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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 7, 2004
Item 3

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3 is to consider and take appropriate action a budget agenda request forms from members of the Commissioners court for use during markup.
>> to refresh your memory, you have completed a document entitled the budget agenda request form which is intended to facilitate discussion during markup to allow members of the court to identify topics and budget issues that each one of you wishes to discuss during markup. And since there are literally hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of issues, you made check marks against those that you wanted to discuss at markup which starts tomorrow. All of the forms were submitted to the judge's office as the presiding officer and I then took each of those independent forms and put them all together on to one form. And for the purpose of facilitating markup, we color coded those. And any time that we saw three, four or five check marks to discuss an item during markup, we put a yellow band across it -- orange, excuse me, band across it. Any time we saw two check marks, we put a blue band. And then everything else we left alone. So this will allow you very quickly to see where three, four, five of you want to talk about markup and typically as is our tradition we start markup after a bit of house keeping with those agenda items that have three, four or five people wishing to talk about them. So you now have these forms. Hopefully they have been edited and proofed and they hopefully reflect a perspective of how you wish to start the markup process. One thing that I did do on my own was just to get a feeling for the magnitude of your orange marks. And -- because it may or may not have bearing on anything else you might want to do, and I total $3.2 million of one-time resources and $2.3 million worth of ongoing resources. I count $3.2 million worth of one-time resources where three, four or five of you want to talk about it. I should note that 2.2 of that 3.2 is made up of two large projects. One the airport project and the other is the gardner betts project. So that --
>> [inaudible].
>> 2.3 million. Of ongoing resources. Now, that doesn't mean anything other than there's $2.3 million worth of ongoing requests that you feel you want to talk about. That number could be anywhere from zero to 2.3 million. Just as another exercise, I also added up the blue lines. And on one-time resources that totals 8.2 million but that's deceiving because 8 million of that is the helicopter. So that's about 200,000 outside the helicopter. Then there's another million of ongoing resources. And then have you the hospital reserve which a number of you checked as wanting to discuss. So that's where we stand and the curtain opens tomorrow morning.
>> christian, on the -- the various items that I would put in the request category that did not come by way of department hearing, I’m thinking of the basic needs request, after school. So in terms of check marks, treat those the same as you would the departmental requests or what?
>> well, actually basic needs is a departmental request. If you look at item number --
>> did you try to associate each request with a department?
>> yes. Item number 460, reference number 460 on page 19 shows the after-school program. And the basic needs issue that you referred to is item 487.
>> so the answer to my question -- came up in accordance to interest on the sheet somewhere?
>> yes. And if it isn't, we have not done our job.
>> and I certainly wouldn't even think that.
>> well, every once in a while we do make this indication. I should point out tph-pb of those numbers include any compensation issues.
>> > so any compensation issues that have not been acted on or any compensation issues period?
>> no, any compensation issues that have not been acted on.
>> acted on, though --
>> you have acted on issues that are already in the preliminary budget. .
>> okay.
>> I’m saying any incremental increase on compensation that is not in the preliminary budget that you may be discussing is not in the number that I just gave you.
>> okay.
>> so it would be layered on top.
>> all right. Anything else on number 3? This is scheduled to begin budget markup tomorrow morning at 9:00.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Thursday, October 27, 2005 10:34 AM