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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 24, 2004
Item 25

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25 does Commissioner Davis have a question about 25?
>> no, I believe I was 25.
>> at that is to approve contract award for reroof of designated areas of building 100 at the Travis County correctional complex, ifb number b 040112 si to the low bidder over the top systems limited, d/b/a pioneer roof systems.
>> the quick question I was telling so they would be prepared for an answer, there seemed to be a discrepancy as to weather the shortfall in funding was indeed transferred to be able to fulfill it and there was embedded in the back of this item but normally we put budget members and transfers on a specific list of budget amendments and transfer, soy need to have assurance that we do have the funds in place or if we do have to do a separate motion to include the budget amendment and transfer.
>> and you're also correct, Commissioner, when you say that might automatic transfer. That's what it was, it's automatic transfer, so the money is there. There is one other item or situation I need to let you know about. When we -- when we go to -- begin the process to award a contract, staff contacts the tax office to ensure that the business is not owed property taxes, and when we checked, this firm appeared to owe $1,100 in taxes. So we contacted the contractor and he knew nothing of this debt and apparently he had bought this business from someone who was going through bankruptcy. And so he is -- he does not feel like he owes these taxes but he is now in the process of working with the tax office and of course our collections office to resolve the issue. He did send us a letter saying that he is now aware of it. He doesn't think it's his liability, but he would agree to us to condition the contract upon if he owes that money, he would pay it and he would allow us to hold $1,100 out of payment until it was resolved. I think we're -- I think we have the assurance that we will either get the taxes or he does not owe the tax and I think that we should move forward and award the contract. This is a reroof project and this is the time of year you need to do roofing projects, so I would not recommend we delay it.
>> move approval.
>> second.
>> what's the amount that he owes the county?
>> $1,100.
>> okay. And is that motion made with the proviso that we would hold $1,100 until the matter has resolved about whether or not the county is owed it. If the county is not owed it, it will be released to him.
>> right.
>> if the county is owed we will subtract it from the contract price. Otherwise we approve the contract as a contract price. That passes by unanimous vote. Did we need to put appropriate language in there to cover the $1,100.
>> we'll work with him, whoever has been working...
>> and the motion is to authorize the county judge to sign an appropriate contract once the qualifying language is in the contract.
>> right.
>> that is friendly.
>> and everybody is agreeable to that?
>> uh-huh.
>> Commissioner Davis has to be shown as voting in favor of 11 (a) and 11 (b) that the court approved a minute ago.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Friday, October 28, 2005 8:24 AM