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Travis County Commissioners Court

July 20, 2004
Item 39

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We also discussed 39 (a) and (b). (a) to appoint members occupy the board of managers. The county has four appointments. B is to consider and take appropriate action to a joint attorney-client consultation to they didn't have any objection to it, was this county would appoint five members and the city would pick one as the joint appoint teevment I do note the list they gave me that they short listed, three are coming to our list of 11, and so I think it should be fairly easy for them. If they decide to choose somebody that is not one of our five, then we may have to chop off one later on and still negotiate with them on the joint appointee.
>> I think we'll get there.
>> I feel real good we'll be there. If it's okay with the court based on the discussions that wehad, I think we've gotten down to about five that we seem to be favoring of the 11, so I would be happy to put that in the form of a motion at this point. I move that we appoint in after bet call order the following individuals. Heidrick, donald patrick, paul richie, rodriguez, and tom young.
>> second.
>> second by Commissioner Sonleitner. The other part of this motion is that the county judge, even other members of the court if you wish would communicate this list of appointees of so many passes to the city of Austin subcommittee along with a reminder of our conversation about the joint appoint tee and there is a void here that we need to discuss with the city also. They have short listed six where we have two of a certain gender, what I would hope to do is urge them to choose from their list. Anymore discussion of that motion?
>> judge, I just want to just say thank you to every person that took the time to turn in an application on behalf of Travis County and/or the city of Austin, because some folks did both. This was almost an impossible process because we got more than 50 applications. And it was heck to get it down to 11 names, and there was a lot of wonderful talent literally left on the cutting room floor. I don't really think there was any possibility of having any wrong choices among the 11. We're going to be getting legal experience, experience over the state legislature, the medical profession including a doctor who's worked under a hospital district, somebody who has been a former elected official, somebody a hospital administrator and oh, darn, it's that hospital here in Austinment we have financial expertise coming from a number of folks and what was also important was the institutional memory, not only in terms of this system that has taken many decades to be what it s. But also in terms of the district election that created this entity in terms of what was promised to the voters and indeed whether those promises are fulfilled. So I think we've tried to meet all of those goals and I think successfully and it was an impossible task and I look forward to the city helping to fill in the gaps that I think are still out there but they will put a fantastic people on given their short list.
>> [inaudible]
>> judge, I am indeed delighted to have had an opportunity to participate in this process. During the course of the interviews, the qualifications that these particular candidates brought forth to the county, I think we are very extremely, very extremely fortunate to have such quality of persons to come -- be forced to serve for the hospital district. And again, I’m looking forward to moving on and I hope everything moves accordingly, but as you know how things go, sometimes you get a little rough but then it kind of smooths out. I think the person that we have selected here today, I think are the kind of persons that can move this particular hospital district in a direction in which the voters have said they would like to see it go, that is to have a good transition and take care of their hospital -- the health care needs of this community, so again I’m very appreciative of all of those that did come and apply for these positions. Thank you.
>> any other comments.
>> just simply say thanks to the applicants, all 53, and to give us the opportunity to draw from a wealth of talent and commitment to this community and so it made the job, believe it or not, easy, because we -- it was a win-win situation altogether with the final applicants and the interviews and now to appoint the board of managers so that the -- so they can carry out the promises made to the taxpayer. Thank you.
>> and although we had frowns and agonizing looks on our expressions we were in fact enjoying those 11 interviews.
>> we were?
>> they were fun, very fun.
>> Commissioner Daugherty? No.
>> try to get out an appropriate letter of appreciation between now and labor day. Give me a labor day deadline and a reminder phone call if you haven't got a letter by then. Anymore discussion? All in favor, that passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Friday, October 28, 2005 12:36 PM