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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 31, 2004
Item 15.a

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Number 15 discuss and take action on opportunities for additional resources and certain obligations as part of the f.y. '05 budget including, a is the auditor's fourth revenue estimate.
b is the proposal to purchase new -- two new helicopters.
c is resources outside the control of the Commissioners court.
d, redirection of existing resources within transportation and natural resources.
e is implementation of fully automated courts tracking s-plt.
f is jail overcrowding. And
g, other opportunities and obligations that may have an impact on the f.y. '05 budget process. Christian, are we able to take these in the order listed on the agenda?
>> you can take them in any order you wish.
>> a is the auditor's fourth revenue estimate. Good morning.
>> good morning, judge, Commissioners. I’m blaine keith with the auditor's office. A week ago yesterday we distributed the fourth revenue estimate for the '05 budget process. The general fund in that estimate is just a little under 340.7 million. That's an increase of about 3.2 million from the previous estimate. And about 2 million of that 3 million is in the change in the beginning balance. Our forecast of revenues didn't change very much. The driving force behind that increase in the beginning balance was reduced expenditure estimate by p.b.o. And I think that's associated with our funds that are not going to be spent this year. There's about a little over a million dollars in new revenue. And most of that is $800,000 that we put in for e.m.s. Ground trip revenue. We have been waiting on that until things were final, but we finally decided that was too much money to leave out and that was a base amount that everybody seemed to be agreeing on so we went ahead and put that in that estimate. That's most of the new revenue increase. The other items that increase the he have new we detailed in the cover memo. Many of those you are familiar with. Like the shady hollow contract and fees that you've approved. When we get to this point in the revenue certification process, we get to the fourth and fifth revenue estimates, most of the things you've pretty well seen reflecting decisions that you've made so a lot of these are in this estimate. As far as other funds, we did note that we did put the family protection fund in this estimate. We've been waiting on an attorney general's opinion and it came through and it's quite clear that the fee is constitutional, it's just restrictions on what you can spend it for. We put it in the estimate. It's a little more than $83,000. And we addressed the -- also the beginning balances of two funds, fqhc funds. We did find out today that we have revised figures on the fqhc current revenue and if we had had this information in the fourth estimate we probably would have added about $100,000 to the current year forecast of revenue for fqhc. It has to do with starting counters and medicaid revenue and sometimes going from them to us to health and human services to carolyn and me takes a while so we thought we were being a little conservative, but we were kind of afraid without better information not to go that route, but we did get better information this morning. And we did mention on the expo center fund that they had a better July than we had anticipated so we did increase their beginning balance. And on the capital projects funds, this is the first estimate in which we're able to give you what we think is our real estimate, what will be left in all those capital projects funds. Have to get toward the end of the process where p.b.o. Can get comfortable with expenditure figures for those capital projects. That's the fourth estimate. And we'll be glad to answer any questions you have on it.
>> so christian, based on the fourth revenue estimate, do we have available about a million dollars that has not been budgeted?
>> no.
>> christian, based on the fourth revenue estimate, how much do we have available that has not been budgeted?
>> $182,698. That number is outlined in the first three tables of the letter you received August 27 which outlined the $3.2 million of additional revenue and then a little over 3 million of additional suspensions tied to that revenue. Blaine mentioned the two largest pieces of those expenditures are about $2 million worth of rebudgeted cars. That's capital acquisition resources account funds, general fund current year dollars for capital that was approved in '04 that was not spent by the departments in '04 and which they are requesting to roll over -- in essence roll over, be rebudgeted subject to court approval. So what happens is the ending fund balance goes up by $2 million, but then if you rebudget that 2 million is a net wash. And then the e.m.s. Revenue increase is 800,000, but the expenditure is 850. And then there's some other minor expenditures like the expenditures related to the Lake Travis i.s.d. Enter local and equipment related to the village hills enter local that in essence total a little over $3 million in expenditures assuming the court wishes to continue to approve the projects for which capital was approved in tpo ur under the theory it was approved in '04, you would want it approved in '05.
>> $136,682.
>> that's net, that's correct.
>> then you made reference to about $100,000 in unexpected revenue. Is that tied to a $100,000 expenditure? The amount you set was not included in the fourth revenue estimate.
>> [inaudible] tied to an expenditure or simply revenue?
>> I’m sorry.
>> on the fqhc that you are going to do for the fifth revenue estimate is that just revenue or does it have revenue and expenditure tied to it?
>> that's just revenue.
>> [inaudible] that have already occurred.
>> so does that give us 100 thoeu to add to the 82?
>> not in general fund.
>> it's in the fqhc fund by itself.
>> my answer to you was for general fund because that's where I believed your question was directed.
>> it was, right.
>> then that's the answer.
>> we got a request this morning, fqhc $100,000. [inaudible].
>> you received a request this morning from h.h.s. A projected 153,000 overdraft this the 1bgs fund. That request we need to incorporate what blaine and carolyn are giving us on the fqhc to see if in fact the funds better projected to be in the beginning fund balance next year of fqhc can be used to off set some of the overrunning -- over run in '04.
>> it looks like the best thing to do would be take whatever it's and apply it towards the $150,000 assuming the explanation we get next week makes sense.
>> yeah, I think the question will be is whether or not we can -- if we can use the funds that are being generated inside the fqhc since they are not certified funds in twao eu '04. We would assume any balance in fqhc, ending balance in '04 would be transferred to the hospital district, I would assume. So there are some mechanical items on this fqhc fund that we have to resolve.
>> these are fees paid to Travis County by clients under the ability to pay?
>> no, they are actually medicaid payments through the state through their star program that we have just not received any of them yet for the whole fiscal year.
>> okay. So instead of optimistically concluding that we are working our way from a million dollars down to 82 and looks like we are struck there.
>> until you make some more decisions.
>> speaking of more decisions, unless there is something else under a...

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Thursday, October 27, 2005 11:06 AM