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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 3, 2004
Item 26

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26 is consider and take appropriate action on process to fill position of executive manager of health and human services and veterans services. This was brought to our attention. I've got some phone calls from applicants for this position, and I think we ought to try to come up with a schedule and a process to make that decision.
>> we have had applications, so the first question I guess is how do we plan to get that done?
>> did we have a closing -- have we now ceased? I don't recall.
>> I think we're posted until 4.
>> so there's still applications out potentially. Because I know we were trying to hit some of the national publication dates on some of those executive manager.
>> (indiscernible).
>> I’m not sure it's been that long. We worked on the resume and that was when we were down at that conference.
>> that was in June. And we took it up here two weeks later.
>> first of July. So it's only been about a month. But I think you're absolutely correct that we need to come up with some kind of a schedule deciding when the cutoff is for --
>> I think we ought to short list whatever we've got right now.
>> a do you think a committee could work on that?
>> that's fine with me. I think we still need a recommended schedule, short list process, and the reason I thought of this is when we start having budget it's kind of hard. If we interview eight to 15 people even at 30 minutes apiece, it takes some time.
>> I think we can do that and come back to the court.
>> do you happen to know how many applications we have? I don't either.
>> I just get an inquiry from two or three people who have applied and I told them we did not have a schedule. I told them we would probably decide and we'll let them know. Another week or two. I thought maybe a draft project that gets us from here and making the decisions so people will at least know who applied.
>> do we want to on have it before the budget process?
>> that's next week.
>> so maybe we're talking about afterwards. Even at that, short listing may be a major effort.
>> our last budget hearing was August 23rd, a Monday. So we could schedule something for after that.
>> that makes sense to me. Any idea how many applications we've gotten so far?
>> [inaudible - no mic].
>> I would think we would want to short list down to eight to 12. That makes it manageable for the court to interview. The other thing is making sure that we look at different schedules, I would say at least four or five hours for us to do the interviews. Getting all five of us present.
>> and the five of us have gotten together in the past for all kinds of interviews, and I think we need to do that as well and just plan on it. So I would think that we could come up with a recommended schedule and then look at it and find a common day where we can set aside and get this done.
>> I want to be respectful of the fact that we're going to be sitting in budget hearings for two and a half week. The last thing we all want to do is one or two days later is be brain damaged as we're heading into markup. So I think we can figure it out, but -- [overlapping speakers].
>> the 11th is a Monday. I would think that the following Monday, the following week, would not be. It would be about two weeks from the 11th.
>> markup is September eighth, ninth 10th or 10th, 11th, 12th. Really at that point a lot of what we do -- I hate to say the word perfunctory, but once we get to markup, that's 95% of the work there, and then it really becomes a Tuesday gig in terms of the procedural.
>> we'll have it back on the agenda next week or in two weeks.
>> yeah. We'll work with you and see about a draft and just a clarification --
>> did you want to do that through just hr staff doing it or did you want to --
>> I want to be involved in it.
>> I think the subcommittee on the Commissioners court should be involved in it. Eight to 12 has been a manageable number for us.
>> depending on the number of applications, judge, too. That's a good range, eight to 12.
>> we'll have it back on next week. I was just trying to move this to the front burner.
>> that's fine. And we have a lot of applications that are out there and people are calling.
>> the expectation for next Tuesday is that we would have an appropriate schedule of how to work and finalize this process. That's what we're aiming for.
>> that's my recommendation.
>> that was just for the subcommittee. Do you want us to take out any applications that don't even come near to the qualifications?
>> yeah.
>> based on our -- [overlapping speakers].
>> I think the subcommittee could provide input on qualifications and the job description that we posted.
>> pick a date for the interviews and run it by the court. It may not be where we'd like to be, but if we can agree on one date, that would be good. We'll have it back on next week.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Friday, October 28, 2005 9:18 AM