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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 17, 2004
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is first to give residents an opportunity to add the court on any matter not on the agenda for up to three minutes. And we have one resident who has signed in. Phillip a. Dick. Phillipa dick. How are you doing, ms. Dick.
>> good.
>> doing fine.
>> my name is ms. Physical therapy lipa dick, this is my son roosevelt, hutchins, junior, he is still incarcerated at gatesville. On the [indiscernible] unit. And I have went and got his files. And I found out that my son by judge's orders was to be released on April 2nd, 1993. My son is still incarcerated. I had the -- I had the -- the -- the criminal search department. They copied the front, the back of his file. They copied all of the material that was in the file in 1993. The file number 093-0928. And the judge extensioned him to six months -- sentenced him to six months. He was sentenced to six months in t.d.c. Correctional center under the code 12-point -- under the penal code of 12.34. Okay. He was to serve six months there or six months in td -- 180 days which is equal to six months in tcj. Okay? And his release date was April the 2nd, 1993. He only had six months to do. He did not make an appeal. On July 28th, 2004. I went to the criminal search department to find out about the second number here. This was the case number and it had a file. This is not a case number. It has no file. No file has ever existed under this case number. I have talked with three representatives from the department and each and every one of them has verified that this is not a case number and there aren't ever been a file that existed under this number. So -- so I will -- I had to go down to the -- to the -- mr. Derrick asked me to come, that was on th 26th. He -- of July. I gave him a couple of days. He asked me to let him look to see further about this file here. If he could find it. He explained to me, I asked him, well, if this isn't a case number, what is it? He explained to me, this number was put on loose sheets of paper when they pulled things out of your file [buzzer sounding] and I said why would they do that, you know, who would take the loose pieces of paper out of a file, you have to put this number on it. He said you would be surprised, ms. Dick. At any rate, this is not a case number. So when we go back onñi the 28th of July, 2004, mr. Derrick in the computer showed me and my daughter. He said, well, maybe your son made an appeal. I said, well, I don't think so. He said let's just look anyway. He went to another computer screen and on this computer screen it had this case number here. The top one that has a file to it. It showed zero citizens in the area for my -- zero [indiscernible] in the area for my son. It didn't have a date on it or anything. This file number here, case number here, whatever this is, wasn't on there. When we asked for a copy of that printout, and he never knew what we was there for, we finally told him after we seen him printing the wanted, to sentencing dates in it, he found out what we wanted, he destroyed that copy. Had the lady, he was standing over her shoulder, me and my daughter watched it. He dictated to her what to type into the computer. When he took the information from off of the computer, my son had 15 years written in the sentencing area with this case -- this so-called number that's not even a number. I explained, I asked him, why did you do that?
>> we are about a minute over, ms. Dick.
>> he told me that my son was a drug addict and he was an habitual. I told him but you are not a judge to go around adding things to his file. He have tampered with files. This is -- you have broke the law yourself. You are a criminal yourself. And he and I had words. So I am bringing it to everyone's attention, that my son should have been released on April the 2nd, 1993. And my son is being abused, being beaten and everything out in the state prison system. I would appreciate it if everybody would listen and please release my son to come home to his family. We love him. Thank you.
>> thank you.
>> thank you, ms. Dick, would anyone else like to address the court on any matter not on the agenda?

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Friday, October 28, 2005 8:36 AM