Travis County Commissioners Court
August 31, 2004
Item 24
24. Consider and take appropriate action on revision of form interlocal cooperation
agreements for the use of the regional radio system by esds and police departments.
>> yes, sir, I’m danny hobby with the emergency services
coordinator. This particular item you've already approved one, what we have
done since we've taken this forum is we're now in the process, in fact there
are some 12 pending agreements with -- with esd's as well as pd's, police
departments, this is to allow those folks to come on to the new regional trunk
radio system. In going in -- in dealing with the various groups, we have run
across some attorneys that have looked at the form and just seen that there
are -- there are little items that could make it a little cleaner. And so
what we have done is decided to go ahead and make those adjustments since
we have those majority of the agreements coming forward. And what you see
hopefully as attached is you see that those items are listed of where they
list what they are as party is, we take out some of the auditing requirements
because it's not needed since we are the ones that deal with the programming
as well as -- as well as there was an interpretation that could have been
used regarding liability, this made it easier for the r.r. Associate to assume
liability for their own operations and not for the entire agreement. So all
we're asking is that you approve that form. So that we can move forward with
those pending agreements.
>> basically the same agreement as far as --
>> yes, basic same agreement.
>> move approval.
>> second.
>> any more discussion? Questions? All in favor? Barbara?
>> I just came because danny said to be here.
>> all in favor. That passes by unanimous vote.
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Last Modified: Thursday, October 27, 2005 11:01 AM