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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 21, 2004
Item 37

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Number 37 is to consider and take appropriate action on request for a comprehensive study on compensation for various categories of peace officers and I would like to lay this out and hopefully we can take action next week and not today. Summarize the ideas that I have as well as to sort of quickly write down various questions under each category of peace officer. A lot of the questions are the same or similar. And what I have in mind basically is for us to authorize a comprehensive report starting a list of recommendations, hopefully, of aspects of peace officer compensation, the four major categories, half 0 of them are represented by an organized group. The other half is not. But what concerns me is that during the budget process and most of the time toward the end of it, most of them bring us the results of substantial study on their part. And also it's really too late for us to give it serious consideration, and my intention here is for us to authorize that we commence this next year very early in the fiscal year with an eye toward receiving specific recommendations I would say early summer. There are numerous steps that you normally would not have just by doing a market salary survey and I do think we ought to give the various groups an opportunity to revise their input and I can recall really I guess what documents from them pretty much every year for the last three or four years, and what we ought to ask them to do is get that information as much as possible to give them a deadline for that, and my thinking is that they will submit that information to our human resources department, we will try to do as much of that work in house, but I知 firmly of the opinion that at some point we really need an independent outside expert to come in and take that data and give us recommendations, and I believe the rumor for that is this year specialized area, number one, an number two [inaudible] same objectivity as an outside expert. The problem of using an outside expert is that you're talking about cost, and I just -- I estimated 25 to $50,000 thinking that if we followed the model that we use for the operations study, I think it was big, and make this effort a little bigger than it would be otherwise is that you're talking about sort of four distinct professional categories instead of just one, I think it will be bigger than usual but I think it should be a lot smaller than the jail operation study. The other thing is that I think that this will involve quite a bit of analysis once we have pulled together the facts. The other thing is that historically we routinely contact the other urban counties, see how they treat different folks, I only hoping that we can be a little bit more systematic in gathering that information and maybe get their reasoning for some of the actions that they have taken, some of the decisions that they have made, so in addition to getting the facts that we kind of get the benefit of their thinking. But there is nothing magic about these ideas of the I mean I put these together rather hurriedly. I've organized it for the last six months. What is clear we ought to go in this direction and based on the 2 or 3 meetings where we discussed peace officer compensation it's clear that we collectively agonized over...
>> judge, I think this is a really a great place to start and I hope that you'll also allow us to add a few more questions and areas to go into because I -- i've got a few I would like to add to this myself in terms of some more questions, and I think the one that really struck me is how do we instill accountability into the system? I think there's been a great deal of frustration by at least some of us on this Commissioner's court that when you have things like lawsuits, that seem to tie back to decision making, training, lack of -- performance -- i'll call them performance issues, how do we get accountability built back into the system? How do we get... Is it even possible to get performance appraisals put back into to system, because folks on the top scale will get a raise regardless of what their performance was that particular individual year, whereas other one who is nonpops has to go through an appraisal process to get the minimums or to be granted compelling. Is that even possible? And is there an alternative to a pops-like scale? We've certainly seen at least one member of the family, constable two, get off the pops scale, and I would like to know, you know, what their experience has been the two years they've been off the pops scale about whether accountability and personal, professional performance appraisals have helped or whether they want to go back on the pops scale. And I think the other biggest frustration for me is we always seem to be doing year-to-year, and is there any way to be looking out beyond just that one fiscal year in terms of a more of a long-term view of where we're trying to take the organization as opposed to here we are at this particular moment and we can only see what's in front of us when a lot of the decisions being made at other places, for example, atd, they know what the outlook is for two, three years out, and I think we need to know what that two, three out is if a lot of our decisions seem to be based on staying within a certain striking distance of atd, we need to see the longer view as well as what is in front of us for any given fiscal year. So there's just a few of the other things to throw into the equation, but I think you've got a great lift here and again, accountability, performance appraisals, is there -- are there organizations without this kind of scale and getting more of a long-term view as to what the costs are of this scale as opposed to the crisis of the moment.
>> what I want is to have available to me with this process is to gather information so that we can determine if there needs to be a change in the way we approach this. And let's not say that, well, you know, the independent contractor is going to come in and they're going to say such and such and we're going to follow that by gum, you know, to me it makes a lot more sense to have it as information gathering. We combine all of the information that we have with cuc, the independent contractor, our own experience here, and with constable two, as well, and let's then make a decision that works for this community, because that's what we're going to wind up doing anyway, and gather all the information from everybody else to see what we -- what makes sense for us for next year and on out.
>> sure. Judge, I have no objections with this direction that you putting forth to her today. I just want to ensure whatever we do, we try to achieve a challenge, accept a challenge, as far as bringing along parody within law enforcement and corrections that has been a challenge for this budget year is how do we adjust the priority issues within the sheriff's department and of course there are others, people on separate pops scale other than the nonsheriff persons, I think going in the direction, I don't know what is on the other side, but I want to make sure that whatever the results are, whatever the finding, if we decide to do this at all, I want to make sure how do you achieve parody, how do we get to parody within the department, so that is still a challenge, so that would be my concern about this process. So thank you.
>> [indiscernible] three to five years rather than dealing with every budget cycle?
>> yeah.
>> now, do say on the second page of my little memo, attached is a series of questions that will facilitate our information gathering and review and analysis. Feel free to notify or develop your own. I do think we ought to look at this next week and take action. That way, whatever we plan to do we can hit the ground running in early October. My recommendation would be the first thing would be to notify all of the peace officers, especially organized groups and ask them to put together whatever their documentation is, revise it, [indiscernible] I don't know whether they need 30 days or 60 days, but would have to have a draft schedule that we plan to follow to make it clear that we want recommendations before us I would say early rather than in the middle of the budget process. So if we can get it like may or June, give us the best opportunity to reflect on it and respond during the budget process.
>> okay.
>> I would hope that we would also include those one group of employees who are peace officers who are not on the pops scale. I would like to get the input specifically and invite constable to be a part of this process as well. Because when he made the switch over, we said you cannot flip back and forth, back and forth, but I think he's been on it enough years to know whether this is something he wants to get back on or not. I think his input would be invaluable considering he's not been on the pops scale and has peace officers working for him.
>> okay.
>> judge, just to kind of keep everything kind of related to Travis County, I would like to have hr be involved in this to kind of add a balance, you know, to all of the information that is being gathered. And like I said ultimately it's going to come down to us making a decision that make sense for Travis County and the taxpayers here.
>> they can be very helpful in terms of contacting other hr's in order to get pay scale. Sometimes they can cut through a lot of red tape in terms of getting things within the community, the hr community.
>> yeah.
>> yes, sir?
>> since I have made mention during all of the budget time with all of the pops scale an everything that I was really interested in this because i, too, witnessed the frustration with all the different people coming at me, I mean this is something that I am especially interested in seeing. Although I will say this: I don't think the answers are always from consultants. I can remember the day when we had the sheriff and six or seven of her people in the room and we were talking about $250,000 to do a study with the sheriff that is a paid consultant that was always kind of amazing to me that we're paying for a consultant to come in and tell us how to do what we need to do, and as far as parody, parody is real simple, it's just money, that's how you get parody, you've got to come up with the dough to do it. Given we've got a thousand people over there, and assuming that the reason that parity is not there is because there weren't enough dollars to take and bring a thousand people along versus x amount of people along, you know, the money issue is the simplest of it. I mean it just depends on whether you're willing to bite the bullet and to appropriate the money to bring people into parity. But I really am interested in having people within our law enforcement agencies and all the caveats of law enforcement to come to the table and say, you know what, we are all in this together. I don't really care what tarrant county is doing. Because we're different from tarrant county. I mean we've got a different situation. It costs more to live in Austin, Texas, than it does in fort worth. I mean, you know, those are the things that drive so much of the decision that we have to make in this community. I think -- I mean it's easy for me to sit and look at our law enforcement people eye to eye and say there is a limit on what we can pay in order to -- for any of the jobs, and that is really what we're up against unless, of course, we don't care how we set the tax rate. I think all of us will always be concerned about that. So I mean I知 always entertained when I get off out in the public and I知 -- I find myself with two or three law enforcement folks and they can bring up four or five things to me that why don't we do these things and I知 like, well, that sounds pretty practical, why aren't we doing those things, and these are people that we have working for us that could sit down at a table and say, you know what, I mean people may think that we are going to protect our turf, but -- and that is not to say that we don't need a facilitator or somebody that knows more about how to ask the right questions of law enforcement. That is where I知 at a loss. If I get a detective that comes in, for example, the da's office, I don't know enough about what I need to be asking them to get to a spot where I知 comfortable making a decision. And so unless -- now, I don't know if that's a consultant, I would think that maybe the sheriff -- I mean I know one thing, we've got a person that works in the sheriff's department that was the sheriff and that has worked for the tabc, and has had, you know, tons of years of experience, so before I just say, you know, I this think we ought to appropriate 25, $50,000 to bring somebody in to tell us how to do this, I would hope that we would give some real thought to finding out how we would still down with different folks within our grasp and that work for us and say what are the real issues and -- now, maybe I will find in a short -- in a real short meeting that that is not possible. But I think your idea what about you're going to do is rite on line. I just hope that before we go and say, okay, before we run out here and get a consultant to come in here and say here is the blueprint, if y'all do this, then this is going to be aboutplegicable to you, because I知 afraid that might not be the case, but I知 looking forward to working with this process.
>> another issue that is out there is the whole idea of flexibility versus inflectionability, and I think that -- inflectionability. -- it was more important for him to have the flexibility to be able to hire people in with a pay range as oppose to the the inflexibility that went with pops. That was a judgment call for that particular person to say he wanted to be able to have performance and to have flexibility on hiring decisions and promoting decisions within the scale as opposed to the very inflexible nature of pops, even though it means you get automatic raises here and folks over here may be told, well, you did well, but others did more, and therefore the person who did more is going to get more than somebody who did a good job but did not excel I think flexibility versus inflexibility of the pops scale is another question to add on there. Judge, would you like those reduced to writing?
>> hand those to the next captain.
>> you bet.
>> [indiscernible] Biscoe to put aside his expertise in peace officer compensation until we receive a report and hopefully rather than listening to five or six distinct groups, each of which comes in with a long list of recommendation, and each of them makes all the sense in the world, and when they leave my office, most of the time, I知 amazed that I missed the thousand points that are made while on there. The impression, though, that this is becoming a specialized area. And in my memo I知 careful to point out that we do the information gathering, summary analysis, then we contract out for appropriate expertise. If the appropriate expertise is not out there, I知 thinking we will have a lot more to guess on and we will start our guessing early rather than in the last month, so that is my thinking. The other thing, though, is that economic all to reduce to writing its ideas, recommendations, et cetera, and ought to basically approve a strategy and schedule. And what else? And next contacted ought to be if somebody has questions for us to answer, otherwise we ought to personally wait for the report to get here. Now, what I have is to ear mark it, if decide that in fact don't need the outside expertise, haven't spent the money. I知 talking about up against allocated reserve and that kind of pull, by the way.
>> okay.
>> so, but actually looking for next week, I知 also hoping that we can hand something to somebody.
>> okay.
>> I think the whole court ought to be together on [indiscernible] the Commissioner's court.
>> okay. We want apples to apples comparisons. If we want to say compare Travis County to some other county, then it ought to be -- and i'll put this in writing -- that it ought to be not only population but cost of living so that you have a better idea of why we're comparing ourselves to another county. I'll put in it writing.
>> [indiscernible] any idea except [inaudible] will be welcome. Hear me out.
>> [inaudible]
>> yes, ma'am. The county departments?
>> yes, ma'am.
>> great.
>> so you'll have this back on? Questions?

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Thursday, October 27, 2005 9:41 AM