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Travis County Commssioners Court
June 15, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 20

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Item number 20, consider and take appropriate action on a request to increase the hourly rate paid for temporary interpreters that provide communication access to Travis County programs and services. Deborah and gang.
>> good afternoon. As hrmd has just recommended several pay rate increases for temporary employees and that does include deaf services temporary employees, and the department is just requesting that the court allow us to move forward immediately on implementing that pay increase. We have the funding in our current f.y. '04 budge total cover this and as we're requesting we would like to make that effective June 15, 2004.
>> what was the date now?
>> today.
>> let me ask a couple questions. In review you the backup and looking at that, I understand these same particular positions in the private sector are paying more than what we are suggesting. Is there any possibility of the '05 budget, and I know you say you have it now to deal, with but is there any possibility that the increase may be forecast in the foreseeable -- going into the '05 budget? In other words, after we look at this today and we review it, but yet during the budget process there may be other inklings of suggesting that another increase may be anticipated during this budget cycle or after the bucket cycle, is there any indication that that -- of that at this point? Do you have any knowledge at all that there may be other adjustment that may be necessary?
>> p.b.o. Would like to note that in the department's fiscal '05 budget submission they've included a request to fund this in '05, these changes for the deaf service interpreters, the temporary interpreters. The costs -- the annual costs for these increases in '05, the department has at $39,881. P.b.o. Would like to recommend that the court consider the funding then for this in '05 along with all the other compensation policies and all the other requests that we'll have in the '05 budget process. I believe the department can fund the '04 increases from June 15 on with one-time money, but we would recommend that the -- any '05 increases for this be considered during the budget process.
>> okay. Okay. I just wanted to make sure the two were joining together as far as what the department requested and what we're going to be radio viewing during the -- reviewing during the budget process in '05 as far as some kind of consistency. Thank you.
>> in terms of the ability to do exactly what valerie just laid out because these are kind of like as we need people to be hired for a very specific time we do have money to do exactly that on the ad hoc basis through the end of this fiscal year. And so the recommendation from p.b.o. Of we need to think this through related to '05, that can properly be done during the budget process and have an appropriate amount of money so that's a policy we can continue through '05. Is that correct?
>> that's correct.
>> is there clarity then -- a, is there a motion?
>> move approval.
>> second.
>> moved and seconded related to item number 20 and friendly that this has an immediate effect of June 15. Any further discussion on item 20? All in favor say aye. That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you very much.
>> thank you all. >

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 1:30 PM