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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 28, 2004
Item 59

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59, consider and take appropriate action on notification from secretary of state of help america vote act, hava, award. That came to my office in an agenda item because several actions need to be taken. I can notify the secretary of state to communicate with you rather than the county judge, right?
>> absolutely. I would be happy to handle it.
>> there's a mass word that you need to -- pass word that you need to access information. With no objection from the court, I will do that. The other thing is there's certain work to be done in order to guarantee receipt of the award and normally your office does that too.
>> correct. I've already started that. I’m partly into the grant application process and almost finished with the write-up p.b.o. Has asked us to do for their rules for grants. And we're pooling together all the budget numbers. We should be able to pull this together pretty quickly. I would love to have it done by the end of the month. We're trying.
>> okay.
>> dana, I was a tad confused in terms of the letter that came in from secretary conner, when it's a reimbursement, it just comes back to the general fund because the language seemed to be saying, well, these categories can be spent prospectively on stuff and what if eve already spent. Are there in terms of it just goes into the general fund, been here, done this, and leaves it to the discretion of the Commissioners court to decide how those dollars are being spent?
>> yes, and my obligation will to be prove to the secretary of state this was the budget we used for those categories of items and it will be probably be in excess tore every category. So you are looking at 100% reimbursement. That does raise one more issue and that is I have to tell the sebg stare of state to direct deposit the funds into. I’m going to need to know what account number you need me to use.
>> we can get with p.b.o. And -- within the next couple of days.
>> a lot of these dollars are fixing to go towards the hospital district and it's like I wanted to make sure we can do this, right?
>> we have a deposit slip right here. [laughter]
>> would you mind drafting an appropriate letter to be sent to the secretary of state where the Commissioners court basically designates you as the county contact person? And authorize me to sign that letter, send it over there. Seems like an unnecessary loop for it to come to me and then I contact --
>> happy to take care of the letter.
>> it is not a small amount of money. There are three different categories and they add up to $1,532,731. That is a lot of money.
>> 1.5 million.
>> $1.5 million.
>> yes, we're excited.
>> how much of this -- notify the secretary of state to authorize the county clerk to deal with the hava award issues for the Commissioners court.
>> do we need the --
>> our office is in the early stages of working with this grant. And before we say the money is going to go to the general fund, we believe some of the expense were paid out of capital money. So if that is the case, the money may have to go back against the bond fund and may not be available to the general fund. So this is something we're still researching.
>> in my letter I wasn't going to indicate that to the sebg stare of state, but at some point I think we need to do that.
>> your question about the money be available to the general fund, we're not totally sure that's going to be the case.
>> I just think we ought to do the necessary due diligence and when we know --
>> figure out what it is.
>> we're refraining to comment on where to deposit the money for the time being. Is there a second to that motion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you very much. That takes care of you, right?
>> uh, 50 -- just making sure. 56 and 57 were put on consent, I believe. And then 58. And I’m looking under executive session.
>> 66, but that's executive session.
>> yes, sir, we're done for today and i'll be back for executive.
>> okay. Thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Thursday, October 27, 2005 9:21 AM