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Travis County Commssioners Court
June 15, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 6

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6. Discuss request for approval of two proposed street name assignments for private easements to "circle j lane" and "circle j loop" in precinct 3.
>> move to open the public hearing.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> all right. Carol joseph, t.n.r. The -- the [indiscernible] [papers shuffling - audio interference] that we name these two easements, the private easement. Does not in any way mean that t.n.r. Or the county will maintain those easements. It's just for on -- for addressing purposes and e.m.s. Purposes.
>> these are unnamed at this time.
>> that's correct.
>> would anyone like to give testimony during this public hearing? We do have someone. Anybody else? We have four chairs available. Anybody else? We have two let. If you -- if you would each give us your name, we would be happy to get your comments. Good morning.
>> any name is rick neighbor, I知 a residents of circle j ranch subdivision, currently at 6201, number 17 circle j road. I come before you, judge Biscoe and Commissioners, opposing any name change out there. We just went through this four years ago with e.m.s. It was changed last year from at that time from our hco box numbers to circle j. There is a conflict in what is on the agenda and what was actually posted out there and what's -- what I知 showing on the 911 map plat that we got. We are proposing circle j lane, it says circle j spur on here. Whichever one you choose I知 still opposed, okay? Second issue that the circle j loop is shown on this 911 map. As far as I have researched that easement does not exist as shown on there. I believe it stops at the beginning of lot 1. Therefore I知 not sure how you can -- how you can name an easement that's not there. The circle j road it has been been out there since the original plat which was -- which was on-- on in 1946, that circle j road has extended all the way from [indiscernible] road all the way through to the end of lot p since 1946. It has always been referred to out there as circle j road. The issue came about four years ago because the postal service did not acknowledge circle j because there was not a county road. Therefore under the mandate from 911, we got road signs established out there. Circle j road was established in -- is still maintained at circle j road. There is a y in that as shown on this plat that calls it circle j. In fact that dedicated easement came many years after circle j subdivision was platted. Okay. It was deeded on 7-18-1975. The reason I知 opposed to this is that this is the third time now that we'll have an address change in the 10 years that we've owned property out there. It's a huge inconvenience on the property owners to have to go through this problem. There is nothing wrong with the status quo as it is except that for whatever reason it's not an issue with addressing, it's an issue with the mail service. Our mail service out there, every mailbox has -- has posted on the mailbox our address. I am 620119 or 17. My neighbor is 620119. On the mailboxes. However our postal service continues to screw up the mail delivery. So I don't think we can change that by going out there and changing these roads again, okay. I don't think there's a need to do that. If we do anything, circle j road should continue all the way through original subdivision as originally platted in 1946. Thank you.
>> [one moment please for change in captioners]
>> so 911 is saying if there's an issue out there with three of these all named circle j road, there may be a problem for us knowing exactly what road to take and whoever is there in need of emergency services may well suffer. That's how they normally come to the Commissioners court on the name changes.
>> I think the reason it came here is because of a complaint from one of our neighbors about postal service, okay? And this is how it got to 911 to start with because they are the only ones to change the road. However, I do have signage pictures of the signs that have been out there since the last time we went through this that shows the circle j road clearly marked. Our lane is marked.
>> let me ask this. If the 911 people insist on having three names for three roads and you do not like circle j loop or circle j loop, are there two other names that would be more appropriate?
>> I propose to use circle j just like ots the original plat in 1946. If you want to rename the other one, that's circle j spur, the one that goes up the hill. Circle j loop is not even a platted easement as you show it on here as near as I can find.
>> is there a house, any kind of structure?
>> I知 not sure if there's a house.
>> there are several lots that go off of that. Actually the -- on your map, the little lot that you see coming off the dark green line have access off circle j currently. The only two lots that are in question would be the big lot that says [inaudible] on it, which is not correct, the lot 2 and lot 1. That's where that easement ends. It ends about where harris is on there.
>> why don't we do this then. Okay, we have circle j road, then we have three roads that are like offshoots. One of those is recommended to remain circle j road, right?
>> uh-huh.
>> the top one. And you are suggesting circle j spur instead of lane?
>> I知 suggesting that should be circle j. That was the original circle j.
>> if you look at our map, it makes sense that at the split the straight-ahead ought to be the original road. Is that what you are saying?
>> that's the way it was platted originally.
>> and so that if the -- the offshoot to the left which I think is the up the hill, that ought to be a spur.
>> probably.
>> or whatever. Just don't call it lohmans. It seems like circle j ought to stay straight through and that we ought to be having this discussion about what is now being called circle j road, but it's really a spur, ought to be called something else because you have to take a hard left turn to get to it as opposed to just logically speaking a driver would say going straight ahead is the main road.
>> what about the one to the right? That is proposed to be named circle j loop?
>> okay, that --
>> what's a good name for it? My recommendation would be to get back with the tphaoeufpb and say do we really need these changes and if we do, why don't we name them these. My guess is if they are different they wouldn't care a whole lot. Otherwise I mean I guess -- our 911 people tell us three roads ought to have three roads. I don't know that I care what the names are. If you all have prefrpbz preferences, we ought to go to 911. My guess is if there are roads in the general vicinity with the same names, I don't know why they wouldn't agree with us. Does that make any sense? I don't see us just not --
>> why they did do this when they did it originally -- four years ago we went through this same process.
>> and we will tell them this is the last time this will be done.
>> there you go.
>> it can't be dessau because we had dessau north, south, east, west.
>> my name is john craddick. I am 911. My wife and I are both emergency responders. I知 a volunteer firefighter. I believe this plan that's proposed is consistent with what the county is proposed as far as identifying roads. Circle j road has been named circle j road, yet it takes a hard left, but there's a sign that says circle j road that way. We're talking about naming the easement that I知 on to circle just a moment loop and the other to lane. 911 has polled, from what I understand, has polled the effected property owners. The majority of the property owners have voted to change it to circle j lane. Yes, it's inconvenient to change your address, but in the long term I think this is consistent with what we want to do as far as identifying streets for better e.m.s. Response. We spend a lot of time in northwest Travis County looking for addresses on 911 calls. 1431 and shar road, I went on one the other day and it ended up being in burnet county. Another one was up on shar road so our emergency response could be sphaoeded up by better identification of the lanes. I don't think it matters that circle j road takes a hard left. Those people have lived up there a long time. A lot longer than the rest of us. So --
>> okay.
>> obviously I知 in favor of changing it to circle j lane.
>> you want it to be as recommended here.
>> and as voted on by the majority of the property owners. They've already been polled and revote. To do that seems like a waste of time. [multiple voices]
>> I didn't vote.
>> the one that takes a hard left, you are recommending what?
>> circle j spur.
>> okay. And the one that takes a hard right, you are recommending what?
>> people know that as circle j loop. What I知 saying is I don't think the way it's platted on there is correct because I don't think the easement goes that far but you can do as you please.
>> the middle one you want road. [multiple voices]
>> like it is. And just name the easements. That's the way 911 sent out the questionnaires or the votes and that's how we responded.
>> he talks about, mr. Neighbor, did you get any --
>> what was sent out was this piece of paper right here, as I recall. I don't know what the majority. We were not privy to what the majority put on that. 911 got this.
>> no, but did you get a chance to weigh in as --
>> this is my response. I did respond to that.
>> okay. But you were outvoted?
>> I don't know. Nobody -- I don't know the outcome of that.
>> if he voted no, he must have been outvoted or it wouldn't have been on the agenda.
>> you say you all are neighbors out there? [laughter]
>> we share a boat dock, yeah.
>> none of you are planning to resubdivide. Actually I have done been through this twice and that's my problem with this is it's a huge inconvenience for business cards and websites and mailing addresses and everything else. And I don't understand the need for it. We've been out there now since the last time without any problem. 911 is going to -- isn't going to find us any easier by changing the names again.
>> but if we don't take action today and close the public hearing and touch base with 911 for any suggestions, have it posted for action next week and we will leave it this is the last time we want to go through the name change.
>> I agree. My other question is circle j spur or circle j lane because we have two conflicting pieces of evidence here. This has lane on the agenda. This says spur on what was sent out by 911.
>> right, what we have on the agenda are lane, loop and road.
>> I understand.
>> and lane and loop were what was voted on. By the majority. Because that's changed from spur to lane. But if you look at the records that 911 has, you will see circle j lane with the property owners' signature and you will see four or five of those and maybe a couple opposed.
>> okay.
>> well, judge, I mean I --
>> this used to be precinct 2 as well.
>> I mean I知 going to come down on the e.m.s. Side on this deal. I mean especially if you sent information out, you had a vote or whatever. This is a no brainer for me. Let's get it over with.
>> then lots follow the original plat that shows circle j and circle j subdivision not going up the hill.
>> unfortunately that is oftentimes not possible especially on a lot of our lake subdivisions. If you have any include what we went through on low man's crossing and spur and everything, people put things on original plats that just are incompatible with 911 addressing. Everybody chose the same names. And it's all over the place. And we had it on dessau in the east. It went north, south, east and west. And it was the same road. It was crazy.
>> so you want to act on this today?
>> I mean I知 ready to take action today.
>> the recommendation is sharp left is the continuation of the road. The middle one lane. And the sharp right loop. That's what's in our backup. And.
>> and that will be consistent with what 911 is and that's what I would move.
>> well, not yet though. We'll have to move it under item 15, which we will reach after we discuss the subdivision item. I知 afraid to say when it will come up, but it will. Anybody else to give testimony during this public hearing?
>> when it comes up again, we don't talk again, right?
>> unless you have something new, innovative and very convincing to say. [laughter]
>> thank you very much.
>> thank you.
>> anybody else to speak at the public hearing? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. That will be action item number 15 which re hopefully will call up momentarily.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:02 AM