we do historically and just have it from the members of the court. I don't know when we started using this letter, but the only changes generally have been the date and amount of money because typically we refer to the amount raised during the preceding year. The amount in '03 was about $20,000 less than '01. '01 was like the banner year. So our goal this year is to make the '01 standard. But a is basically the letter that I’m suggesting that we sign. And b is -- what we try to do is give the little brochure, this right here, I think you have a copy, taken letter in a is toward the beginning. And what we do, we'll include the letter from the court. A couple other points about the campaign. As well as a listing of all the nonprofit agencies that benefit. And we try to give employees a copy of this. And that's why we need about 4,000. Now, to be honest, typically that 4,000 brochures has been printed by somebody else and paid for. But because -- but the [inaudible] has been charged to our campaign effort. The difference is I think we can print it for less and it would end up being a contribution from Travis County. Even if we were try to get reimbursed, my guess is it would be less than the others print. My suggestion is this would be a contribution to the Travis County effort. 100% of these brochures will be used here at Travis County. We've done a pretty good job of distributing pretty much 100% of them. They mean more to some employees than others. But when we talked with the committee, they thought that was a good idea. And so that's the recommendation to the court. That the entire court sign the letter, which I have here in the original, and that we authorize our print shop to print 4,000 brochures and the koe working with volunteers from different county departments will make sure that the brochures get in the hands of the employees who hopefully contribute to this year's effort. I move approval of a and b.
>> second.
>> any discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you all very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Thursday, October 27, 2005 9:21 AM