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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 24, 2004
Item 5

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Number 5 consider and take appropriate action on proposal to increase the salaries of the justices of the peace and place the justices of the peace adjacent to other members of the judiciary in the newspaper ad.
>> judge, this is also what we discussed last week. Hand out of courtesy, we allowed an additional week for folks to be able to ask the questions. Christian does have a brand new memo that is dated August 20th, that would do what was discussed last week, which was the option 3 of placing the -- the salaries at 85844 and that in the newspaper ad they are right below the probate judge, so that all of our judicial elected officials are all grouped together and this does seem to be an appropriate place, not only where to place them on our ad, but also in terms of the salary that I think they are still -- you will see the difference. They are still -- about $40,000, $45,000 behind the next level on the judiciary. Which I think we have still got some room to go, but this is a good way to start. I move approval of the 85,844 and with the change in the newspaper ad that places them in the jiewsh shall area.
>> let me say this -- in the judicial area.
>> let me say this.
>> is this open for discussion judge.
>> yes.
>> let me say this, that we look at a lot of these compensation issues, it's try to bring some type of pairty, this statement that Commissioner Sonleitner just mentioned, if you don't do it, then the person gets farther behind. I guess this holds true with some other situations that we are going to discuss here today that have been postponed a week. I want everybody to understand we are trying to come to a parity type of situation. You look at the [indiscernible] and look at the j.p.'s here in Travis County who have really -- look at the workload of the j.p.'s here in Travis County, I think they are really overwhelmed with a lot of work and the things that we are trying to do to -- to offset that. Not only by paying them, but also doing some other innovative things, visiting judges, for an example. Possibilities. So there's a lot of -- of room I think we need to work on and it's just a matter of bringing equity, parity I think into -- into our elected officials' salaries, but again I don't want questions to be so narrow minded that the elected officials are the only ones that we need to address parity issues with here in Travis County. There are other persons just as worthy or just as deserving, I feel, of getting parity acknowledgment from this Commissioners court. So when those things come up on the other issues, I just hope my colleagues are just as vigorous and energetic and vote just as positive for those persons who are also seeking parity in Travis County. Thank you.
>> and I support that. Because -- because I think all elected officials can -- can say that -- that their job description changes. Every time that the legislature meets. We get additional duties and responsibilities and that's fine. I mean, that's great. But I think that people -- it means that people will also spend more time doing their job. Especially the j.p. Level, they address the people who cannot afford attorneys. It's the first level of -- of government that's the first level that they will encounterture, I want to know that by paying people well they will do a competent job. And try to address all of the needs of people, respect everyone who comes before the court. And -- and just wants them treated as human beings. So -- so I think that -- that -- that I just want to make sure that everybody understands that the job description that we first encounter when we run for office is not the same job description that remains in place because, again, every time the legislature meets, they make changes, they add on to the duties that elected officials have at all levels. And then what that means is that it filters down to employees as well. And I think we have done a fairly good job of addressing the needs of employees as we have gone along since 1998. And I just think that is one more of those steps where we need to be fair to elected officials as well and the job that they have to do.
>> [one moment please for change in captioners]
>> ... The judicial pipeline awards you an additional $10,000 -- will award you an additional $10,000?
>> no. This does nothing in terms of any kind of a lirjage, there is no percentage. This is a flat-out movement of the jp's to a set salary and they do not get anything extra with the $10,000. If you want to talk about the 10,000, knock 10,000 off the 16,000 and they're really getting a little bit above what the district and county court at law judges are getting.
>> if we're putting them in this pipeline and the district judges participate in that fee that's fenced or whatever the world you call it that is set aside specifically for the -- the judicial system or pipeline, what is going to keep the jp's from saying, okay, well, I want an additional $10,000? I mean if that's what we're basically doing. I mean, because the district judges get an additional -- I suppose -- an additional $10,000 because there's that fund set aside for them to get that, is that right?
>> the funding set aside is simply the source of monies. It is not what determines whether they get a raise or do not. Because quite frankly, it doesn't cover everybody. The county court at law judges are 100% on the tab of the Travis County taxpayers out of the general fund. This is a source of money that gets thrown into the pot that can be utilized but it's not because the fund exists they get the raise. They get the raise because Travis County is stepping in where the state legislature has failed district and county court at law judges around the state of Texas. They refuse to give the supreme court a raise and therefore the appeals court do not get raises and district judges do not get raises and we thought that was patently unfair and got a special bill passed which other large urban counties around the state of Texas jumped on to say we ought not freeze these people out on raises because the state of Texas will not gut it up and give everybody in their judicial ladder a raise. So this is -- this now $20,000 for the district and county court at law judges. This is supplemental that Travis County is putting up for this and it's helped out by that judicial fee but it's not the fee creates the salary. The salary comes and it's helped by the fee.
>> two reasons for me. One is that over the last three or four years we've had substantially -- we've kept substantially increase of salaries of the county court at law judges and the district judges and even after this passes, assuming it passes, the jp's will make more than $40,000 annually less than the county judges and district judges. And that is a big gap. Anymore discussion of this motion? All in favor? Voting in favor are Commissioner Gomez, Commissioner Davis, Commissioner Sonleitner, a and yours truly. Voting against consistently, Commissioner Daugherty. Number 3 is to discuss and take appropriate action on officials salaries.
>> I would move approval of the draft ad that appears attached to christian smith's August 20th memo which appropriately does reflect the actions that we just took related to the county clerk's salary and related to the jp salaries and where the jp's appear inside the ad.
>> second.
>> motion and second to approve the ad prepared by the budget office. Any discussion?
>> appear as far as the media is concerned for the public to review it?
>> it will be in the chronicle, this week's chronicle dated Thursday, August 26th.
>> okay.
>> okay. Any discussion? All in favor of the motion? Tell Commissioners, Sonleitner, Davis and yours truly voting in favor. And Commissioner Daugherty voting against. That's all we need to do for the ad. Right, mr. Smith?
>> that's correct.
>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Friday, October 28, 2005 8:25 AM