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Travis County Commissioners Court

July 6, 2004
Item 31

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31 is to receive and discuss the third revenue estimate fors fy 2005 budget process.
>> morning, judge, Commissioners. I'm with auditor's office. On Thursday the auditor issued the third revenue estimate for the fy '05 budget process, and this is the one that the preliminary budget will be used as a base. A lot of the funds did not change very much. We did highlight some of the other funds that did. We do have the risk management fund and employee insurance fund in this estimate, so it's all complete. We did find a mistake that we made in the second -- that I made in the second estimate on the expo center's beginning balance and we've corrected that. And because of some deposits, we've been able to give a much better estimate we think on the fqhc fund. The stacks rate that -- the tax rate that is in this estimate is 50.16 cents, 39.94 mno and 2.2 bit service. That's down slightly from the second one of 15.19. We have -- we have received the evaluation, the tax roll from the appraisal district. The only thing that they're lacking before they could run the final, final, final run of their worksheet is the rolling stock figure for the railroads that come from the state comptroller. That's very, very tiny part of it. I think you have to run the tax rate out to about 10 digits before that would have any effect. But as soon as they have that, they'll run the -- they'll run the final tax run for us. We're looking of about 61.1 billion. We've got 1,875,000,000 new construction. General fund is just slightly under $337.5 million. That's an increase of about two million from the second revenue estimate. 1.37 million of that approximately is in the beginning balance, and what really drove that mostly was we received the money after the second estimate, and that was 842,000, I think. We were very glad to see that. There's approximately $650,000 difference in new revenue. There's some increases and decreases that we would try to lay out for you in the cover memo. There are some budget request packages that ppo asked us to include in the revenue estimate. There are a couple of fee items that are in there, additional tax office collection fees, and of course, we got the higher autopsy fees in this estimate. The one significant, I guess, decrease, is that carolyn did an awful lot of work of what we were putting in for interest revenue, and of course that has jumped up and bitten us several times in the last few years and we felt that the number that we were using was just higher than we were comfortable with. We wanted to put it at a lower figure so that if we play with it again we go up and not down. So after a lot of talking and gnashing of teeth we've lowered that number, but we think it's a number that won't wake us up in the middle of the night. We get enough of those. That's sort of an overview of the revenue estimate. I know christian gave you some discussion of the impact this would have on the preliminary budget at your work session. We'd be glad to answer any questions. Any questions that you have.
>> questions?
>> wayne, would you be able to certify -- I know it's a very small amount, but we start counting quarters in the couch. We made a fee decision this morning in counseling and education service about a course that's already been offered, but we've never had to charge a fee for it. Do we think we'll be able to take a look at that and be able to certify even a small amount of that for the quarter?
>> all we need from the department is an estimate for carolyn to look at. We can go with an estimate, but we need to look at it and pass some judgment on it, but we can put it in the next estimate.
>> and we essentially took out what she didn't think was going to happen, so we will be adding to it next time.
>> great. Thank you very much.
>> okay. Thank you very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Friday, October 28, 2005 9:41 AM