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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 14, 2004
Item 8

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Number 8 is to consider and take appropriate action on remaining fy '05 budget markup items.
>> anything under markup, the staff and the planning and budget office have been correcting, identifying any problems, ensuring that the proposed budget that will be filed a week from this Friday will be secured. And what low roadway is passing out -- leroy is passing out right now is a couple of changes. Also we will pass out the hard copy of the screens, the television screens that will provide you with a status report of where things stand as of -- currently. And we have a balanced budget. We have resources available. And if leroy can walk you through the changes, and then did you distribute the screens?
>> I have not.
>> I think maybe if we pass out the screens, if we have some additional revenue, there have been some expenditures that are tied to that revenue, so we've tried to put it all together for you so you can see where things stand.
>> these are actually the screens when we finished markup last Friday.
>> let me walk you quickly through these corrections. In the preliminary budget we budgeted any type of increase, any type of position that had revenue behind it that we included in the preliminary budget at the old hospitalization rate, the 517 per month. So during the changes we do through and we update all of those to the 579. So you will see through here additional hospitalization for staff approved in markup or already in the preliminary budget. That's the first entries. The same has to do with allocating the pops 4 percent that you approved hearing markup to anything that was appropriate in the preliminary budget. Let's see here. One of the things about halfway through the first page with the district attorney's office, the 10,000-dollar re-entry fee for the round table. There's a corresponding 31,060-dollar revenue item that also accompanies that from the district attorney. The others are the pops increase, the hospitalization -- let me look and see if there's anything else. One of the entries down under cscd had to do with reduced -- we still had in the preliminary budget for those six employees that are in the general fund and --
>> (indiscernible).
>> I’m on page 2. And about halfway down, Commissioner, under department number 39, cscd, yeah, it's a reduction because the amount that it costs to fund hospitalization for state employees is less than Travis County. So we had to take that -- those six employees. It was deemed it was going to the state hospitalization plan along with the other cscd employees. We did have a correction reducing in general administration there for $8,000 the auditor's office provided that for a reduction in the arbitrage account that we had budgeted in general administration. An error we made, we had a reserve for the rank and file, 5.75. And that has -- we had a reserve in the preliminary budget of 5,847,595. When we actually ran the detail against the individual line items again to apply that to the departmental budgets, we found that that amount was 72,530 short. So we had to put it in here. Are there any questions on the general fund? The. E bottom line of all these things is that there's an additional $126,000 that's required. When we left markup we had $78,997. As I mentioned, there have been two other revenue items that have hit. One was capso. We had the county attorney with 50,000. And we also had the district attorney with the 31060. So once you apply those revenue items with the 126,000 of additional expenditures, what do we have, chris, that's remaining?
>> we still have 25,000 # 40 remaining.
>> you ended markup with 79,000. You've got two revenue streams, one 50,000 from the county attorney, one 32,000 from the da. That gives you 160,000, but then you've got 124,000 of additional expense.
>> perhaps unallocated reserve.
>> that gives you $25,000 left.
>> I know we're he will picky about trying to make sure we're accounting for all revenue streams and to tie them to expenditures. This is a question that came up on item number 37. We have one more of our interlocals related to the school resource officers. Could you just put a thing there to just double-check at item number 37, which we approved today as certified revenue, and we make sure that we have the expenditure tied into the sheriff's office related to the full amount of that money. I want to make sure that we pick that up.
>> okay. We'll double-check that.
>> great. Thank you.
>> one other item relating to revenue -- carolyn, do you want to come up or I can relay the information. Carolyn indicated that the election equipment reimbursement is coming back to us in the form of a grant. And the auditor's office really hasn't had a chance at this point to validate if there are any restrictions on the use of those grant funds. So I think whatever action the court took in relation to the election equipment reimbursement needs to have a caveat that it's pending whatever the authorization for expenditure that comes back with a grant. So I don't know if that needs to be a motion. I know that you took a motion.
>> what you're saying is that the action that we approved violates some state standard and leaves us unable to use the grant, then we shouldn't do it.
>> we're hoping --
>> you have an agenda item on your agenda next Tuesday, additional follow-up items for budget markup. We are hopeful, having chatted with them yesterday, we're hopeful that by next Tuesday we will be able to have a better bead on that election reimbursement. And any restrictions on it and expenditures that are required. And your motion was in essence to use those resources to jumpstart any obligation that you've made to the -- except for the second phase of the hospital district. And in the balance would flow to allocated reserve. Should we be able to have those resources if you adopt a budget on the 28 the. If it happens after the 28th, same principle.
>> is that grant in the amount of 500,000?
>> it may be substantially more than that, but it's unclear. That's one of the things that's a little bit of fogginess on the actual dollar amount, but it looks fairly reasonable to expect that it will be substantially more than 500,000.
>> one other little thing. Where do I find on which screen when we made some of our -- the lump sums for the general fund in terms of salary increases we made that one time, where do I see that reflected on the screen?
>> you should --
>> the ones that you approved --
>> yes, during markup.
>> all of the lump sum payments that you approved all the way through markup were included in our projection for the ending fund balance, the expenditures against the ending fund balance for the fourth revenue estimate. What you do not have in that fourth revenue estimate were those lump sum payments that were being proposed at the time markup was over. And as you're aware, some of those have been withdrawn -- [overlapping speakers].
>> the question is on page 5, line 3. It says make red line comp increases one time, general fund only. You have a negative 58,000 of ongoing and a positive 58,000 of on time.
>> and then the adjoining thing that says, and where do you do the same kind of calculation for the other funds, not the general fund that have red liners, where do I find that?
>> we will bring that back next Tuesday.
>> the red liners in the other funds.
>> one of the things we have not -- were not able to incorporate in these corrections were all of the transactions on the special revenue funds where we're coming out of allocated reserve for the retirement and the hospitalization adjustments, and that's where we'll put that correction for the lump sum. And one of the reasons why we need this between the end of markup is between now and next Tuesday we will be wrapping all of those other funds together. You may see some corrections of other funds. This is where we'll do the red line. But there may be other things that come up. When you put 10,000 line items together, you then find where your little discrepancy goes.
>> if we could get the -- let's see if there's others. On page 3 of 12, in its there was a delay. We had projected in fund 028 that its was going to be able to go ahead and at least get encumbered that e-filing expenditure that they had budgeted. They are not going to be able do that before the end of the year. So we increase the -- we will be increasing in the fifth revenue estimate the fund balance for fund 028. And we're recommending that that be rebudgeted. And the same thing happens in fund 057 for the county clerk, the microfilm digitizing budget has been delayed for that 374,779. Which we're recommending that -- and that fund will increase in the fifth revenue estimate. We're recommending that it be rebudgeted in fy '05, those two transactions. If you look on the cost neutral changes on page 4, what happens in these cost neutral, any time during markup we went into a reserve account, then what we have to do in cost neutral is reduce the cost to zero and apply those amounts to the individual departmental budgets. You'll see on page 4 that that's what we've done on the ad pay in the sheriff's office where there was a reserve for it. Also, one of the things that we do in the preliminary budget to keep all the costs of a proposed package together is that we include costs that are going to be paid iewf ibs or facilities in the package so you know what the total amount is. Once you approve the package, we move those expenditure items out of the department that requested it into the appropriate department, its or facilities. Sometimes there's a tnr involved. With maintenance and gasoline on vehicles. But you'll see reallocation space related cost there on page 5, and sending some of those to its, some of them to facilities. We do have the allocation of pops compensation, increase on the next several pages. This is just interpret -- putting it into the various line items. Let me just point out one. On page 8 of 12, down about the -- about a quarter way down the page it says allocate the pops compensation increase to the courthouse -- to fund courthouse security transfer. We fund courthouse community transfer out of the general fund, so any time you have a compensation increase for pops, we've put it into the transfer in the general fund and in the sheriff's budget to transfer over to the courthouse security fund. The -- we just had some little line item changes. When we start working at the line item level of implementing these, we find like on the bottom of page 9 on juvenile probation, we just had to move it into a different account number. One of the things in the budget rules, there's a scribner's error. And we do make some -- we occasionally transpose. And these are the kind of things that we're correcting. The last item on the page 9 of 12 has to do with the career ladder reserve of 272677. And we've gone through it on page 10 and allocated that to the department's that make up that amount. And on page 11 that's more of that. On page 12, the allocated reserve reducing the general fund for the 997 on the pops, that's actually going into the bccp fund and the allocation of those funds, courthouse security increase and pops. As you see at the bottom of that page, the other funds on 12, the total is zero because they are cost neutral. Those are the corrections we have to date. We do anticipate we'll have moving the special revenue funds out of allocated reserve and the red line issue next week.
>> gus, just because I have special interest in this, just to double-check, by my memory, which is not a good thing on a Tuesday morning after a midnight meeting, we've got four separate contracts on the school resource offices, del valle, Pflugerville, Lake Travis and eanes. If we can -- these things have been dribbling in over the last three months. If we can double-check certification of revenue, double-check the expenditure in the 037 sheriff's office account. Another one would be the $10,000 that came in from the downtown Austin alliance for the downtown da, revenue coming in, expenditure in. Da's office for that person.
>> yeah. I can tell you that one is not in the corrections, neither the revenue -- we didn't pull the revenue in and we didn't pull the expenditure in, but it will be in the fifth revenue estimate and you will see a correction for that next Tuesday.
>> thank you.
>> do we need to approve the seat on the revenue budget? The one from the county attorney and oart from the district attorney?
>> I’m not sure whether you need to approve that. We've been notified that those will be incorporated in the fifth revenue estimate, which we'll be receiving this Friday, which we will in turn incorporate into the proposed budget. So I don't think you need to approve the revenue. You do need to approve the correction list.
>> move approval of the corrections.
>> second.
>> we'll have another list next week, I take it?
>> right.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Anything further on number 8? We'll have the same thing on for next week.
>> yes.
>> thank you.
>> I would be remiss if dan's not here today, he was interested in the health plan. I didn't know if you were going to take that up in markup or not.
>> we have pending the request to fund the health clinic and the (indiscernible), fund the risk management fund reserve. We discussed that and didn't act on it one way or the other. Let's reflect on it between now and next week and maybe have that listed as a separate subsection of the markup item. So we will be clear to take it up and maybe we can just pull and review what they're giving us.
>> [one moment, please, for change in captioners]
>> that was on the agenda sheet as well. And I wonder what we did with that.
>> it kind of got lost. We did a lot of help in health and human services moving the frozen f.t.e.s and the basic needs coalition and we got the animal expansion. Didn't quite get to triad.
>> yeah, that's correct, there was no action or discussion on that item at all.
>> what was indicated on the agenda sheet?
>> there was one --
>> there was nothing on the agenda sheet regarding triad that more than one of you wanted to talk about. I don't -- I am at a loss to remember whether there was a triad budget request.
>> yeah, it's the very first one.
>> h.h.s. And one person indicated they wished to talk about it. It's $130,000 budget request and it is not in the preliminary budget.
>> and that's an increase. There is triad money and [inaudible] was bringing to our attention historically we have always met budget and she or whomever has to move around money to cover whatever obligations that we have. And I think it's bringing to our attention an historicly underfunding of that line item and whether we choose to or not to do something about it in terms of an ear mark or adding extra dollars into that one.
>> [inaudible] wish to have a specific item under markup, let me know and we'll stick it on there and take appropriate action next week. Thank you, mr. Smith. Anything else on the budget markup? Okay. A-ok

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Thursday, October 27, 2005 10:29 AM