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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 31, 2004
Item 34

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34. Approve contract for provision of computer software programming and support services with charles siepert, jr.
>> my question on this one that came up it was just blatantly out there, there may be a very logical explanation why. That -- that are joe harlow rule. He wasn't on the list. Maybe he's already signed off on this, in which case this was a quick question. I didn't understand why this was not done in conjunction with its. Whether there was somebody that ought to be hired through its through this whole idea of us trying to, you know, consolidate, coordinate, stuff especially when it comes to programming on systems that we are trying our darnedest to funnel through its.
>> I will start. Michelle brinkman with the district clerk's office. I think on this one what has been created is a perception by the limitation of the title of the posting of the item that doesn't really reflect exactly everything that's going on here. There are certain things that -- that we have worked out in our office internally, using primarily microsoft office, suite of products, to get work done. Things like preparing judgements, for the court's signature, pin packets, tracking files. Function tracking, also appeals tracking, all of these things are being done using what -- what is -- what the system is probably elevating -- calling it a system is probably elevating it to a level that it's not. These are simple ad hoc programs that we have put together like any other office would do to do ad hoc -- facilitations of work. This doesn't rise to the same level of facts or the dms or the ijs or anything like that. And what we have been able to do, because our management resources especially have been limited because one of the two managers in our criminal division is working on facts and has been assigned to that now for several years, the former manager of the criminal division who is very conversant in the law, code of criminal procedures, case law, other processes, has been working for us part-time to assist in these management functions, which also includes the computer setup. I will say that -- that that doesn't -- doesn't totally describe everything that he does for us. For example, every two years when the legislative changes come through, charles is one of the key persons that we sit with to go over the law and say, now, what do we need to change procedurally, what do our forms need to look like to comply with these new laws, we go over that with him. He helps us determine what that is. Then he takes that and he makes a -- the necessary changes to our forms, to our mail merge goes, to the simple data bases that we have to effect that.
>> is this person -- has this person always been an outside consultant on behalf of the district clerk's office.
>> he was a temporary employee, officially retired.
>> from.
>> from Travis County. From our office, he was the manager of the criminal division.
>> drawing a retime of the check from Travis County.
>> he draws a retirement check, but he was able to work as a temporary employee less than 900 hours a month. I’m sorry, a year. What we have found is our need for his support has grown beyond the 900 hours a year. So what we wanted to do was to move them into a contract status. What that does is give us the flexibility to use him as is needed for him to be used rather than on a regular schedule. Right now I think especially exceed the 900 hours a year that he would be limited to as a temporary employee. Because he's filling in for a lot of our management functions with the ijs and facts project going on. And I think he will be able to assist us if some of the training of the facts implementation once we get to the stage of training those employees.
>> john, the idea of somebody pulling a Travis County retirement check and then going from a temporary employee to this, have you all like taken a look at this and blessed this relationship.
>> well, the -- these -- if I pulled off the federal requirements and went one by one with michelle and said -- and asked okay, how is he -- in this category, okay, how does he fit in this category, she had enough of the categories that if we drafted the contract as we have drafted it, then we are probably going to be okay.
>> is there no person in your shop to do this. 21,000 is not a little change. It's a substantial amount of money in terms of a portion of somebody's salary full-time. To be at your beck and call.
>> well, we did not get to look at it up front. But since it came up this morning, we have visited and it looks like a lot of the things that he's done for them is using excel and word to build forms for him to use. Most of those functions will be replacement facts when it comes up. Under a contract, as I understand, he will be on an hourly basis, that can be limited once facts comes up, there won't be the necessity to support a lot of these things.
>> are you comfortable with this.
>> I think this is fine right now.
>> that is helpful.
>> you do have a [indiscernible]
>> I’m sorry?
>> you do have $21,000 up to that amount?
>> yes, judge. Well, for this fiscal year we have set aside what we feel that we need to go through. Since he was paid out of our temporary funds, funding this internally by moving those funds from -- from temporary into a contract line item. So this is all being covered with our existing resources.
>> you have got money for '05, it's in the '05.
>> yes.
>> okay. It just could be helpful, I’m going to ask this question all the time. Any time that I see anything, use Commissioner Davis's expression, the joe harlow note I’m going to ask because we really are trying to get everything centralized over there for a darped good reason in -- darned good reason in terms of consistency, and a service delivery plan for all of our departments.
>> I appreciate that. I will say his services, both in the former role and this new role is extremely valuable to us because -- because right now we have a department where there is one manager supervisor and there are 25 employees. Without this additional resource to assist in this, we would be in a world of hurt that's a very high management to employee ratio for one person.
>> move approval.
>> second.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Thursday, October 27, 2005 11:00 AM