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Travis County Commssioners Court
June 22, 2004

Travis County Commissioners Court, June 22, 2004, Item 5

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 5

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Item no. 5. Consider and take appropriate action on the following for the Travis County hospital district. A, process for determining Travis County programs and services to transfer to the hospital district; b, process for determining Travis County facilities to transfer to the hospital district, c. Determination of Travis County funds to transfer to the hospital district; d. Issues related to independent audit required by health and safety code section 281.122; and. E. Other matters regarding the implementation of the district. We did have our -- our weekly meeting of the hospital district subcommittee yesterday. And there is not any kind of an action item to be brought forward today. One thing that we have asked mr. Hilly to do on behalf of us to really get us a very detailed time line. The way that alicia works her time lines for us so that the court has a very clear idea of what decisions need to be made and when and in a chronological order. So that the people will have a good sense of what's coming off on the agenda, it's going to be very important when we do need to vote on some of these things that we have the appropriate backup in time so that people are here for the meeting. So there's no backup for today because we are not at that point. This was just the posting that mirrors our posting from yesterday. Jim, is there anything you -- you think that we need to add in terms of the discussion? We certainly can walk through with the auditor's office the forms that we looked at last weekend. We have asked the city of Austin to fill out, walk through all of those, it seems like a good portion of that. The rmap, fqhc, one other item that we thought could rather easily be filled out, pretty easy deference of information from our own date -- easy dumps of information from our own data base. Arlene is working on the inventory list, that we have a good inventory of everything that we have got within our clinics, at least in terms of the equipment, getting that all resolved. Jim, have I forgotten anything in terms of what we discussed yesterday?
>> no. Only I have prepared a statutory time line which I ensure that members of the transition team, I will be happy to share with members of the court if that's okay if mr. Hilly and the court would like it. It includes all of the steps that are required by statute to be taken in chronological order. It's not in the format that alicia puts it in. But it is a time line and i'll be happy to share that. You can have that until mr. Hilly gets alicia's format ready.
>> it's just a very easy friendly way to read it that makes it very easy for us to focus on the court --
>> but if the court would like me to spend it to members of the court I would be happy to do that.
>> I would like to have that, if you can get it to us.
>> we are continuing to meet every Monday. I guess the other thing that we would say under this item is that a call out to all citizens of Travis County, within the sounds of our voice, we are now taking applications for -- for being a member of the board of managers, our -- our application is posted on our website, www.codottravis.u.s.wooishci d.o.t.austin.tx.u.s.snawnd. We hope anything out there that's interested get those returned to the judge --
>> are the application packets ready?
>> that is correct, barbara? Shaking her head.
>> they can be picked up where?
>> come up with --
>> thank you.
>> commission, if you have two avenues, you can pick them up in the judge's office, which is suite -- I made that mistake. You can also -- you can also, Commissioner Sonleitner said on the website it will down load in either word or adobe acrobat. The thing for people who are learning, we should tell you that in addition to e-mailing, we do request that you mail the signature, original signature page to the judge's office. All of those instructions are on the website. So -- so we tried to make this as accessible to the public as we possibly could.
>> thank you.
>> barbara, anything else that we covered in yesterday's meeting? Unfortunately lots of -- you know, lots of discussion about work ahead. For every question that comes up, there are 42 more questions that seem to come up because of it. I know that we are all working diligently for this.
>> the only other thing that strikes me, health and human services is working on definitions of services for us. That's not as straightforward as you might think. So -- so that's going to affect, you know, what -- the decisions that the court eventually makes as to how broad or how narrow we define some of those services, so they are working diligently on that.
>> well, this item will be reposted for next week, it will change depending on how we handle things during the process. But if mr. Collins can go ahead and get that technical time line to us, that would be extraordinarily helpful to everyone, but it's a pretty compressed time line, y'all, so -- so that's going to be a lot of work.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 8:44 AM